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Comment Re:Yes, and? (Score 1) 178

Private transaction without the worry of someone stealing my credit information.

that's funny. because with bitcoin, you sure don't have to worry about someone stealing the knowledge that you bought a six pack at the local grocery, but you have to worry about them stealing THE ACTUAL CURRENCY.

credit cards get a bad rap, but for the consumer, it's pretty low risk. it's in the companies' interest for it to be low risk, because they want you to keep spending money with it.

Comment Re:Oh great ... (Score -1, Troll) 188

I'm not funding someone's website with my personal information.

no, you're just visiting their site, consuming the content that they worked hard to produce, and circumventing the only mechanism they have to be compensated for their work.

i know how you can block ads very effectively: don't visit the site.

Comment Re:Cash is so much better. (Score 1) 186

Use credit cards for large purchases, or when buying online. But for crying out loud, just use cash for everyday purchases! Save yourself some time. Save the rest of us some time, too!

well, not my experience. i can swipe a card and with amounts less than $20 or so (up to the retailer) no signature required. if i run it as debit, 3 seconds for me to enter my pin and i'm done.

vs. watching some moron fumble around in his man purse for change.

Comment Re: It works for me (Score 1) 186

“Fraud on lost and stolen cards is now at its lowest level for two decades and counterfeit card fraud losses have also fallen and are at their lowest level since 1999. Losses at U.K. retailers have fallen by 67 per cent since 2004; lost and stolen card fraud fell by 58 per cent between 2004 and 2009; and mail non-receipt fraud has fallen by 91 per cent since 2004.”


Comment Re:Greed kills. (Score 1) 532

that's an extremely one dimensional view, and wrong. proof is that you don't see middle class americans running around ganking rich people for their G6's. why not? the difference between the middle class and the 1%'ers is much greater than between someone living at the line of poverty than the middle class. by your logic, the middle class should waging war against the 1%'ers right?

people can be satisfied with their position in life. you are saying that the only factor is disparity. sorry, it's a little more complicated than that.

Yeah, Karl Marx jr., profit is the root of all evil.

i know amongst the other reagan youths this is the ultimate insult, but it means little to the rest of us.

Comment Re:Greed kills. (Score 2) 532

^^^ this hits the nail on the head.

the vast majority of violence doesn't come from simple aggression. it comes from getting in the way of someone's money-making venture. the cause is closer to apathy, or a lack of empathy than aggression.

war has, and always will be about money. it's usually couched as furthering a righteous cause, but that's just a way to for rich people to get poor people to die for them. the best way to eliminate the threat of nuclear war is to find an end to poverty. no easy task.

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