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Comment Re:Only 100 you say? (Score 1) 104

There is only one reason to sell or distribute those tools freely and that is to enable the coder to hide their own activities behind the activities of thousands of other script kiddies. They also craft backdoors to enable them to randomly take over the efforts of those using their tools to increase their capability and to randomly shift the point of attack.

Of lot of this activity does of course stand out from regular traffic, really stand out, especially under bit pattern analysis, not some much as far as the range of possibilities of the whole internet but certainly from the viewpoint of the typical individual user and their normal traffic versus the change of traffic for that individual user when their devices and connections are being abused.

Want to cut down on activity make hardware firewalls a compulsory part of all modems, no firewall no connection to the internet. Including voluntary reporting of all suspicious activity detected by hardware fire walls to the communications regulatory authority, this enables a pattern of expanded activity to be immediately reported so that it can be traced and either the source targeted for investigation or cut off.

Comment Re:Research (Score 1) 165

What they were talking about had nothing to do with paying for decent reporting and everything to do with PR=B$ agencies taking over mass media and via advertising dollars corrupting the reporting ie paying for reporting in reality ends up paying for lies rather than paying for the truth. So it is hardly surprising that those same corrupt PR=B$ (lies for profit) agencies are also hard at work corrupting wikipedia just as they do any other communications media they interact with. Real focus needs to be taken on fraud laws and specifically protecting certain areas of speech. For example the word 'News' should be protected, use that in the title or in content and truth of the claims made must be able to be proven in a court of law, fail and severe penalties should be applied including imprisonment where false news resulted in loss of life.

Comment Re:Yea, best form a comitee to consider all option (Score 1) 193

In this case, one of the most dangerous things you can do is partially apply a cure. Allowing people who have already been treated to remain in close contact with those still infected and resulting in re-infection is the surest way to develop treatment resistance in the targeted infectious agent. Stockpiles of any successful treatment must first be built up in countries not yet infected so that any appearance of the infection can be rapidly treated. Once those stockpiles are built upon, stockpiles to be deployed in already infected regions can be built up so that an entire quarantined region can be treated in order to significantly reduce the risk of reinfection.

Peace meal application of a treatment will guarantee the spread of the infection globally and the build up of resistance due to reinfection. The greater the spread and infection the far greater the risk of mutation into more harmful varieties.

Comment Re:Maybe (Score 1) 59

When you are director of the an NSA that goes wildly out of control a fourth way becomes available

4) Gather intelligence of criminal activities of major corporations (involving those corporations, politicians and government departments) and upon leaving extort security consulting fees to keep those secrets, well, you are securing their information are you not?

Comment Re:Taking it a step further (Score 1) 210

The abandoning privacy argument. If you believe the government already consider you very suspect better that they can find out everything about you, which is nothing and make it easy for them. Rather than protecting your privacy and making it very difficult for them, so they end up wildly overreacting and place you in the life threatening situation of a search warrant swat team.

The catch with that, is they want to believe. They will believe that all the information they easily find about you is fake and that you are in fact very dangerous and hiding something and the life threatening search warrant swat team descend upon you anyhow.

So you take some security precautions but you remain generally open, you control you communications (no drunk or angry or let alone drunk and angry communications) and you generally directly take the piss out of them as you also don't want to appear to be crafting a low profile. Take up a harmless but unusual pass time. Say, convince them you believe in psychic abilities and aliens and they'll consider you a harmless nutter, although both types of forums remain useful places to conceal communications as they are very global in nature on the internet ;).

Comment Re:THIS JUST IN (Score 2, Insightful) 252

Gees, I just thought it was a problem when you burned it or used it disposable products that collect in the environment. So no apparently oil used in long lasting kept through generations Lego is the problem. I heard it was especially bad as carpet mines, I never knew you and your moderators had thought, carbon chain products could be dangerous even when you 'DID NOT FUCKING BURN IT'.

Comment Re:Lots of cheap carbon stuff (Score 1) 652

Karl Marx of course lacked crucial information. His understand of the privileged class was based upon psychology more modern thinking basis's it on genetics. Basically psychopaths with a genetically shallow range of human emotions and a lack of an autonomic empathic response creates developmental problems as they mature and turns them into the egoistic, parasitic, lust driven, that will basically burn the world and the rest of us to the ground to feed their genetic insanity. So no, once eliminated another group does not replace them, that genetic sub-species and it's destructiveness would be gone.

Comment Re:You Forgot One (Score 5, Insightful) 425

The US military industrial complex created them, the US military industrial complex fights them and the US military industrial complex keeps them going. It has spent years goading Russia to try and kick over the cold war again and is now poking China as well. The US military industrial complex runs around the war trying to put out fires with a flame thrower and then blaming everyone else when they fail at it.

Comment Re:Yes yes yes (Score 1) 405

Have you not been paying attention, the leisure society was turned into 'service industries' by psychopaths. So butler, maid, chauffeur, gardener, cleaner, personal assistant, body servant, butt wiper, pee drinker, desk bender over, is becoming the substitute for leisure. When it comes to the minority psychopaths, the reality is, it is either them or us, the majority, their existence is all about exclusivity and parasitism.

PS productivity increase is just smarmy language for more work and for less money and under corporatist feudalism, not money just table scraps.

Comment Re:What will happen to their physical condition (Score 1) 236

The flip side of that is toughening up the ship to provide protection between faults, emergencies, impacts and crew wake up time. How long it takes to crew to go from extended sleep to active functioning, in the movies, they always fast forward through this, likely reality is days, during which they will have to be exercising a lot to rebuild muscles.

What efficiency accept reality a place size limits on access to the space program, no taller than say 1.6m and that reduction really does make a saving in life support systems and overall size of systems.

The real constraint is how long, once you make it a really long slow trip, then the ship becomes big enough for a managed aquaponic system to provide sustenance and oxygen. Go for a long slow trip with a very large ship and conduct experiments on the way out. Likely reality is, when are going to have to based permanently on the moon before when can tackle a manned trip to mars.

Comment Re:Girls (Score 3, Insightful) 225

'Erm' yeah right that'll be the day. As long as those egoistic douche nozels can afford lawyers they'll be spending up big on them to feed their own egos. Crap like their own name is unique and special and all those others thousands who share it should be denied internet access to it and should be forced to change it. Those professional liars need to wake up to themselves, that great egoistic ride of pseudo celebrity marketing is coming to a welcomed end as the old mass media channels are being diluted on the internet to 'well' put it bluntly "pissing in a river".

Comment Re:FBI hidden agenda (Score 1) 78

Keep in mind wrinkly old scroat types with no idea at all what computers do, how they work, what networks are, just signing off on crap to make it look like they know what they are doing and why they are doing it. The only really actively corrupt department head looking to create his own power base of extortion and blackmail was the NSA guy and that particular delusion was fully expressed in his egoistic startrek command centre. The rest are just peter principle types who have been promoted beyond their capability. So yeah, blessing in faith not if knowledge and now the the grand coverup of incompetence.

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