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Comment Re: Why? That could be actually useful. (Score 1) 45

Tell me why a public company gets to decide which government agencies they sell products to

That isn't what's happening. They're deciding what purposes the software is fit for. They aren't doing anything to actually prevent them doing it — They're not Apple — but they are stating that doing so is a violation of the license and therefore they can wash their hands of the liability.

Comment Re:Why? That could be actually useful. (Score 1) 45

We're supposed to trust the government.

We would, if our government were trustworthy.

This is outside Microsoft's decision making IMHO.

It most certainly is within the scope of any company's rights to refuse service to anyone the company finds unconscionable, including (and especially) U.S. law enforcement. The latter has no legal authority to compel service from any company.

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