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Comment Re:Neville Chamberlin was not available for commen (Score 3, Insightful) 230

what a lot of people don't realise is that after he came back from placating hitler he increased military spending significantly. If not for him, when war broke out Britain would have been squashed.

This is whats called 'international diplomacy' and was actually pretty masterful; he delayed the start of the war and ensured that Britain was prepared for it.

Comment Re:Also... (Score 1) 130

Nothing wrong with being wrong with confidence. Sounds like the majority of humanity the majority of the time.

Oh, it definitely sounds like the majority of humanity the majority of the time. I just don't think it's one of our more admirable traits.

In our case, it's necessary, because we evolved with mediocre brains. I'd like to see our successors do better. They aren't yet, which is what this article is pointing out. This promising system isn't ready yet. It's just not wrong for the reasons that the GGP post thought.

Comment Re:How? (Score 1) 83

Those require certain filesystem attributes to be set regardless of what the name on the file is.

On the other hand, if your OS and user shell and email application simply avoid the equivalent of "bash you-don'", you easily avoid a lot of this nonsense.

You would never consider taking random things you find on the floor or street and putting them in your mouth, but that's exactly what some "modern" software does.

Comment Re:How do you do that? (Score 1) 589

You can't take down a full movie theatre with one suicide bomber, you would need several (at least one for each screen, somehow synchronized to maximize damage).

So you attend several ahead of time and plant bombs while you're there, there's loads of places in the average theater where you could hide an explosive. Then you set them off by cellphone. It's not rocket surgery. That nobody has done this already proves just how few terrists there actually are active on merican soil.

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