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Comment hope not... (Score 1) 294

Goodbye old friend.

Man, me too...

I *love* Radio Shack.

I love going in and rummaging through the parts to see what kind of stuff I could make. it's different. When I was a kid it was with my dad for fun, now I'm making hand-crafted electronics and it's more immediate.

I just can't help but think that with the right merchandising Radio Shack can be a hit.

A deal with Apple makes total sense...b/c Radio Shack is so many places where Apple stores are not.

Ah well...

I hope the current locations can stay open where I live at least when the Sprint changeover comes.

Comment Re:not either/or (Score 1) 244

my most proud moment was my research as an was publishable and way beyond what many of my prof's had done as far as original research

I surveyed my campus about their media use, their perceptions of how useful it is, and correlated that to whether they voted.

It was great...sparked a lifelong interest in what people do and why and how it affects their behavior.

The "I don't own a television" snobbishness has also really interested me for fun.

I saw the internet develop in as a HS & college student in the 90s and the whole "I don't watch/own TV" thing is always fun

all media has low useless trash and amazing, life-changing stuff has reality television vs documentaries (and Taratino films) has Country top 40 vs indie stuff of all genres...books have 50 Shades of Grey vs J.R.R. get the idea...

what is interesting to me is that, because how the tech developed and was implemented video in the form of ****television**** has taken the lion's share of bad reputation, among other media types

wow...sorry for the long can tell i enjoy this stuff

Comment Re:not either/or (Score 1) 244

word, good comments

so, I used to be a Human-Computer Interaction researcher and I've done my own research surveys (only published as Conference proceedings)

it starts with Cybernetics, Comm theory particulary media theory...that's where i get my "it's all video" stuff from

now, the **difference in perception** of the same type of media, but different presentation (video as a movie in a theater vs watching same movie on Netflix) isn't a particularly 'hot' research topic, but in general, it is relevant to find out how/why people get their info/entertainment

also, there's my life in academia, meeting tons of people and having these conversations

so, it's *some* actual first-hand science but it guides me; it's really a combination of many things that has led me to this thesis

you don't have to have done work like I have to come to the conclusions I have, but it's something i think about more often because it's my field

Comment not either/or (Score 1) 244

Do you have any research you can cite showing that? Or is this just your opinion?

false dichotomy

if a peer-reviewed, published research study is your burden of proof for every contention, you're dead in the water

there's more ways to prove something than a peer-reviewed, published research study, especially when it comes to ****human behavior****

it's not "either research study or opinion"

rationality and logic are our should meet them

you can use rationality, logic and collected knowledge from education (including looking at research), and personal experience to understand this my friend

Comment Re:snob motive (Score 1) 244

I also believe that most TV is crap, and in many markets, TV is marketed towards the lowest common denominator.

here's the thing, is there any type of media where the above *isn't* true?

also, broadcast/cable TV is in a new golden age right now...executives are working to make shows that cater to an intelligent, wide audience...the garbage TV is worse than ever, but mainstream 'TV' is actively marketing shows they think are intelligent to people who want those shows

you watch "TV" even if all you do is watch Netflix original series and movies in the movie theater...

you watch video

thanks for the comments!

Comment Re:snob motive (Score 1) 244

"Incorrect" answers may actually just be a result of the respondent assuming different definitions than the poller

right, i comment is about why

my main comment is that **in this instance** the factors i mentioned (wanting to sound 'smart') i feel is the main **source** of the confusion

some just confused, but for the reasons i stated, many more than normal that skews the results

i used to do this kind of research, on media usage and usefulness across 'platforms', in an academic setting

the misperceptions about media use filter up and will see billion dollar deals based on **perception of media value**

Comment snob motive (Score 1) 244

they key is the notion that smart people don't "watch TV"

if people weren't irrationally trying to seem smart (according to an archaic maxim) then i'd agree with you, but imho the problem is precisely *because* these types want to project an image

i grant you that in common parliance, one couldn't always expect all honest respondents to combine 'TV' and other video, but the usage in the common parliance is rooted in the same problem as stated above: people don't want to be know as 'watching alot of TV'

the fix is the wording of the question and answers

Comment TV = video (Score 1) 244

I'm thinking that the question should be more geared towards time watching media content given that there are now multiple methods of consumption.

spot on

it's video...and if everyone was answering accurately, results would skew towards **more** and definitely not "significantly less"

people want to be smart...for decades old /.'ers like me can remember "watching too much TV" is what stupid people do.

smart people read books

but this is all pre-internet and mostly even before cable TV that these ideas were ingrained

this is why techie men and hipsters tend to under-report their "TV" viewing

"TV" means all video...and the **type** of media is no longer an indication of intelligence, although only consuming one type, even if it's books, is now regressive and looked upon as not informed

what i want is to drop the pretention...hipsters and techies both...

Comment getting help isn't harsh (Score 1) 180

what's harsh and unrealistic about GRRM hiring a co-writer because he got in over his head?

GRRM is out of his league...his only option was to hire help.

It doesn't matter at all to this discussion whether yo *think* he owes you anything or not.

I'm not talking about the question "Does GRRM owe Maxo-Texas anything?"

i'm talking the question of "What could GRRM have done to salvage his books after he wrote himself into a corner?"

Comment bad writing not a function of time (Score 1) 180

His taking a long time between books is utterly irrelevant to whether his writing is good or not.

you said this, not me

i did not say GRRM's writing was "not good"....I said he is a hack.

alot of people have good imaginations and GRRM does that no doubt, but to be an actual storyteller is a different kind of talent

GRRM is a ****hack storyteller**** who uses shopworn storytelling devices and trite interpersonal conflicts and moves the goalposts as he writes

that's why his writing is bad...

Comment GRRM shouldve hired coauthors (Score 1) 180

GRRM should have hired a co-writer as soon as HBO picked up Game of Thrones for its second season.

At that point, there's no way he could have not known that the show would overtake him.

He let his fans down.

He's a hack writer who did a good job world-building but has no talent to finish it as a story.

I'm happy for him in the sense that he was a working writer who got rich...good for him as it goes...but we have to stop pretending he's a good writer if his behavior is to be understood.

But imho, he's more than just a hack who made good...he should have known better than to let his fans down like this...he should have hired some help.

Comment research design = solution (Score 1) 99

these systems could be effective, but it comes down to ontology or more broadly research design

i'm not saying *any* company can benefit from "big data", but most can

the core problem is a misunderstanding of what is happening...from a to z alot of biz people are just clueless...the techies they hire to do the big data are partially responsible for this

data analysis is great...everyone does it to some level...highly complex data analysis in a biz situation must have well thought out research questions and research design, specifically tailored for the situation

business is too complex to have a one-size-fits-all data categorization ontology

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