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Comment Re:Why Steam? Why? (Score 0) 160

Sometimes I wonder why companies, especially companies selling digital goods, don't just set the price in one particular currency then let it somewhat auto-fluctuate in the other currencies according to the market. Wouldn't that be simpler for them?

Sorry, that's illegal in many countries with fucked currencies.

Most seller of luxury goods in Russia aren't selling at all. The ruble is toilet paper now, and you can't legally sell in dollars (though there's a very long tradition of doing so anyhow). You'll get 2x as many rubles for a dollar on the street as the official exchange rate, as people with limited access to the international market are paying a premium to GTFO. The only other choice Steam has is to stop selling to Russia at all.

Google's market cap is higher that then Russian stock market right now.

Politically speaking, Russia's currency lost value because they invaded a nearby nation and they are under sanctions.

Not at all. Not eve a little. I doubt sanctions have ever accomplished anything. This is entirely OPEC: Saudi Arabia is destroying Iran. Iran can't survive at these oil prices, and the Saudi rulers want the current Iranian leadership gone. It's not quite so simple as an extension of the Shia-Sunni conflict, but that's the heart of it. Had this happened 5 years ago, it's likely ISIS wouldn't have happened, but sadly they can survive now without Iranian funding.

Comment Re:Should let them work inside parks. (Score 2) 68

Oh good grief people read the article,

No person may avigate a UAV within the limits of the city except:
        1. The police department in accordance with section 14-133.1.
        2. A person avigating such UAV pursuant to and within the limits of an express authorization by the federal aviation administration.

basically a grandstanding city Councilman introduced a statute making it illegal to operate a UAV anywhere it is all ready illegal to operate a UAV!

Comment smuggly satisfied! (Score 1) 182

While I don't support hacking into anybodies computers, I'd have to say that That after The Sony BMG CD copy protection rootkit scandal which involved a form of hacking on their part and cpyright infringement, the file sharing lawsuit against common people, the lawsuits from the artists to get a fairshare of damages Sony has won in filesharing, and the general asshattery involved in the entertainment industry, it's hard to be sympathetic to them; karma is a bitch when you are. North Korea on the other hand can only be decribed as a boil on the ass of humanity, so if it's destiny that some company would have to fall on it's sword to embarrase the sensibilities of Kim Jong-il, I'm glad that Sony volunteered.

Comment Re:Amazon (Score 1) 217

. I hear Amazon basically data mines business partners who sell on their site to undercut prices on everything except for certain narrowly agreed products.

To be fair, most sellers on Amazon Markets do the same, and price their stuff just under or at Amazon's price, and Amazon seems OK with that. Wasn't there a bug in the past where the software that people use to undercut Amazon had a big and was pricing stuff at 1 cent, and Amazon stepped in to help out with that?

They're definitely playing the long game. But it's not a good move for their partners.

So far it's worked very well for their customers, and has for many years. It's starting to seem pretty far-fetch that this is some elaborate scheme to do anything except lower prices to keep customers buying.

Comment Re:They couldn't wreck the movement from the outsi (Score 1) 217

How do you know that MS is not abetting the systemd bandwagon? What a perfect leadup to the Extend and Extinguish steps.

That would be a work of genius, and frankly I don't think MS is that smart any more. Still, if it turns out Pottering has been on the MS payroll all along, I might actually die laughing.

Comment Re:As with all space missions: (Score 1) 200

Not likely. One of the large costs with any of these missions is launch. With SpaceX pushing re-usable systems, and about to drop their prices a great deal in about 3 years, it will make missions like this possible.
In addition, keep in mind that Musk is now looking at building a satellite factory. Once he starts that, he will be after all sat manufacturing to make them cheap. While this is an airship, the guts will be satellite based.

Comment Re: 11 Trillion Gallons of Water Needed to Water R (Score 1) 330

one acre is about 4000 m^2, a foot is about 0.3 m, so about 1200 m^3
You have 264 gallons per cubic meter, lets say 250 since the acre-foot estimate is about as accurate as Russian maps along the Ukrainian border anyway.
That gives us about 1200/4 * 1000 = 300000 gallons.

An acre is a rectangle bounded by a furlong and a chain (things you learn from rock music videos), or 22 * 220 square yards, so an acre-foot is 43560 cubit feet ~= 325850 gallons.

Comment Re: 11 Trillion Gallons of Water Needed to Water R (Score 1) 330

The typical family uses an acre-inch of water a month, or an acre-foot per year, whatever that is in gallons.

But residential use is trivial over all - most water use is in power generation, and most of the rest is agricultural. California is one of the few states that actually uses saltwater for power generation, but still: mostly farms.

Comment Re:Move to a gated community (Score 1) 611

Most other city business does not need to be done in a city centre any more. chucking more free ways at is does not solve the problem.

You might be a liberal if your solution to an engineering problem is "everyone else just needs to change how they behave and the problem goes away!"

reality outside those few hours a day they have a 5%(or whatever) usage.

In California (which started this discussion), "peak usage" is the majority of the day. Rush hour is from 6am to 9pm. That's what happens when you won't build enough roads.

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