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Comment Re:Unless the plant is surrounded in a glass dome. (Score 1) 128

Or perhaps there was this MASSIVE fucking Tsunami that killed 10,000+ people and a massive earthquake.

I think you might have forgotten about having a massive amount of sea water pouring into the facility. Roads into and out of the area destroyed. Emergency services essentially crippled.

None of which affect a reactor installation operated properly with suitable systems to mitigate basis design issues. Everything you have pointed out was covered by the official report into the disaster and the findings were that it was a "Man Made" disaster.

You take out the generators and the grid tie and even IF that could melt down the facility (note it would be unlikely as you would have to have the same era and plant design as Fukushima) there would be 100 generators and people on site within hours in any other circumstance outside of a massive earthquake and a killer Tsunami.

No, it has nothing to do with the generation of reactor, but the type of basis design issues and unfortunately generators don't counter the NRC scenarios for intentional sabotage.

Comment Re:Unless the plant is surrounded in a glass dome. (Score 1) 128

A couple well placed hand grenades can take out most Tier-4 data centers. You need a bit more than that for a (nuclear) power plant, but a 2kg payload can do some real damage.

That said, the time to repair is minimal for anything I can think of, although you might be able to degrade the long-term service life.

Actually, no, you can provoke a meltdown.

NRC convened a panel of Industry makers and operators of Nuclear power plants to make recommendations to protect plants against sabotage. It is possible however I think it would be irresponsible to discus how. And before you start looking, the report is not on the net anymore either.

Comment Increase the spying? (Score 1) 112

It's like Wikileaks never happened. Despite the public outrage, despite the revelation that the spying achieved nothing the politicians (so far in Australia and now Canada) have responded with even more spying, plus legal oversight to crush future whistle blowers. Undermining our commercial systems whilst imposing the presumption of guilt on our citizens whilst authorities everywhere say "Papers please".

This is what our tax dollars are paying for.

Comment Re:How about we hackers? (Score 5, Insightful) 863

As for the unix philosophy, init systems pre-systemd hardly did just one thing and hardly did it well.

Are you sure you are using it correctly. Whilst fussy, init is hardly complicated - perhaps you are thinking of rc?

How does systemd remind you of windows?

I think the binary log files is a good start.

Have you actually *used* either in a system administration capacity?

Yes, we've been testing systemd in-house extensively. It has compelling feature that I like (unit files are a big improvement) however the monolithic approach is a turn off. If it was a replacement for rc, I'd back it, however as a replacement for initd it is not.

Whilst there is much pontificating about systemd, I think it is great for desktop systems however I can't see many enterprise deployments using it, it's just not ready for prime time. risk==downtime==2am working==no way

I don't care if you call me a holdout. I know how to make systemd do what I want because I use it. Init is still simpler and more robust because while you see the blocking/slow startup as a problem, most experienced admins see it as init advertising what is wrong.

systemd solves a problem that isn't really there.

Comment Re:I don't read it (Score 1) 71

But when I did read it, it was only on occasion, once every couple years. I found the left-wing politics distasteful.

This describes my experiences of the right-wing bias in all media, all the time.

Besides, all the latest cutting-edge material is on the Internet.

All the cutting edge thinking is in peoples heads first.

Comment Re:Snowden (Score 1) 221

Right or Wrong, he's a traitor


Actually you're the traitor. Like all domestic enemies you are an unseen, unknown anonymous coward undermining democracy for everyone.

History has shown that when the clubs and batons come out to suppress the freedom of ordinary people, you're the unidentified one dressed in black beating up some poor kid or torturing some human rights campaigner. You cause terrorism because you never answer for your crimes like a festering wound on society.

You are an anonymous coward because you are hated, even by your own self.

Comment Re:Maybe we should actually penalize companies (Score 1) 286

At minimum, the fine should be the same amount they would have "saved"(preferably more). At best, we should start putting people in jail for breaking the law just like we do regular people who break the law.

It is "Justice" "seen" to be done.

In reality the penalty should be so severe that no sane employer would expose them selves to that sort of risk. Currently it is like the "slap" in slap and tickle, a little exciting if you get caught and rewarding if you don't. Unfortunately because unions are unpopular in the tech industry there is no organization powerful enough to lobby the congresscritters for law reform as the tech industry settles more and more into mainstream and sleazier employers enter the market.

Great set-up if you want to exploit people though.

Comment Fraud (Score 1) 284

Used and implemented properly, encryption can also provide protection against fraud. It would seem though that the FBI would prefer to encourage agencies around the world to snoop rather than actually *prevent* crime.

Still, I've heard that cops aren't exactly fond of doing the hard work of following proper protocols and procedures, opting for short cuts. It's a bit insulting that they constantly claim they don't have enough search and seize powers however when they start criticizing the one method that may protect my property from a criminal activity they will have no interest in pursuing, I'd give them the advice that any other employee would get:

Stop complaining and do your job.

Comment Re:Too bad... (Score 1) 610

Maybe the part that says:

Each nuclear power plant leaves behind an energy debt as large as about one third of its lifetime energy production That is... the part that calls his assertion "Complete Bullshit"

It's more likely that you haven't read it and you don't understand where the energy debt comes from.

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