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Comment Re:Someone is going to get a surprise (Score 2) 101

A system that monitors 100,000 sensors and is capable of sending messages to almost 40 million people is not going to be done for free.

Depends on the level of mnitoring a day. One ping a day, and inbound alerts on "quake detected"? A PIII on ADSL would probably handle that!

Or, of course, you could give the contract to EDS, and pay $38B.

Comment Re:Talk about creating a demand (Score 3, Insightful) 334

Massachusetts just shut down it's offshore wind farm program and more are dying (a welcome event for those of us that pay our own bills )

And who would that be? Last I checked, coal, gas and oil let you shit your externalities all over other people's environment (and lungs, real estate and insurance costs), and nuclear is impossible due to political reasons.

Wind is more expensive than fossil fuels only as long as you force me to suck up the fumes from your smokestack and tailpipe and consequently die horribly from lung cancer for free. Not to mention the fact fossils will run out eventually, leaving to future generations sitting in the dark if the alternatives are not in place by then.

Comment Re:"Selfie" (Score 1) 63

does a guy who by chance gets a printed mini-me and uses the word selfie incorrectly in a clickbait article, poses a question to get comments, use that word incorrectly? sure does.

he didn't do the scan. he didn't do the printing. so how is it a scan? now if he had actually made an article about buying/rigging up a full color scanner and getting a full color 3d printer, mcor or whatever, then yeah it would have been quite a cool article.

now it just looks like he's posing as stupid for the sake of creating discussion to boost himself. that's one use for a 3d printed mini me.

another user would be.. you know.. he could just give it to his mom or kids. that's the USUAL kind of way you would use of PORTRAITS. it's a portrait so how stupid you need to be to not treat it as one????

Comment Re:I'm really conflicted... (Score 1) 109

but it's not meaningful science. there's no good way of relating to public, it just lets them believe there's some other world that super genius scientists(tm) can look into (or something). if there's an infinite number of alternatives then.. well, so what? in that another universe the fan might not be a fan of one direction in the first place. but more importantly there is no possible meaningful exchange of information or observing of the alternate universe. it's basically just something made up.

it's just "poof magic science makes magic real!!!"... it will make them disappointed once they learn that there is nothing actually there in this universe to connect meaningfully with another universe.

it's just "trust me I'm smarter, feel good!". it's utter bollocks, that's what it is.

Comment Re:George W. still president (Score 1) 109

what he neglected to say is that in an measurably equal amount of alternate universes One Direction never existed.

stupid message, the fans can never observe that alternate universe in any way. wonder why he made it. probably some journalist just clickbaiting. equivalent of saying to them that one direction still exists in happy place heaven(tm).

Comment Re:I wish there was an easy way to understand it (Score 1) 129

number of dimensions? in what way?

current quantummumbojumbo that has already de-evolved into multiverse, current tech singularity ai-blabla etc already resemble ancient philosophical debates... in that they're silly to most people and seemingly also silly to those familiar in actual research and not "futurology" or whatever.

Comment This seems backwards. (Score 2) 62

"Robins, who filed a class-action lawsuit, claimed that Spokeo had provided flawed information about him, including that he had more education than he actually did, that he is married although he remains single, and that he was financially better off than he actually was. He said he was unemployed and looking for work, and contended that the inaccurate information would make it more difficult for him to get a job and to get credit and insurance."

Um, what? All these inaccuracies would help him get a job, unless he's trying for a very low position.

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