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Comment Re:NDAs (Score 2) 165

That is why the U.S.A. has not declared any war in 50 years, so they can play word games and get around the geneva convention.
The only wars that the U.S.A has been declaring are against concepts: war, terrorist, etc.

See? The dangers from ACs trying to spread pernicious truths such as these is exactly why we need everyone's communications tapped at all times!

Comment Re: China's internet will become a smaller intran (Score 1) 128

Firstly, China isn't blocking everything in the world. They are blocking undesirable content into their own country that a majority of the Chinese public agrees should be blocked because their government tells them it should be, and they don't get to hear any opposing views on the matter.


Comment Re:Except for Mozilla and Colts (Score 1) 128

Do you think I just fell off a yùtóu wagon?

I've been to China numerous times, have many friends from and in China, am married to a Chinese, and you are so full of it I'm looking for my waders.

This is *all* about maintaining order, under control of the CCP, by blocking (or at least slowing down) the ingress of as many "disruptive" ideas as possible.

Meanwhile, within China, it's common knowledge that many of the country's current social ills stem from the Cultural Revolution and its attempts at erasing this 5000 years of history of which you speak as though it were really a presence. It's common knowledge within the CCP as well--I know this because I've discussed it with Party members.

So please spare us the "preservation of our culture" spiel--it doesn't wash.

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