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Comment Learn to cook (Score 1) 958

It is not that hard. It isn't difficult to stop eating the processed foods that lead to deteriorating health, you just have to decide that is how you will eat. This problem with "diets" is that it implies they are temporary and that once you have finished it you can go back to eating all the shit you used to.

For me I decided I would design my diet to exclude processed food and include the nutrient dense food I like, including the skin off the chicken(yum!). I'm a really busy person so when I cook, I cook a lot and freeze it. Then home cooked good food is about 10 minutes away.

They myth about fat being bad excludes the knowledge that you actually need it to carry water insoluble nutrients through the cell walls so that nutrient dense foods sustain your wellbeing.

The longevity of a geek/nerd career is closely tied to this. Awareness, cognition and being able to think deeply are all affected by what you eat so I structured my permanent diet to incorporate nutrient dense foods early in life. If you can avoid processed food your own instinct will guide you when you shop for food.

As for fitness, I am 90kg in my 40s and surf the same waves with my body that most people use a board for. I train several martial arts and still whoop guys in their 20s. The physical activity makes me a better programmer because I can think clearly.

The biggest secret about diets is you don't need them if you don't eat processed foods (including crappy sugar drinks) and focus on unprocessed food. Plus it doesn't need to be "organic", just fresh.

Comment No fly zone - seriously (Score 1) 227

The no fly zone around the stadium is huge. From looking at the no fly zone you get the impression it's a selfie of the the superbowl's own ass just before they disappeared into it.

I actually like football however it's so ridiculously commercialized there is no need to "cultivate disinterest", the sheer bulk of advertisements ruin the flow of the game enough to make it uninteresting.

Comment The brainwashing is working? (Score 1) 307

It takes years to understand why your rights are so important. When I was in my 20's I was too busy enjoying my freedom before I really understood what it was. An interpretation of these statistics could also mean "Most people get wiser as they get older" or perhaps people take their freedom more seriously as they gather responsibilities no matter what age they are.

These agencies invert the rights model and that perverts western democracy's ability to self repair. The largest problem with a surveilance society is the dubious exchange of freedom for perceived security stagnates a societies ability to critically examine itself and, evolve behaviour to improve itself.

Government should be a foundation upon which the people of a country build and shape a society. When the organs of government interfere with the functioning of a democracy, it isn't a democracy anymore. The greater the power the greater the oversight should be because no one should be above the law.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 307

There are large segments of the American population who support these activities and I am one of them.

I find the claim questionable first when it speaks for large segments of the population and, secondly how can anyone know what secret activity deserves support? If you really stood by your opinion and, really beleived in it, you would use a real userid and be prepared to argue your case despite moderation. The AC option is the choice of trolls and apologists. I'm sure the NSA knows which one and who you are, even thoough no one here does.

However, I've given up trying to have a discussion because of the group think on Slashdot is staggering and posting views contrary to the Slashdot hive mind is a quick way to -1 troll. We live in a democracy and people have different opinions. Get over it.

So troll then. The difference here is that at least the community of people here have some respect for your privacy and give you a place to air your opinion. You speak of a hive mind, maybe it knows something you don't.

Comment Re:Entering? Cyborgs? (Score 1) 49

>Unfortunately there is no such thing as a brain pacemaker at this time.

You only need half a "brain pacemaker" in the USA. Half a brain is all you will find.

Search for "brain" on slashdot == "Zero results found"

Now, don't go away mad, just go the fuck away!

Why would I be mad when you have so eloquently proven my point.

Comment Re:Windows reigns supreme (Score 3, Interesting) 375

It was more than just issues with .NET.

Really? Now I'm interested. What other problems did they have?

Messaging systems performance. The closed nature of the windows kernel means it cannot be tuned to the granularity required for performance objectives to be met for the messaging systems. Windows may reign supreme on the desktop, however when it comes to serious computing objectives, it's always the year of the *ix server.

As for this issue affecting any enterprise systems, many don't have a GUI on their console, so there is no opportunity to troll there either.

Incidentally, if you want to see a manifestation of this issue on a X11 desktop, pick a program with menus - lets say firefox, position the mouse on the menu so it opens, then leave the cursor on the menu until the screensaver kicks in. After the lock screen kicks in you will be able to interact with the GUI until the task loses focus, then the screen save will lock. It's been around for a while.

Yep, it's a risk for a desktop, if _insert_convoluted_scenario_here_, however it should still be fixed.

Comment Be the problem solver (Score 1) 214

In most places people don't like to think. Thinking is hard and people don't want to do it. Solving problems involves thinking and if you save people from doing something they don't want to do they will value you.

Even better is if you do the problem solving and leave them with the 'how-to', you will be idolized every time that solution is used and considered essential.

Agism tries to trump experience but it never works because agism is so naive, so if you can't avoid getting older then grow up slowly and enjoy IT for the fascinating career that it is. Keep the love!!!

If you are in it for the money - get out now, you have already failed.

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