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Comment Re:So-to-speak legal (Score 1) 418

CO2 may not be "clean" but its not as bad as the boogie men are making it out be. the fact is CO2 is a vital part of the circle of life.

Not if there's too much of it. We're pumping it into the atmosphere faster than nature can reclaim it. Global warming is a measurable fact. CO2 acting as a greenhouse gas is a measurable fact.

Ok, good for you, and when poor people cant buy food because it has to pass 100 regulations before it hits the shelf what about them? How about we continue the "choice" thing, as long as items are properly marked whats the issue? Or as for your last point on there, at what point is it "safe enough" people have made it thousands of years without the government telling people what they can and cant eat.

You're exaggerating to make your position sound more reasonable. Regulation on food safety is necessary because if they weren't forced to follow sanitary procedures, the factory farms would cut every corner they could and we'd all get sick. For-profit companies don't do anything that costs them money unless it would cost them MORE money to not do it. The regulations provide a level playing field; they all have to follow the same rules.

Next you are going to tell us that every building with a drive up ATM should have braile on it as well for all those blind drivers out there because.. the law! A little common sense goes along way, regulations leave little room for common sense. If the ramp is 1 degree off, is it stopping people from using it? If no WHO THE FUCK CARES???

Drive-up ATMs have braille on them because it's cheaper to mass produce just one model of ATM with braille on it than to produce two models, one with braille and the other without. And if we tolerate a ramp being 1 degree off, how far do they push it in the name of saving money? 15 degrees? 45? The angle is specified to avoid that kind of nonsense. And if you were in a wheelchair, I'd bet you'd be grateful for the legislation that allows you to live an independent life. Without that legislation, mobility impaired people would be unable to live without constant assistance. If I were designing that ramp, I'd be grateful for a spec there, since I have no clue what angle most wheelchair users can use.

Comment Re:So-to-speak legal (Score 1) 418

Clean Air becomes "Carbon Tax" (CO2 is clean), and regulations regarding all sorts of things not related to "clean air", and is just a means to totalitarian controls set by people like Al Gore.

CO2 is clean? Please tell me you're joking. CO2 in the atmosphere makes the planet warmer. That's not an opinion, it's a well-established scientific fact. Don't believe me? Put two bottles of water in the sun, with thermometers in both. Drop an Alka-Seltzer into one of them. That one will get hotter than the other.

Safe Food becomes So many regulations and costs that while food is safe, it is so expensive that most people cannot eat it.

I'll pay more for food that has stricter controls on quality. You're taking the argument to an irrational extreme; "Safe Food" is unattainable. What we can do is make it safer through reasonable regulation and testing. Which is where we are now.

Safe Working Conditions becomes OSHA regulations so deep and thick that on any given day your company probably violates a number of "safe working condition" regulations. Not to mention big fines for violations like your 3 foot barrier being only 2'11" tall, or your wheelchair ramp being 1 degree off.

Then they should fix them. The specs are freely available and attainable by any competent company. What you're bitching about is companies cutting corners and getting called on it. Anyone with a working tape measure can determine if something is 3 feet tall; someone who builds that stuff for a living has no excuse for that.

But then again, your comment is so ridiculous that it's probably sarcasm....

Comment Bullshit (Score 1, Interesting) 207

I've kept a number of different iPhones in pockets with keys for years, zero scratches. I've not seen an iPhone screen witch scratches (cracks if it's dropped, yes, but not scratches).

Also, they HAVE used Gorilla Glass. In fact I'd imagine the newer ones ALSO use Gorilla Glass, they just aren't saying that (which they did not in the past also).

Comment Re:Great idea! Let's alienate Science even more! (Score -1) 937

I am an atheist because I do not believe in anything supernatural.

AFAIC if something has no evidence it may or may not exist, however if a belief requires me to accept possibility of unnatural phenomena I am going to reject it completely until such time that it is actually shown to be true repeatedly and without possibility of being faked.

If you show me a magic trick, pull out a bunny out of a hat and claim that there was no bunny hidden anywhere near you and anywhere near the hat and the bunny simply appeared out of nowhere because you willed it to appear, I want to study you and the hat and the bunny. I want to figure out what makes it possible for you to achieve that effect (and how it can be replicated and possibly used for other things, like pulling electrical power out of a hat or something). I suspect that if such a thing happened and somebody was pulling bunnies out of hats, we would eventually figure out how it was done and by figuring it out we would remove the 'unknown' and the 'unnatural' or 'supernatural' about it.

I do not believe in things that are seemingly impossible, and when somebody claims something impossible, I want a serious study of that, not something based on feelings and reading of scriptures, but actual delving into the reasons behind it.

Comment Re:Easy to contain (Score 1) 119

You have obviously never been to west africa. People there can and do ignore the governments, which are mostly irrelevant to every day life on a scale American libertines and European anarchists cannot imagine. The whole concept of "they should do X" is laughable. There is no one who can or will do "X". Life is not like that.

Comment Not so in IOS (Score 1) 208

You can't offload anything onto the GPU. Only certain specific types of things, and certain math.

It's not very specific, it's pretty broad. The Accellerate framework includes quite a lot of stuff...

We could offload more still if OpenCL was on iOS (which contrary to another post I jet put up, it is not quite yet - it's just lurking under the public API surface).

Comment Not GCD (Score 1) 208

Apple's done a lot of work with Grand Central Dispatch (is that the right technology?)

GCD helps manage tasks across multiple cores pretty well.

The GPU leverage though, is handled either by writing OpenCL code, or normal code that uses the Accellerate framework to do a variety of math, which internally hits the GPU when it makes sense.

OpenCL is kind of involved to get into but it's often very easy to fix up the math in heavier calculations to use Accellerate.

Comment Re:I can't see this happening (Score 3, Informative) 108

Note that the reverse trend is happening. Thanks to the very low cost of production and distribution, there are many, many, many alternate "shows" out there that you can watch.

Have you missed youtube entirely? What rock have you been hiding under? Also, the place with the most interesting display of documentaries and "non-primary" content is NetFlix. There is a *ridiculous* amount of youtube channels with interesting content.

For example, as a violinist, I like Taylor Davis' work immensely - she mixes violin and many of the themes to movies and games I've loved....

Remember when MTV was a close as you could get to stuff like this?

Comment Missing the point (Score 4, Insightful) 108

I see the exact opposite trend. Netflix is growing by gangbusters, but is the epitome of having many shows that "you aren't paying for". It's not a la carte... at all! You pay a flat rate of $8/month and stream whatever you like.

If you combine horrible customer service, high prices, and synchronized broadcasting, and you have unhappy customers switching to clearly better alternatives. "Paying for channels you don't use" is a symptom. The real problem is that they are horrible companies offering a previous generation, substandard service at ridiculous prices that have risen much faster than inflation.

Comment Re:I doubt your doubt (Score 1) 222

And they do need the hype - they have a large portion of customers who are more likely to be repeat customers if they're gently pushed to upgrade instead of waiting.

You misunderstand, they don't need the hype not because hype is not useful, but because there is already boatloads of it. The amount of hype from "iPhone Plus sold out" is minuscule compared to already existing hype from all other vectors; it adds zero to the push to upgrade compared to months of relentless news about the iPhone 6 beforehand.

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