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Comment Re:Result should be that Huawei and other CCP (Score 1) 18

Which is worse, the corporate tech giants or government. Who mass censors, who spies on you without a warrant, who denies you existence as a human being, who bombards you with messaging demaning you consumer more and then chastises you for doing so, who data mines your private, who corrupts democracy the most. Hey wait up, I know the answer to that, who is fucking worse than Government, yes, the big tech corporations are by far the worst. Would I trust their research NO, they lie all the fucking time.

Prove it in court you fucking endless lying not just a little but all the damn fucking time, bullshit tech corporations. Why the fuck should anyone believe you, WHY, you get caught lying all the fucking time and you spew out this bullshit like we should believe you. FUCK OFF.

Want to make a claim, prove it in court.

Comment Re:Are they? (Score 1) 168

They got everything they want out of your country and fuck you, they want you to pay their taxes, not matter how fucking much they make, millions of times more than you, they want you to pay their taxes. It's greed, that is exactly what it looks like, exactly how it behaves. It takes and takes and takes and demands you share, you must share, but it never does, apart from scummy charity washing a fraction of the taxes they cheat with. Destroy them break up the corporation or continue to be stupid and do nothing. I am betting stupid.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 0, Troll) 277

Why, because you are a tool of the Soviet Unions, 'er', Russia if you do not take vaccine. A filthy spy, a betrayer of your nation. Who we have the right to torture and punish, so what if vaccine make you sick, so fucking what you filthy nobody if it kills you, obey dog, obey.

Yeah olde ramping up of the bullshit to force people to take vaccine, youch. Yeah go fuck yourselves, already had the virus over a year ago. Like a lot of people.

Probability outcomes for early onset menopause are pretty damn high. In reality the safer vaccine to take for the same outcomes the TB BCH one they buried, far safer and just as effective single dose, no profit. They did actively bury the test results and all, crazy sick fuckers at WHO owned be wee willie gates the turd.

Comment Re:This few? And this badly camouflaged? (Score -1, Troll) 44

Yeah, it's look ohh ahh 350 fake accounts. Whats the norm for high profile pommie propaganda that slides on through, 35,000 350,000 how many fake likes and promo do you want, pay and you will get it. How about all the corporate crap, propganda pushers who never loose subcribers, fake views, fake likes, FAKE, FAKE, FAKE.

This story FAKE, who cares, 350 accounts, the number so low, it looks like they were created by those wishing to expose them. From where does the story come, ohh, it's the British Bullshit Corporations, nows that's sprawling the home of hundreds of thousands of fake accounts, sprawling across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube each, not total.

All this crap, the entirely corrupt aristocracy of the UK, using their hierarchy to force the natural order, the UK aristocracy dominates over the Chinese, blatantly using extortion to try to force a trade deal with China. Not even fucking joking "Typically, Tories defend the ideas of hierarchy, natural order, and aristocracy." this bullshit from a country with an entirely undemocratic upper house House of Lords (note those slimey fuckers just recently edited their Wikipedia page to try to make the most racist and prejudice political body on the planet look less so, so fucking lame, pommie cunts).

This bullshit for trade to serve the greed of the UK aristocracy, seriously, this is what this story is really about, those sick fuckers who believe it is the natural order for them to rule through a hierarchy over us common muck. Why are you even paying attention to those undemocratic twonks, until the House of Lords is gone, the poms should be shunned by all democratic nations.

Comment Re:yes, if you pay (Score 1) 47

See that is the rub, it requires economies of scale to recycle properly. All the waste, you consider dirt, not pieces to be recycled, just dirt to be mined and you treat it as such. Grind all that shite up to a fine power and feed it to a process line, where it goes through a series of refinement processes to extract desired molecules and break down undesired molecules into more desired molecules. Nothing left over but fertiliser, safe fertiliser, even heavy metals have worth, but it requires economy of scale, it needs to be quite large, huge capital investment, the problem cost, transport of material to the facility, not the facility which is a mine and refinery.

You use magnets, you use solutions, you use centrifuges, you get it all out. All heavy metals including gold, rare earths, what ever has value to be sold. Supplying the energy problematic, offshore windfarms surplus supply. Very big building, interesting structure, must contain atmosphere and keep operators safe. Refining operations attached to it's length. The order of refining operations critical, ones waste becomes anothers source material.

Comment Re: "Confirmed" (Score 0) 62

You all like really don't get it. Apple wanted to put constraints onto what you could store on their servers. They were being cheap greedy bastards and dumping as much of the cost on you as possible, think processing time that cost billions, they shifted that cost back to you, to cheap to pay for extra servers, processing time costs, so ah hah, make you pay for it. The problem, it makes it look like your phone is spying on you, it sells better, as all future photos stored on the cloud 'ney' Apple iCloud Servers (defining who owns them) will be scanned for illegal content (the extra processing time would have cost billions, plus existing photos, change of contract, scanning them so, all future photos is more contractual correct).

From the consumer point of view, with regard to privacy. Probably best response, fuck off with your cloud bullshit, I will only accept private 'SERVER' space. They can bullshit with cloud language who owns what but they can not bullshit with private 'SERVER' space, it is private, not for sharing unless you choose to do so.

However the flipside is there, any content you share is not longer in your private 'SERVER' space but in their network space being shared. So only content being read from another account should be scanned when it is being read from another account, not the orginal account which is private server space. Cloud is bullshit language and should not legally be trusted.

Comment Re:This is no surprise (Score 1) 46

Young people who have actual knowledge of tech, get the knowledge of tech from tech and most often in association with tech parents or close relatives. Young people who get their knowledge of tech from TV are the liberal arts schools version of young people with tech knowledge (oohh aahh, they know how to switch it off and switch it back on when it locks up), rather than the STEM version of young people with actual tech knowledge (who know how to program it to switch on and off). Heh, heh, so mean ;).

Comment Re:meh (Score 0) 315

Cities do not adapt, people die. Farms do not adapt people starve. This is man made climate change and can be stopped.

Can we keep this snap shot of time going in the future of course we can cave man.

Me I am not a psychopath and can not stand by and watch millions die as an amusement.

In much less then geological time frames, psychopaths rose to dominance and then will disappear into history genetically weeded out. I would have preferred to live in the time free of psychopaths that the time of their last psycho hurrah.

Can save cities from climate change or not, it is a choice. Getting rid of psychopaths not a choice, they will drive us to extinction if we do not.

Comment Re:Eventually milage will taxed/charged. (Score 1) 238

Why is it appropriate for a billionaire to pay the same tax as a person on minimum wage. One pays a negligible percentage in tax invisible to them and the other loses a substantial percentage of their income. Clearly the reality of the infrastructure bill is to funnel money to corrupt partners most of it to disappear in profit and paid for by those on minimum wage because they already earn to much. The sickness on display in the US greed as a religion. The USA did not get to 'D' grade by accident, there is still room to do worse and they will. The great infrastructure plan, funnel profits to the rich and new flat taxes to the poor.

It should be dollar for dollar taxes, not even percentage, maybe workers get rations instead of pay and accept sleeping cubicles for when they are not working and be thankful for that.

Comment Re:They're gonna be disappointed (Score 1) 76

Likely just regular exchanges of information.

We have various levels of social evolution, so would they. So home life, local community life, greater community life, and becoming less as it goes further.

Rather than our current unreality social media a toxic mix of lies and psychological abuse and psychopathic capitalism. Likely electronics drifts to being more in the background, not the foreground, the foreground more for social interactions supported by electronics at a social distance.

Communications of larger ranges becomes more limited to the local digital background to which, more distance information is added regularly but not live, so daily upgrades to the mud monkey channel from earth but to see it live it must be closer.

Why would an advanced society waste that much time interacting with computers, they would spend it more socially and creatively, because computers are good at doing the grind freeing members of more advanced society for other activities. The is not the psychopathic urge to demand servants, they are gone, long past in history and robots beings with not need to abuse others to feed their ego, logically genetically reduced.

Our view likely a filtered one, kept simple for simple but fascinating minds, all those trials and tribulations. Aliens anthropomorphically participating in a time that existed millions of years ago for them, their own distant past, are we doing better or worse than those before us. Psychopathic capitalism would indicate worse than average by quite a bit.

Comment Re:question (Score 1) 58

Just use iron shavings, quantum particles field flows stand right out, there called magnetic fields, magic energy rather than logical quantum particle field flows. They have an explanation but are being wilfully blind to end because it makes them fell uncomfortable. Explains why light is both particle and wave, although the wave in quantum particle terms are particles as well just not in normal space terms.

Comment Re:Encrypted (Score 1) 135

You have to read it even clearer than that. I scans during your attempt to upload, so the uploading and encrypting app, is taking a look comparing it to live data it is downloading and reports based upon that. So likely currently on fire images.

So don't sign up for Apples cloud, no app, would be too icky. What happens with false flags, prejudged. Yeah this kind of this should be really illegal, unless they want to take full liability for false reporting.

Talk about corporate overlord.

Comment Re:Positively negative. (Score 1) 103

Well, no. What they are saying, if you are seeing bad in the world, it is your problem, you need to think right and only see good in the world. Kind of doublespeak stuff, "There is only bad stuff in the world because you see it there, be a better citizen see only the good." Soon not only face mask, but ones with compulsory smiles on them.

For the elite, the world is great place for everyone else, well, they just need to accept their place and be happy to serve, it is negative thinking to not be thankful for the opportunity to serve your society. Rapists say the same thing to their victims, enjoy it and it wont be so bad.

Capitalism is more accurately titled psychopathic capitalism capital worth is worth more than human worth, they will legally spend $100,000 to kill you to stop you taking $1. Upon that basis, there will be a whole lot of bad in the world driven by greed. I would be blind to not see the evil and cruelty on display and often publicly lauded and rewarded, so now reality is my problem because I see it, I must learn to unsee reality.

Comment Re:Don't confuse? (Score 0) 219

Masks are just theatre. The biggest failure, wildly bad research on the TB innoculations effectiveness in reducing symptoms. Could have saved many lives with an immediately available, reliable inoculation. Failure to conduct regular antibody testing to more accurately track the virus and let people know they are safe. Natural antibodies with multiple connection points are far better than the vaccine the protein trigger being far to specific and subject to mutation failure, complete incapable of evolving to match changes in the virus, really bad vaccine. TB one good, if you are worried go out and get that one In Australia it used to be injected into all school kids and look, factor of 10 better than other countries. Also corrupt pharmas did not exclude people who had that vaccine, really quite criminal to do so, an impact is logical, solid track record for that and they did not exclude on purpose, make sure they got profitable results. Ohh look vaccine doing quite shit in populations with low TB/BCG vaccine counts, surprise, surprise, surprise :|.

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