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Comment Re:programming (Score 1) 417

There is no reason to expect an AI to have self-interest, or even a will to survive, unless it is programmed to have it.

there's also no reason that AI will brew better beer, unless you program it to do so. if coding for self-interest has come up 100x in this thread, i'm pretty sure someone will attempt it.

does a mouse that avoids a cat, and breeds as much and fast as it's facilities will allow have self interest? does a virus that replicates as fast as it's programming allows have self interest? does a computer virus that is coded to spread between systems have self interest?

self interest doesn't need to be a complicated notion. self interest is programming, biological or otherwise, to increase your numbers (your family, your species, or whatever). we often think a self interest as the will to survive, but biologically speaking, the only purpose of a longer life is to reproduce (more).

Comment Re:AI is not just a look-up program. (Score 1) 417

"Ask the human in the street what 'Artificial Intelligence' means, and they won't say 'a chess computer' or 'something that answers questions on a TV quiz show'."

fortunately, we don't base our definitions on popular ignorance. this is from wikipedia,

"the study and design of intelligent agents",[1] where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chances of success."

which sounds about right, and clearly encompasses things lesser than self-awareness.

Comment Re:programming (Score 1) 417

AI will do what it is programming to do and follow the rules we lay out for it to follow.

humans have been known to introduce destructive elements into the environment of other humans. it's almost certain that AI if and when it exists will be used as a weapon, and given specific "programming" and "rules" to do harm.

Comment Re:America, land of the free... (Score 1) 720

Not to mention the forced prison labor market. Felons get to learn "valuable skills" (for third world countries) and make products to sell at full value while getting paid a pittance. Refuse to work? No problem, 3 months in solitary will cure that, or you'll just go nuts. Really, the prison system is just slavery by another name.

you know, they are in prison, right? they already have TV, books, internet in some cases, gyms, organized sports, vocational programs, college degree programs, consensual sex, conjugal visits in some cases, access to illegal drugs. they shouldn't get paid anything, and they shouldn't have most of those freedoms. let them have a mentally-scarring experience in prison. it's supposed to be a deterrent.

yeah you'll probably bring up the injustices in the legal system, for-profit prisons, unfair sentencing, and so on. the solution to those things isn't to make prison a country club. 49% of convicts are violent offenders. you think those people should have a comfortable stay? you don't think they should be put to work to repay their crimes? if someone raped your daughter, do you think they should get to watch cable TV and smoke marijuana in their cell?

Comment Re:Everything's broken, as usual. (Score 1) 115

It still won't update from a 0.9 to a 1.0 version with a regular patch, prepare for all kinds of sorrow while you try to upgrade. Dependencies, good luck. Back up everything you have, twice, before you attempt updating through the SDK Manager.

that's why up until now, Eclipse / ADT was the blessed IDE. it's the difference between a beta and a stable release. if they keep breaking compatibility after 1.0, then that's a problem. and if you didn't like it, you should have been using ADT, or Intellij as it has all the same features (and more) of AS, but is on a regular stable release cycle.

Google suddenly closed 11,000 bugs

Invalid / won't fix bugs do get field you know?

Gradle also hit 1.0, what a coincidence

Gradle has been on version 2.0 for months.

Comment Re:Joyent unfit to lead them? (Score 1) 254

thanks for posting that link.

yeah, so what's this over? one guy submits a silly pull request to change the word "him" to "them", and an argument ensues about the correct wording, and then morphs into a discussion about discrimination of women in tech. 228 comments ensue. the pull requests gets closed when someone (correctly) makes the observation that is has gotten hopelessly off topic and is a complete waste of time.

the guy that closed it was correct.

you argue about the wording comments.
we code.

Comment Re:Effort dilution (Score 1) 254

This was the company that "succeeded in spite of itself". Demonstrating that incompetent government isn't the only way to kill competitiveness, Commodore fielded a superior product which could have been even more successful if they hadn't been cursed with incompetent management.

i know you wouldn't want to pass over the opportunity to talk down to someone and try to make them sound stupid, but you know he said "Under ideal conditions" right?

Comment Re:Effort dilution (Score 1) 254

A company who knows that their shit could be forked will either behave themselves

it depends.

for a company that's the primary contributor, the benefits of accepting external contributions doesn't balance out the gain. in fact there's significant overhead. of course there's a breaking even point, but in my experience it's way below 50-50. companies get a net gain when they are very minor contributors, and not so much after that.

that's not to say there aren't ancillary benefits. community good will, joint effort between companies, and, in the case of Google Android, a concession to business partners (we'll buy into Android, as long as we can part ways w/ Google and keep Android).

i don't have data for the Node.js Joyent relationship, but from reading this blog,

it sounds like Joyent basically ran the place.

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