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Comment Re:OSX (Score 4, Insightful) 196

The scrollbars on Gnome are so obnoxious now. You have to mouse over a tiny 2 pixel strip to get them to appear, then super precisely move your mouse to get to the part where you can interact with it, and one pixel off causes it to disappear and make you hunt for the invisible 2 pixel strip again. I'm sure they're great if you're on a tablet and just mashing your thumb in the general vicinity of the scrollbar, but for mouse users they're just outright terrible and enabled by default. If you have a distro like Ubuntu it's fairly hard to enable sane scrollbars again too, you have to know what esoteric package to install to fix the behavior, it's not installed by default.

Comment Re:What a stupid idea (Score 1) 226

Are you thinking of building bridges to Iceland and then Greenland? That would be a considerably more impressive undertaking than building a bridge across the Bering straight (which is already impressive).

Of course the other problem with this road is that it will be snowed in half of the year and it is primarily linking up two sparsely populated areas with little industry or population. They're not talking about laying down cement from London all the way to NY, they're assuming you'll use existing roads for the majority of the trip. This is just about filling in a few gaps (including the incredibly expensive one over the ocean).

That said, if you talk about maybe just a ferry service over the strait this isn't completely unreasonable. You would need something to link up Alaska with the lower 48, but I doubt Russians would be paying for that.

Comment Re:Risk Management (Score 2, Interesting) 737

"Any method of getting in from the passenger compartment would be vulnerable to coercion."

not if you have an air marshall with an AA12 shotgun full of beanbag rounds right there. There are very simple answers, the airlines are whiny bitches that claim they cant afford it, and that is the center of the problem.

3 crew on flight deck for all aircraft, Let the pilots rest and get good sleep, and2 very well armed angry air marshalls on every flight. Solves 100% of all "terrorisim" problems.

Sadly the people in charge of security that have zero clue as to what to do, and the airlines whiny executives disallow the correct answer.

Comment Re:Don't Ruin It for Me (Score 1) 886

Dont worry, next year will be ruined by the hotels. They already announced there will be a 20% increase in hotel prices next year.

2 years ago it was a lot better, this year is probably my last year as I just cant afford $600 a night for a 4 night minimum stay anymore Plus $80 a day parking at the hotel. Makes my VIG passes look cheap in comparison.

Comment Re:Idle threats? (Score 1) 886

Gencon consumes all of indy that weekend. you cant get a hotel within 30 miles. Every single hotel room is already booked for that weekend. Every restaurant in a 10 mile radius of the center is packed full of people.

I honestly hope they move because Indy is too dinky of a town for Gencon. I want them to move to Vegas. Cheaper and better hotels, cheaper and easier flights. And a shitload more to do outside of the convention.

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