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Comment Re:Not getting enough volume for headphones... (Score 1) 502

I use the motherboard audio to plug my headphones into. However, the volume for headphones is never high enough even with the volume control maxed out in Windows. Would a separate audio card fix this problem?


Higher quality headphones, specifically ones that have their own amp, would probably work better, though.

Comment Re:If you need one then yes.. (Score 1) 502

For most of us, no. Onboard sound is great and getting better all the time. If you're an audiophile or using your system to do professional mixing or music then it is worth it.

Even then, you're not going to be using a PCI Soundblaster card, but rather a purpose-built audio interface device. And you sure as hell won't be buying it from Creative. At least, not if you care about your sound.

Comment Re:How much is Google paying for these promotions? (Score 1) 35

I'd hardly consider a device that requires use of a $300+ smartphone to be "cheap," and definitely not free.

If only you could DIY that bit, too, eh?

... For less than several hundred bucks, yea.

I mean, sure, right now you could probably get an R-pi or BeagleBone Black, a couple small, hi-res screens, an NFC shield, etc. and cobble together your own solution; but when all is said and done, would it be any cheaper than just using a Galaxy S3?

Hey, mebbe we're onto something here...

Comment Surely, It Depends (Score 4, Informative) 502

For the average user, onboard is just fine.

For a power user (gamer/developer), onboard is probably good enough.

If you're an audio pro and/or you're building a semi/professional audio rig, onboard isn't going to cut it 99% of the time.

FWIW, plug in sound cards are actually more common than a lot of people think, because a lot of people seem to think that if it doesn't go into a PCI slot, it's not a sound card.

The Rocksmith cable, with its built-in discrete audio unit, is a prime example, one that I use almost daily.

Comment Re:How much is Google paying for these promotions? (Score 0) 35

Right, cause cheap/free VR certainly isn't of interest to the slashdot crowd.

I'd hardly consider a device that requires use of a $300+ smartphone to be "cheap," and definitely not free.

Still neat, though, because it shows off the depth of cool stuff you can do with cardboard these days.

Comment My letter to my MP (Score 1) 147

I wrote a letter to my MP. In it I expressly told him that I fear the government more than terrorists, that I don't trust the police (and quoted specific examples why) and drew direct parallels between this legislation and the activities of the Stasi.

He'll fucking ignore it, because he's an arrogant cunt that couldn't give a shit about his constituents, staunchly supports European integration ahead of the interests of the UK and until recently was in thrall to his corporate paymasters. Yes Kenneth Clarke, I mean you, you ugly fuckface.

Comment Re:Only one answer, to the Brits (Score 1) 94

We're trying. Interesting that as soon as there's serious momentum behind the UK leaving the EU all the other nations are suddenly panicking about it - could be something to do with our net contribution.

Sorry but I'm pissed off with bankrolling the EU. There are better things to spend the money on.
I'm also fucking annoyed that the country is suffering from overpopulation, a significant cause of which is unfettered immigration from within the EU. I like Europeans, it's just that my country doesn't have the room or the infrastructure for them all to live here.

UKIP is full of cocks, twats, idiots and the occasional racist. They are buffoons and have horrific policies. They also recognise that none of this matters while we're subservient to the EU and unable to make decisions in our own best interest.

Terribly sorry if that offends you but tell you what: Invite Turkey, Serbia et al into the EU, force them to switch to the Euro and enjoy the expanded population and feeling of superiority that gives you. Just let the UK rescind into a small nation with a lot of free trade agreements, I'd be quite happy with that.

Comment Re:Fix this like we fix education (Score 1, Funny) 310

Schools not teaching, graduating kids that never learned to read or write but did learn how to put a condom on a banana (a very useful skill if you are approached by a sexually aggressive banana).....

Carl... tonight... YOU...

No, HandBanana, NO!!!

Couldn't help myself :)

Send them more money, the unions say it's the only logical approach here in pretend it'll get better world..

Isn't that basically the same idea behind the Mayday PAC? Yea, something tells me it's going to work just as well...

Submission + - Arecibo radio telescope has confirmed the existence of fast radio pulses (

schwit1 writes: The Arecibo radio telescope has confirmed the existence of fast radio pulses.

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are bright flashes of radio waves that last only a few thousandths of a second. Scientists using the Parkes Observatory in Australia have recorded such events for the first time, but the lack of any similar findings by other facilities led to speculation that the Australian instrument might have been picking up signals originating from sources on or near Earth. The discovery at Arecibo is the first detection of a fast radio burst using an instrument other than the Parkes radio telescope. The position of the radio burst is in the direction of the constellation Auriga in the Northern sky.

“Our result is important because it eliminates any doubt that these radio bursts are truly of cosmic origin,” continues Victoria Kaspi, an astrophysics professor at McGill University in Montreal and Principal Investigator for the pulsar-survey project that detected this fast radio burst. “The radio waves show every sign of having come from far outside our galaxy – a really exciting prospect.”

Exactly what may be causing such radio bursts represents a major new enigma for astrophysicists. Possibilities include a range of exotic astrophysical objects, such as evaporating black holes, mergers of neutron stars, or flares from magnetars — a type of neutron star with extremely powerful magnetic fields.

Be warned: All of the above theories could also be wrong. These fast radio flashes could just as easily turn out to be something entirely unpredicted.

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