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Comment Re:Yeah.... (Score 1) 106

Government will fuck you sideways for a laugh, then shoot your dog and seize your house. I'll take Google's arbitrary of government's malice any day.

Whatever your perspective on that, someone, somewhere has to rank search results. If Google becomes capricious, people will stop using them (I haven't used them to search in 5+ years). If some government controls search results, it will get worse every year, and never ever get fixed.

Comment Re:thoughts (Score 1) 10

1) That might be part of my problem- I have had trouble to adjusting to the "light touch" needed for proper prius hypermiling video game playing. I have always been a bit of a leadfoot, and so I do have a problem with rabbit starts.

3) Yeah, that's probably the reasoning. I use it in 25 to 35 zones all the time though, and it really increases my mileage numbers, but that's related to my comment 1 above.....

7) that would take a heck of a jumper cable to deliver the 273 volts and who knows how many amps to spin M1.

And thanks to looking that up, I found this Emergency Response guide which does not say what to do if you run out of gas in a prius.

Here's a bit on what a hassle bricking a prius by running out of fuel + electricity is- nobody in America has done it yet, but I could easily see somebody accidentally leaving the car turned on when parking it (I've done it myself) in which I give it about a week before it's dead.

Comment Pass around a real mic. (Score 1) 95

Get one, mmaybe two real wireless microphones from Shure or someone like that -- think "audio equipment catalog", not "computer equipment catalog". Get the cables to hook the base station up to standard microphone input. Pass the mic around to whoever is talking; it doubles as the "currently speaking" token (and you only have one person at a time talking at standup, right?). Make sure you have lots of spare batteries (presumably rechargeable) in a convenient location.

Gritty 'Power Rangers' Short Is Not Fair Use 255

Bennett Haselton writes: Vimeo and Youtube are pressured to remove a dark, fan-made "Power Rangers" short film; Vimeo capitulated, while Youtube has so far left it up. I'm generally against the overreach of copyright law, but in this case, how could anyone argue the short film doesn't violate the rights of the franchise creator? And should Vimeo and Youtube clarify their policies on the unauthorized use of copyrighted characters? Read on for the rest.

Comment Re:What exactly were the rules? (Score 5, Insightful) 538

AND remember the liberal democrat cries about Sarah Palin's alleged use of private email for public use (until it was hacked and nothing was found) ??

Yeah, the same people who were screaming lunatic mad about that, are the same ones suddenly silent here. Those people need to be "named and shamed".

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