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Comment Re:You mean NEOs like Russia? (Score 1) 272

Radiation and mutational evolution go really well together. So a global war will pretty much guarantee those at the simplest end of the evolutionary path, bacteria and viruses will tend to leap ahead (numbers are on their side, seriously on their side) means that a major planetary extinct will soccer and only the simplest organism will survive as they are evolutionary able to keep up with short life cycles and high numbers. There is simply huge mass of vary toxic materials in cities that simply should not be burnt and released into the atmosphere.

So a real extinction race, nuclear winter, nuclear radiation, released pollution toxins and bacterial and virus evolution ahead of much more slowly evolving complex species. Yeah, we would be fucked.

Back to meteors, if you need to do it in a desperate hurry it might be better to do nothing, because one meteor whilst still hugely destructive might be better than a radio active dust cloud on the same course. Still with proper planning and preparation, there is something very worthwhile about a astronomical impact defence, like our continued survival as a society and as a species.

Comment Re:Ban Memories (Score 1) 161

This is about total corporate control of government. This is about every corporation knowing the political alignment of individuals and their being able to turn citizens into non-persons, no jobs, no access to services, no access to travel, no credit, basically to enable corporations to economically destroy people if they don't vote right and they do not support corporate control of the country.

Comment Re:No it is just grandstanding (Score 3, Interesting) 307

From the Russian point of view the only reason the US government investigated it and sough prosecution was because Russian is the next country to get the World Cup. The side show venting about the moon is because he didn't think about the corruption involved in the US getting the Olympics. So the Russians government does not care about the various US moon missions (at least in the past everything is changing now as the push is on to get back there, obviously this is secret that has just subconsciously leaked out), just empty bitching and a possible security blunder.

Look at all the stupid shit American politicians say, seriously stupid shit that doesn't even hint of benign as the FIFA investigation. Every time any Russian says anything it is Putin's fault or the whole Russian governments fault. Yet the endless stream of bullshit spouting out from the whackddoodles that infest the US congress and senate is considered as not being from the US government at all this by the US government.

Comment Re:I'm working on apps without passwords (Score 2, Interesting) 124

The big shift should be away from passwords and to passkeys. So you install the same passkey generating app on multiple devices and when you enter the same password on multiple devices, the app generates a different rotating different passkey for each separate site that device access. So you password never passes beyond your device and the app sets up a procedurally generated passkey that varies with ever access and the passkey accepting app handshakes to ensure that the passkey changes align, the server app also requires different keys from different devices, again changing upon every access.

So from an end user point of view, one passphrase accessing everything they connect to (likely at least one more passphrase for more secure banking services), with the app generating keys to access services with the client server app having established the pattern for future procedurally generated keys, so they match as the continually change upon each access. You would then need to be able to sync clients devices, so they can access the same site from multiple devices, this just tends to be more of accepting different keys from different devices for the same access, so the server just becomes aware of them and likely checks with the orginating device where possible for establishing new device access. When that fails normal extended authentication is required to re-establish a passkey pattern ie confirmation of personal details, email confirmation et al this to re-establish access between passkey client and passkey server.

So it requires an agreed standard and protocol to be used by all.

Comment Re:speaking as an engineer, it happens. (Score 1) 323

It is like people completely totally and utterly miss the point of FOSS. Linus Torvalds is most definitely not the gatekeeper of Linux (as far as M$ is concerned I should mutter a genuflection when I utter that name in order to be the zealot they consider me). Linus Torvalds manages one Linux repository, just one of many. As the spirit of all those who have touched Linux and promoted it (hate to sound preachy but it is in keeping with mocking of Tiny Limp the beast of Redmond) remains and remains in plurality, so that no matter what happens, the most popular kernel at any time or distribution in terms of application of that kernel, will be what ever the majority choose it to be.

That majority includes corporations, governments and individuals. All get to choose what goes in the flavour of Linux they want, that choice unfortunately being limited by knowledge and understanding, only the high priests of FOSS actually get to choose code (yeah mocking the softies again, adding humour to the rather dreary topic of death).

Comment Re:Say Good By to the Rainforests .... (Score 1) 851

There are many oils to choose from, each with it's taste. Good examples are peanut oil and sunflower seed oil, both with specific tastes and high temperature use characteristics. Of course for lower temperatures butter simply tastes best.

Vegetable oil is a mix of the cheapest junk available at the time and you should definitely avoid it. Lard of course will suffer from limited availability, so only used to achieve specific tastes. Not to forget of course olive oil but that tends to suffer from lower temperature limits before burning.

Comment Re:Hmmm ... (Score 1) 20

A computer bug can be a vary poor investment. To use it means exposing it to discovery and that could mean serious consequences. In fact others might well be fully aware of the bug and simply be actively monitoring it's activity, this as bugs often remain unfixed and secret for quite some time after discovery. Accessory before the fact crimes can have quite severe penalties and the claim of being unaware of intent is likely to fail.

Obviously the biggest benefit in detecting and fixing bugs is not the immediate remuneration but in gaining reputation and the increases in remuneration that would likely bring. So more of a bonus, as long as Google publishes and details the efforts of those companies and individuals.

Comment Re:Fair use case (Score 1) 125

If the whole page was published along with it's ads then Sunday Time received free publication and access to customers it would otherwise have not reached, so not loss in fact they got free benefit.

The real problem is the reality that News Corporation is the first media empire in history that is actively not trusted and in fact loathed by a substantial portion of humanity. It it's core markets it is hated. Seriously that search "Fox reporter attacked" 27,100 results, just that exact phrase.

We are talking a media empire in serious trouble of imploding as it loses the majority of it's audience to old age and they will not be replacing them because they are a very peculiar audience in deed. The majority also suffering from the mental disablement of lead poisoning, hence the gullibility and poor social and moral balance. Which means the next generation to age will not be going to News Corporation as they are not suffering from lead poisoning to the same degree.

In all likelihood News Corporation will never recover from this taint and in order to recover some investor value it will need to be broken up and the pieces sold off to other media empires.

Comment Re:Good thing Slashdot isn't in the EU (Score 3, Interesting) 401

Still comments need to be separated in the three distinct classes of comment, threats, intent to deceive for gain and opinions.

The claim that forums can monitor all comments is intent by that court in the most corrupt fashion imaginable to silence all forums that can not 'AFFORD' full time comment regulators to read and evaluate every comment, this with the express intent of purposefully creating a price barrier for commenting.

This to shut down all public forums in favour of empty propaganada forums that just pretend to be public as they are fully funded with the express intent of censoring all comments that do not adhere to corporate message. The European court Human Rights actively working to deny the right of 'FREE' speech and ensure only 'PAID' speech is allowed on public media channels, because factually it needs to be 'PAID' in order to be professionally moderated.

Comment Re:Why now and not at release time. (Score -1, Troll) 193

You do realise you have very rich adults trying to cheat children out of the pocket money don't you? So no, it is extraordinarily foul and offensive and the adults the cheat children should be reviled. Be proud M$ofties you company is cheating millions of children of millions of dollars, woohoo, what a success story. So what's the new scam can M$ marketing professionals, come up with to cheat children of their pocket money, not that they are on their own in this, patting themselves on the back when they manage to trick and manipulate children choices, there are plenty of other corrupt corporations employing psychopaths who do exactly the same thing.

Comment Re:KeePassX (Score 2) 206

I would recommend that people install network alarms. All networks will have a particular set of data transmission patterns, that are accept and normal. The very first time a data packet contains a binary signature of an undesirable pattern (instruction, unexpected data transmission), that connection should be blocked at the router, a signal sent to a monitoring station and the connection either allowed to continue or blocked. There are quite simply some data packets, with their embedded binary signatures that should not exist when the system is functioning normally and that connection should be immediately terminated. It would mean slowing down the network to cache and inspect packets as a series to get a better feel for the content but in security terms it would be worthwhile.

Some instructions should simply not be occurring and when they do, the system needs to block them, how radical the block will depend upon the instruction risk and it's source. The best thing to monitor the activities of a computer is another computer and there are a range of computer instruction that should simply never appear on a normally functioning computer network.

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