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Comment Re:This won't end well. (Score 2) 196

Having used both of the weather-related extensions and having given up on them, I can confirm both that I am not a script and that M Bytehead is spot-on.

And don't get me started about the nauseating and broken default UI and the fact that every time I find a theme that takes care of most of these issues, it's usually just a few weeks before the next FF release declares it "obsolete".

If I wanted to use Chrome, I'd use Chrome... Opera is no longer distinctive in any meaningful way... Gee, I never thought I'd see the day when I started wishing that Microsoft would port IE to Linux, but I'm starting to think I might start doing so sometime soon.

Comment Re:Start of th End (Score 3, Insightful) 196

I'm still pissed about them moving the tab bar to the top of the UI, thereby throwing the tab paradigm right out the window, and forcing me to go find a hack to get back what was perfectly sensible and should never have been changed like that in the first place.

I'm forced to hack extensions almost weekly because the default for each new release is simply to declare all existing extensions "outdated/incompatible" when this is obviously not true in the vast majority of cases.

It's almost as if someone said, "Now that we've lured in all these users, let's see how much abuse they'll take before they leave again."

Comment Re:HSBC Banking Leak Shows Tax Avoidance, Dealings (Score 4, Insightful) 129

Many people go so far as to consider taxation theft, and avoidance patriotic.

IOW, many people are self-centred twats.

BTW, I live in a country with one of the highest rates of taxation on the planet (Sweden), and my taxes actually *decreased* a couple of years ago--in the same year that I received a bonus that should otherwise have resulted in me paying about 10% *more*.

So much for your entertaining little theory Which is, as I said, entertaining, but not even worthy of modding down.

Comment 50x/day? (Score 2) 2

Apparently someone is hoping no-one outside their marketing department can do simple maths.

The "Diabetics really don't want others to know they have diabetes" bit is also complete horseshit, as anyone who is or knows a diabetic can already tell.

Shame-based marketing tends to rub me the wrong way in any event. Shame-based marketing of a product intended for a condition such as diabetes is just... slimy.

"Your imperfection is SHAMEFUL and must be HIDDEN FROM OTHERS"---nononono, you lot are the ones who ought to be bloody ashamed of yourselves.

Thanks very much for the heads-up, B. I'll be sure and tell my wife about this so she doesn't encounter it and maybe get fooled into thinking it's something that she'd want to get for her mother.

Comment Re:Give a hoot (Score 1) 5

As a Catholic, I believe we should be good stewards of God's creation.

As a pragmatist, I believe we should take good care of the only biosphere we have (so far).

However -- CO2 isn't pollution -- it's plant food. And we shouldn't have to pay Al Gore (how convenient!) "Carbon Credits" to exhale.

H2O isn't pollution, either. But an excess of it can lead to problems.

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