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Comment Re:People don't care because they're too stupid (Score 1) 513

Look at the big picture. I agree that people should use the voting power they have, they should have been for 100 years. Generally we see less than 50% turnout nationally. But since say 1970, with either a Republican or Democrat in office, the only differences we have seen are in social issues that in the grand scheme of things aren't that important. All the protests and public redress of grievances have done nothing to change the course of this country. Nearly 17 trillion in debt and growing. The dollar is actually at risk of losing its reserve status. Collapse is spoken of in real terms on main stream media. I think the leadership have demonstrated quite clearly that they care not about our concerns. Their actions are purely destructive. They cannot be measured by their words.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Do you feel as though the leadership is acting in such a way that their powers are derived from the consent of the governed?

Comment Re:People don't care because they're too stupid (Score 4, Insightful) 513

I think many of you on this site need to study the trading with the enemy act. Look at Bradley Manning. He is charged with aiding the enemy. Who was he actually helping? We the people. Who is the enemy again?

As for getting angry and bitching. That hasn't worked and isn't going to work. Fire and bullets work. Just ask Thomas Jefferson...

Comment Re:Don't understand (Score 1) 452

1. the guy selling the bike got his money 59 seconds sooner, is this not a benefit? 2. Anybody who wants can buy the premium service. That means there may be multiple people competing for the $100 spread between the buyer and seller. In your scenario, they have all posted adds selling a bike for $599, but only one can buy the bike for $500, and the rest have to buy the next highest priced bike if someone accepts their ad. Some of them may not make any money or may lose money on the transaction. Therefore, in order to prevent this, the next time they will offer a bit more than $500 to the seller, to make it more likely that their buy offer is accepted.The trade still happens more quickly, the seller gets more money, and the HFT guy gets a smaller profit. Over many trades, the competition reduces the HFT traders profit, while still speeding up the rate that bikes are bought and sold.

Comment Re:like anything else.. (Score 5, Insightful) 580

In high school a very smart student can get honours marks with minimal effort. In high school an average student can get honours marks by working very hard.

In engineering school a very smart student needs to also work very hard just to get by. If you are diligent about doing all the problem assignments, hand in all the labs, study efficiently (in a small group really worked for me), be very strategic about obtaining all possible marks, you can do reasonably well. In engineering school an average student can't get by on hard work, because the workload is too high, and will likely fail.

Comment Re:Bigotry? What about religious tolerance? (Score 1) 1448

A missionary, by definition, is someone trying to sell you their religion. Not only that, but he wants you to give up your religion. This is based on his unshakeable belief that his religion is the correct one, and that all other religions are therefore wrong. Most missionary efforts also include some sort of charitable works, such as building schools or digging wells or whatever, but the proselytizing is always part of it.

No missionary ever has considered that maybe, just maybe, his religion is not the "true" one, and that by converting people of other religions to his, he is maybe, just maybe, taking them away from the "true" faith, and thereby doing harm to their immortal souls.

Comment Re:How Will He Get There (Score 1) 380

Heiro's Journey, (and the sequel) Unforsaken Hiero by Stirling E. Lanier. Post apocalypse North America, Hiero is a telepathic assassin priest, who is sent on a vital and dangerous quest. He rides his trusty war-moose Klootz. Evil mutant rat men, mad sorcerer scientists, and armies of bears and beavers. The stories and setting are a lot of fun and the author's enthusiasm is contagious.

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