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Comment Re:so why is ApplePay required (Score 2, Insightful) 375

Apart from of course getting to mind your own business when paying cash as does the seller and of course no credit fraud which is not blamed on the victim, the seller allowing credit but on an innocent party and of course very simple budgeting based upon what you can afford to spend rather than what you can afford to borrow and pay a ton of interest on. There are also all those middle men who inevitably demand more and more of the transaction as they become more essential and more of a monopoly. 1% so becomes 5% and with content even 15% or 30%, just look at games consoles, you pay without ever leaving home and exactly how much do Sony, M$ and Nintendo charge, well, we really never know because most customers would spit if they knew how much of their money was being syphoned off. Cash as it turns out is much cheaper especially when cartel monopolies kick in, adding fees, charges, interests and just out and out greed to the cost of doing business. Give me cash any day.

Comment Re:TIt-for-tat fallacy (Score 1) 213

Ahh, yes, where would war be without the 1% psychopaths whom normally make up 15% of the prison population, oh yeah, it's called diplomacy. Any parasite can be 'considered' to be part of the host upon which it preys, be it a intestinal worm or a cancer or even a surgeon that performs unnecessary surgery to pay for their new porsche but are they necessary or just like the unnecessary surgery or the dentist the drills a couple of hidden holes, completely undesirable. Our next trick is how to rid ourselves of them, that 15% recidivist prison population means an awful lot of victims and that's just the ones who are caught. Often they surgeon can leave behind a trail of victims running up to the hundreds before they are caught out and stopped. Seriously given knowledge what sane person would place their lives in the hands of a psychopath surgeon, keeping in mind whilst psychopaths most certainly do plot and scheme together, they know better than to trust each other. As for generations of knowledge, history has shown us exactly what monarchists and autocrats and conquerors and of course mass murderers can teach us taught us that along with crime prevention research already being conducted in prisons.

Comment Re:Antiquated technology (Score 1) 342

How about paying more attention to a mobile phone than the traffic lights, that's how I ended up on the receiving end. Biggest problem with driving, people do to much of it, become complacent and allow themselves to become distracted and make a mistake. Most times people get away with these mistakes but sometimes the odds just catch up. Driving is exceedingly dangerous business, wastes a lot of resources, generates a positively huge amount of pollution, kills millions of people every year and harms tens of millions beyond that. We need to reconsider the design of our cities with a focus of eliminating the care and make use of other forms of extended range personal transport.

I am starting to think the reason so many people drink and do drugs is because of the stress of driving ;D.

Comment Re:authorities? (Score 1) 166

To late the woolly jumbuck of New Zealand politics has already rudely had it's hind legs dropped into the front of the US government's gumboots and is now if for the ride of it's life, even as New Zealanders crow about the advantages of the Russia trade sanctions against Australia as a result of the current Australia government being a blatant puppet of the US government. Ahh yes, the US government the friend you have when you want to be democratised to death.

Comment Re:Total Boondoggle (Score 0) 289

From my understanding of warp technology and travelling faster than light, hmm, I look no further than electricity and what we have done with that once we started to understand 'some' aspects of it. So, hmm, gravity, what will we be able to achieve once we start to understand some aspects of that, likley, faster than light travel will be no problem at all once we start to crack the gravity nut.

Humans, get some really high ideas about the selves, one step up from chimpanzees, solve a few puzzles and than they always believe they know it all. We are only just starting to learn what there is to learn.

Comment Re:Tort System (Score 0) 233

So who should pay for the far, far and away more dangerous pass time for teenagers of getting behind the wheel of a car. All sporting injuries combined for teenagers over a whole year, whilst sad are nothing at all compared to traffic accidents in just one week. For sports to catch up they would have to turn into all out gladiatorial combat with spiked clubs and axes and even then they would still not catch up to the carnage on the roads, especially by those suffering 'affluenza' those born rich and privileged who not give a crap about the harm they cause on the roads. Besides I though highschool american football caused far more harm to young girls than it ever has to those douche athletes.

Comment Re:TIt-for-tat fallacy (Score 2) 213

The error you make, is claiming that human societies have only just begun to over exploit the environment. Humans have a track record via disappeared societies of selfishly and greedily over exploiting their environments. There any many examples across the whole planet. The difference now is via an increasing percentage of psychopathically greedy and selfish humans, parasitically destroying the societies they are a part of, we have have the opportunity to do it upon a global scale.

Psychopaths will routinely defend psychopathy and there is no IQ limit on the lack of an autonomic empathic response or extreme shallowness of emotions, so psychopaths with doctorates will routinely distort and even fabricate their research to favour personal goals. In this case the continued ability of destructive and parasitic psychopaths to continue to hide amongst their victims and of course to defend their insane behaviour as somehow being normal and in their own insane minds being more evolved even though it more readily aligns with lizard like thinking rather than social mammalian responses.

Human societies evolve along with humans, it is not just the most successful humans but the most successfully human societies. The evolutionary measure of success of course does not measure our short term generational measure of success but will look at thousands even tens of thousands of generations. No matter how great short term success might look, it is still no measure of long term evolutionary success, as measured over hundreds of thousands of years.

Comment Re:Which is why girls dominate game making... (Score 1) 312

Is it really a choice or is it just genetic programming. Those brain chemical triggers are based upon what you have been programmed with and will get you to do what ever you have been programmed with and reinforced over time, to keep those tasty brain chemicals flowing and the yeach ones at bay. Your body seriously enjoys those tasty brain chemicals because with the, 'feast or famine', release of stored energy and trace elements that your body manages, happy brain means releasing a feast rather than conserving due to harsh times. So how much of that is a hunter versus a gatherer response, keeping in mind carrying child evolves a gatherer response over a hunter response. Hmm, I wonder whether female computer programmers would actually design a better computer programming language than male computer programmers even when males are using it?

Comment Re:No Way Out (Score 3, Insightful) 720

Noisy PC, erm yeah right. This is all about "pay more attention to me, Me, ME" and that gaming computer is just the first target.

So with the claim of a noisy computer the response is either get the significant other gaming or you just might have made a huge mistake. A quieter computer is bound to turn into an ugly computer that doesn't match the other furnishings or the screen is to bright and distracts from viewing the idiot box or you are a child for playing computer games and should just grow up or, well, you get the idea.

Comment Re:All of this is extralegal (Score 2) 187

You seem to fail to grasp the difference between innocent before being guilty and the corrupt nature of modern 'US' law enforcement using charges as extortion and using the prosecutorial process as punishment to force certain kinds of 'ILLEGAL' behaviour. So net neutrality goes hand in hand with common carrier status and is required just like the favourite slashdot analogy road and no local government, state and federal government should not be prosecuted for all the illegal actions on public roads and the internet is the digital equivalent of a public road.

So the real question facing us now is should the internet be paid for by taxes and a minimum broad band standard provided to everyone for free, so as to save the whole community money, in terms of billing costs, repeated management and corporate douche baggery and demand for infinite profits. Just imagine what public roads would be like if there was a toll on every footpath, every road, every intersection, every bridge and every driveway leading to that road. So the internet as freely available infrastructure with everyone saving or tolls upon tolls upon tolls, which really makes the most sense.

Comment Re: But will it hold? (Score 1) 138

Dark ages most apt. The demands for energy now are what is needed to clean up our environment and it will take a lot of energy to do that. The need to more fairly distribute energy access across the globe along with the spread of global information as the benefits that are provided by easy access to energy become obvious to those that are currently energy starved. The balance is pretty clear, the greater the access to energy, the less natural resources that are required to supply human needs, the more land than can be left and returned to the natural environment and the cleaner and more efficient our society can become. We have already passed the point of no return, either we substantively improve the way we are doing things or the consequences will be very grim not only for us but for most life sharing this planet with us.

Comment Re: But will it hold? (Score 1) 138

If they nuclear power industry were anywhere near a powerful as you claim, they would have kicked the crap out of the coal industry as well as banning the infernal combustion engine. So Nuclear remains a viable backup power source to cover the next 50 to 100 years until a more advance power source is available and a more advanced society can be trusted with it. The big shift in nuclear needs to be away from high output short term energy supply to low output long term energy supply, far simpler pulsed output designs or radiant panel style (keep in mind solar panels are nuclear powered, heh, heh). We really need to stop burning crap and not just because of CO2 but because of all the other pollutants it introduces into our environment.

The demands for energy will grow substantially over time especially as there is an inherent balance between trying to exploit new resources and more effective recycling of existing materials reliant on energy use, there is also more industrialised farming like aquaponics that use more energy and less water and land and something like water is also extremely bound to energy availability. The lies of water shortages are just that, the reality is it is all about corporate greed and the availability of 'cheap' water versus expensive stored, recycled and cleaned water. Turning potable drinkable water into polluted rubbish via industrial processes simply because it is cheaper is psychopathically insane. The law for water should be simple and clear cut, you pollute it, than you pay to treat and clean it, we do it at residential level, most of us pay to have our sewerage treated, often energy neutral if they recover the methane created during the process.

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