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Comment *Common Carrier* (Score 3, Informative) 706

Headline should read "Common Carrier" because that's the option Obama picked....the strongest protection for users.

This is what we have wanted all along...the best protection for Net Neutrality

Damn /. or any troll/techies who try to downplay this move by Obama...he gave us *exactly* what we asked for

No Republican would do this.

Comment TFA (Score 1) 137

confirming or not finding the Higgs boson is exactly science

but according to TFA, they didn't do that

i understand your greater point that it's research and it increases our knowledge, but i'm criticizing the research design, and the context/reporting of the findings

Comment "Turing Machine" epicycle (Score 1) 91

thanks for the comment....i have one quibble: the Computability Function is redundant and doesn't explain or predict anything

it's a non-theory...it's like Epicycles...unneeded abstractions

Machines are made to execute instructions...end.

The whole "Turing Machine" is nothing more than a "what if" that has nothing insightful to contribute to understanding how to best make instrucitons for machines to follow

Comment Nobel Prize for Hype? (Score 1) 137

given a choice between you and him...well, he's the one who is right.

on what?

choice of analogy?

he chose that b/c it lent significance to his work...which was not new theoretical work but confirming a model we already know is incomplete

getting academic accoloades doesn't mean you are immune from criticism of language choices

"God particle" is not a good analogy...what about the Higgs/Boson does it help you understand?

it's more like trolling Creationists than anything else...

"god particle"....please

Comment Re:When pet theories die... (Score 1) 137

they are busy adding epicycles to their pet theories to try to accommodate reality (which, admittedly, is how science works)

yes...it definitely is analogous to epicycles

but you're wrong to say, "that's how science works"....that attitude is what causes people to have 'pet projects' in the first place

the problem is Academia has evolved to become bloated and cloistered...

if we were funding science well, and giving new scientists freedom, **we wouldn't have to have pet projects**

in Academia, a scientist is not encouraged to do new work...the typical mantra is to silo yourself and never truly experiment

Comment Re:Problem with ego (Score 0) 137

this is about funding...and ego

they wanted to find the "God Particle" and don't care if it actually advances science

they didn't choose inductive reasoning from a list, after debating pros and cons...

the popular press (which loves "Science!") jumped on it...anyone w/ a PhD can convince a dumb journalist of anything

Comment yes (Score 1) 91

The notion of parallelism is fundamentally different for an analog computer...Describing it in terms of parallel processing with digital CPUs makes no sense.

came here to say this...

that misunderstanding is an inherent problem in computing and "ai" i fear

our brains are not "like computers" in how they work

Comment doesn't matter (Score 3, Insightful) 97

this is about artificial scarcity

how they use technical-sounding language to contextualize that fake distinction is interesting to note, but the core of the matter is that none of the distinctions are actually relevant

also "data sources and data sinks" is also equally non-technical a description of network topology

data "flows" but it doesn't pool up like water in a retaining pond

Comment election time (Score -1, Offtopic) 97

i'd like to see a factor analysis of the number of troll/AC posts that use racism and the nearness to an election or important policy decision

we all know that unscrupulous entities use every kind of social network and internet forum to promote whatever agenda...be it New World Order/Military Industrial Complex/CIA/political parties/criminals/etc

i think we can correlate the type of sockpuppet troll with current events and extrapolate who is behind the sockpuppets and why

here on /. we are definitely mostly white and tend to be Progressive or "libertarian"

the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, Bush family, English Crown all pay lobbyists to do perception management, including online

i'm saying all these racism/trolls are to tap into any resentment that underemployed or wife-pecked white non-Progressive educated people have

just trolling w/ racism gets the idea out there...then you get Obama on TV...

Comment edge user (Score 1) 97

I completely agree that the "end user" and "edge provider" distinction in this case is absolutely ridiculous...it's an non-functional abstraction layer that has absolutely nothing to do with network engineering...there is an "edge router" but the distinction between "end user" and "edge provider" is not technical

however, we cannot be tempted to think that because this confusing, stupid distinction exists, **if we fix it, we fix Net Neutrality**...that's wrong

no matter what the language, it's about the data, and the free flowing thereof

the "end user"/"edge provider" distinction is the *mechanism* for the FCC's ruling, but the cause is *****unscrupulous telecos*****

Comment Re:The Real Problem (Score 0) 136

the problem is that we have a car suburban orientation; change tax laws and zoning so people are packed into citys

actually this is pretty much right on...give or take

i live in Portland and I consider myself an expert on this kind of stuff b/c of my background (which is not important)...anyhow, you said it pretty well there

tax/zoning isn't a magic bullet, but with good traffic planning, there's no reason to have a huge clusterfsk in your city

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