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Comment Glaing Error (Score -1, Flamebait) 305

Note the huge error, the denial of those persons, their culture and their heritage "sacred sites in Hawaiian religion and culture". This repeated denial of equal existence by Immigrants that stole the land but deny the people. It is not "sacred sites in Hawaiian religion and culture", a denial that they are American, it is "sacred sites in Hawaiian American, religion and culture". They are meant to be Americans, their culture and religion are mean to be American culture and religion and not somehow be publicly defined as be foreign and those people are being foreigners. This is repeated again and again in immigrant dominated societies, the complete denial of those original inhabitants as being real citizens, they are foreigners in the own land, who hold foreign non-Immigrant cultures and beliefs and whose history is not Immigrant America, it is foreign to Immigrant America but the immigrant capitalists of course still want that land whilst they was want to denying the people and who those people are. Hawaii culture and religion is 'American' culture and religion and you are horribly racist and prejudiced if you believe any different (one element of it, of course, not the totality of American culture and religion). They are meant to be Americans and hence their culture and religion are meant to be American and not denied by immigrants as being somehow foreign to those immigrants and thus denied in a country now predominately occupied and controlled by foreign immigrants.

Comment Re:Death to reboots (Score 1) 137

Nope a definitely a reboot of an idea. That very subtle change in the whole idea of a corporate executive putting lives over money. No longer the ugly white douche but a fuckable sweety, oh gee, she didn't mean to get all those people killed when she put profits ahead of people and even risked the lives of her own family, she is still the heroine. It's not the corporate executives, no it's all the evil scientists plotting and scheming in the background.

The main stream media idea of corporate executives not to be held accountable for killing huge numbers of people when they make self serving greed based decisions and in fact they are to be commended for their pragmatic decisions and worshipped when they stumble through the life following the decisions of a from the gut thinker. Kill the scientists, the dinosaur loving scientists, it is all their fault.

Comment Re:Phase out fossil-fueled power plants by midcent (Score 1) 308

The other alternative is an honest government is elected, audit the Federal reserve, point out it fraudulent and conspiratorial nature, seize it's assets, throw it's executives and investors in prison, seizing their assets and voilÃ, no debt, in fact likely a very high surplus. That money that is owed is owed to someone and when that someone can legally pretend to have money to lend and the claim repayment via real assets, logically that is fraud and a conspiracy and they should be in jail.

Comment Re:Not surprising... (Score 5, Insightful) 181

What a load of crap. The Major ISPs want to become content publishers, nothing more and nothing less. They want a 30% hit from all the content sold on their networks.

The internet, the digital highway, needs to be as regulated as every other road for smooth traffic flow. Imagine a sick corporate world, where you are forced to pull over to allow a corporate executive through and if you do not move over fast enough, forced straight off the road. Imagine roads run as revenue operations, fines for everything, penalties for excess use, penalties for not using it enough, all you movements subject to review. Imagine wanting to drive to one place only to be forced to drive somewhere else instead. Imagine tolls on every road and footpath. Imagine someone else owning your driveway, front path and garage. Imagine being charge for having more stuff in you car when you use roads, four people four tolls, full boot, extra fees. That is corporate freedom in roads just as they would implement it on the digital highway.

Comment Re: And so, what is wrong with this? (Score 1) 83

Have you not being paying attention? Why twenty five years, because some countries have been getting worse, USA, much worse and some countries have been getting better Russia and China. Yet main stream media claims the exact opposite of reality because of course they are part of that corporate empire, that psychopathic empire and all so vulnerable because it is only a few troubled pathetic individuals in their crazed delusions orchestrating things. No grand conspiracy of course, no course to the future, just self serving egoistic chaos. A few individuals who inherited more power than they should have and who have exposed themselves and now placed themselves under great risk. For a bunch of countries, they are a great threat, one that can pretty readily and safely be eliminated and as a result pretty much stall the western military industrial complex.

Comment Re:That's no domestic surveillance (Score 2, Insightful) 98

More importantly once a virus is targeted at someone, anyone, that virus is released into the wild, where it will be captured, decoded, recoded and sent back out to commit crimes. Basically you have organised crime going on in security organisation meant to be upholding the law and as a result supplying those viral tools to criminals to be used against the citizens those security organisations are meant to be protecting.

Quite simply a global mass extortion campaign targeted at all sitting and potential politicians the world over, so no matter what their citizens want, those corrupted politicians will support the demands of the US military industrial complex and fascist capitalism. How many politicians are enacting the most perverse laws against the wishes of the citizens but align with US corporate demands.

Comment Re:I'm surprised this made the front page (Score 1) 233

How about less focus on the idiot box and much more focus on direct active involvement in politics. Numbers are on the side of social democracy, it is just up to the people to become politicially active.

Main stream media pumps political advertising because it hugely profits by it, generating billions in revenue every election season and this number growing.

The idiot box must be abandoned and people actually talking to people promoted. Does not even have to be in person, localised socio political forums should be the way forward for political discussion.

Comment Re:XP? OK. But, Office? (Score 1) 192

Now if the government is paying for the full cost of patching and bug fixes, why the fuck haven't they negotiated to release what citizens taxes have already paid for to the citizens that paid for it. Why does M$ get a role out a big ole fuck you to the citizens that paid for that work to be done.

Comment Re: And so, what is wrong with this? (Score 1) 83

Yep, the US via NATO doesn't want to end it's occupation of Europe but the pressure is on to remove US troops from more influential likely to become ex-NATO countries. NATO of course pumps war because the military industrial complex demands it and it drives fear because the dominant country does not ever want its military to leave Europe. Which country has murdered more people than the rest of the world combined in the last 25 years, in fact the only way other countries come close to catching up is joining the Imperialist US wars. Plenty of marketing and propaganda but the reality is, most of the world's countries are totally sick of the US military as controlled by the US military industrial complex and want to end it's scattered occupation of the entire planet.

Comment Re:question (Score 1) 163

The real question is, whether the problem with artificial ingredients, is just a problem with regard to specific artificial ingredients that are just selected to mimic a specific characteristic of a natural ingredients (flavour, odour, texture, anti-biotic activity) with little regard to the other characteristics of that artificial ingredient and those other characteristics causing problems.

Would a completely artificial food, properly engineering for safe consumption and low allergen characteristics with an indigestible fibre added for digestive function be a suitable goal. Logically it could prove far safer than genetic manipulation and ever increasing levels of toxins in the environment. Rather than fake food pretending to be natural food how about actual completely engineered artificial foods. Taste is important though, as it allows active dietary control via flavour profiles, a preference for particular minerals via varying flavour preferences.

Comment Re:Capital of bad drivers (Score 1) 203

Is that the greater city area or just the centre portion zoned as being the local government district. I have noticed more and more fudging going on, where positive propaganda calls up greater city statistics and negative reports are down played by only calling up the specific city centre local government.

Want safer cities with regards to cars, have less cars and that means substantively bigger buildings, where people can work, live and play within the one structure and receive services support from directly adjoining major structures. Arcologies would have to become the norm else, cities will choke to death with traffic problems and making traffic flow worse will certainly no solve problems just lead to permanent traffic jams and economic avoidance of problem traffic areas.

Comment Re: And so, what is wrong with this? (Score 0) 83

Of course the fundamentalist capitalists are the real concern. The zealot high priests of capitalism have of course actively corrupted UK intelligence organisation to turn them into anti-activism and anti-union organisation with a distinct Tory flavour, this after the active corruption of the Labour Party leadership by the same corrupt organisations.

All sorts of strange crap going on. First anti-EU and the pro-Eu, next joining in the push to move NATO forces eastward or is that just trying to kick as many US soldiers out of western Europe and force them on the Eastern Europeans, they can no put up with that drunken rapey bunch. Eastern Europe of course under pressure to take them because of their economies being hit by trade problems with Russia caused by the US and EU sanctions (sanctions to be dropped once the shift of US occupation forces from western Europe to Eastern Europe - suckers). All on internet censorship, anti hacking except when they do it, even against there on citizens upon a massive scale (that of course is anti-political activism and nothing to do with terrorism).

Right now Europe is far more scared of the US going out of control than they are of Russia and the UK seems to be hopping from one foot to the other, language seeming to be insufficient to keep five eyes 'er' ole one eye and four blind mice together (ole one eye just tells way too many lies, way to often, especially to it's so called allies).

Comment Re:How about (Score 1) 268

Just pay taxes and demand a rise in taxes for the 1million plus range, a huge rise. Face it so many scammy charities and they often end up getting corrupted because of a short term flood of donations only to be ignored the rest of time but the scam artists get the taste from donations floods and then bleed the charities dry during lean times.

Why the government, because of least they will prosecute scam artists when they get caught cheating government welfare (not so much corporate welfare but certainly individual and organisation welfare). Also the welfare contributions tend to be more uniform, more organised and checked more often and the steady income tends to produce much more sound spending habits, rather than the flavour of the month boom and then bust. Not to forget the hundreds of millions of dollars wasted on advertising for charities to generate donations all that money spent on the richest and greediest media organisations.

Comment Re:No it is just grandstanding (Score 1) 307

I was talking about the US government press officers at press conferences acting in complete denial of what 'their' elected government representatives are saying in public. They all count, they are the government, when they pump war they are inciting mass murder, when the speak corruptly in favour of corporations that is the US government doing that. Yet the press officers at government organised press conferences routinely act in denial of that actual representative influence on government policy, they in effect deny the democratic functioning of government. Elected representatives of the US government are going to have to start taking global responsibility and that is in a bad way to be clear, for the public announcements that they make, every time they speak in public.

Comment Re:Is this important? (Score 1) 76

Hows this for click bait Pay careful attention to the nature of both books by that author, what the titles seem to claim and what most knowledgeable people really understand about both of those situations.

"The smartest kids in the world and how they got that way" - one simple paragraph, they were born with the right genes into the right socio economic environment (buying the book will in, no way, shape or form alters this). "The unthinkable who survives when disaster strikes' - one simple paragraph again, either you are lucky or not as random situations over which you have little or no control play out. What are the books selling, pretty much scammy false hope that buying the books will turn you children into geniuses and make you meteor proof.

Reality in a terrorist situation, you are just as likely to get killed charging the terrorist as running away, depending upon which direction the terrorist faces when and depending where random chance places you when the terrorist event starts and the method chosen. Blocked at an exit with everyone else trying to do exactly the same thing, shot in in back or trampled in the panic, those nearest the exit get away and those furthest tend to die or Charging the terrorist because you are close enough. Well, the more that do it the fewer that die, simple hard up fact, you might not survive but then it is you choice how you die and the way you will be remembered and there is a chance you will end the attack and survive with you genitals intact (nothing wrong with female heroes and the whole idea of feminine cowering in fear, kind of last millennium).

The narcissist lie, how we can only survive as an individual looking out for no one but ourselves, the hard reality, the only way we survive is by doing so together, through thick or thin. The more we work together and the more we cooperate, the more we succeed and ensure 'OUR' survival.

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