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Comment FAIL! (Score 1) 254

You didn't fix shit, AC: They're dead, Jim, and it was killed by politicizing a commit. Fork it and forget it. goodbye.

If one is going to properly sanitize a statement, "you" can't be used. As a reader, *I* didn't kill shit, and it is antagonistic to suggest I did. Offensive even! See the stigma regarding "you people" or "those people".

Comment Re:Joyent unfit to lead them? (Score 1) 254

If you read the link Mike posted you'll find out the "reason" why:

we believe that empathy is a core engineering value—and that an engineer that has so little empathy as to not understand why the use of gendered pronouns is a concern almost certainly makes poor technical decisions as well.

I don't think your statement of

It could have been feminine or masculine, the company did not care, in fact they specifically state that it was not the issue..

is an accurate interpretation. Mine may not be either, but both statements imply something deeper is going on and no one will come right out and say it. Your statement claims the problem is adherence to syntax. I thought this was a key value a programmer could have. A programmer who thinks like a machine and is OCD like a machine is someone you want. That code monkey will always, consistently always, dot their I's and cross their T's and will rarely get bitten by stupid shit like forgetting the semicolon. What I quoted says that they do care because he didn't "empathize" or find it to be a "concern". Empathizing is not taking a neutral stance, at least not the way I hear everyone use it.

Comment Linux = Lusers (Score 1) 254

I prefer to use "the luser" for three reasons: One) I am immature and find it funny. Two) It is a staple term I learned at a young age from my LUG and I've heard many of you here use it all the time. Three) As I said a post above, I am a shitty programmer so this reminds me that I am a luser too, so it keeps my arrogance in check.

Comment That's why I delete them (Score 1) 254

That's why regardless of what the comments say or which code snippet they may be from, I delete them. The open source plugs, the attributions, the ascii art of the brogrammers cat, the ones that specifically tell me I'm not allowed to delete them because GNU_GPL v6004 license-- ALL of them. I also don't write any comments in my software. I am also a bad programmer.

Comment Stupid and hypocritical (Score 1) 254

From the article you linked:

we believe that empathy is a core engineering value—and that an engineer that has so little empathy as to not understand why the use of gendered pronouns is a concern almost certainly makes poor technical decisions as well.

Bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit. Technical decisions have practically dick to do with empathy. Every single time I have tried to add features to a product or system for "social" value I've been slapped the hell down. Technical decisions are based on 2 factors: Cost and Fitness for Purpose. The fitness is really just pointing back to profit since no one will buy a washing machine that can't wash. I'm not arguing anything about sexism or whatever. I could care less (but I won't because I do care a little) about which pronoun is used. And really does this whole thing not sound like it was completely a political bunch of spinning because "women in tech" is the big "thing" right now?

Also, do you smell that? That's hypocrisy right there. "We, this company, are making an overly broad generalization about people who make overly broad generalizations and wish to state that we don't condone overly broad generalizations. Those making overly broad generalizations shall be sacked." What I want to know is when and where the corporate-wide seppuku party will be so I can go watch.

How about those guys and gals get back to making java not suck so bad.

Comment Re:Effort dilution (Score 1) 254

How is America's left hand drive a non-optimal solution? That implies LHD is superior. Having driven both styles, I must say there appears to be no difference because most aspects are mirrored. You still sit in the middle of the road just on a different side. Swapping shifting hands and not turning on your wipers to signal a turn are the only parts most have to relearn if they swap styles often.

The power plugs? I hate them both, but have no better solution. Euro 220V plugs are entirely too big though.

50vs60Hz? Seems a matter of preference to me though I'm sure back in the day it was chosen to reduce competition from imports. Save with PAL vs NTSC.

Metric....can we not just swap over already? I personally hate the celcuis temp scale, but I'll adapt eventually.

The overall theme and content of the post though I can't agree with more.

Comment Re:Effort dilution (Score 1) 254

Their fries have been garbage around here ever since they went to that "healthy" no trans fat oil. I'm sorry Indians & Vegans but I want my beef fat back in my fry grease! I no longer eat there- not that I did very much to start with.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 262

You sound angry, Bill. You'll complain when Obama IS doing something and complain when he isn't. Which one is it, guy? Does the President need to do something about this, does he need to do something opposite of this, or should he just sit at his desk all day playing Angry Birds?

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