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Comment Re:I guarantee (Score 0) 334

BOOSTERS SHOTS BABY argue with Faucci not me. Only one reason for booster shot, vaccine failure but yeah sure bestest vaccine evah, no booster shot required on wait, failure, booster shot already required within in first year of vaccine, wow, that is way early failure. Most vaccines do a booster after ten years, not that mRNA crap, already needs one not even a year, SCORE, some good vaccine there. Yeah, we all know ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS profit, that's without booster shots. Great vaccine booster shots within one year of first administration due to vaccine failure, why. Perhaps because they did not exclude people who had been inoculated with BCG from the testing because you know tens times improvement in outcomes, how bad were those vaccines really.

BOOSTER SHOTS are not needed for a success vaccine within TEN YEARS of administration, let alone not even one. I would love to hold a sign that says booster shot whilst you argue why the vaccine is so great.

Comment Re:I guarantee (Score -1, Troll) 334

Sorry but that is meaningless. The originally worry was overloaded, not running at half load. I mean that should be normal, run at half capacity, hospitals and equipment, that is the design rate, well it used to be, they squeezed it all down so capacity at normal was near to 100% and any extra demand from any emergency pushed it over, greed.

Truth is, it has been widely reported of many instance of vaccine failure and hence https://duckduckgo.com/?q=covi... (wont bother to link stories too many too bother with) BOOSTER SHOTS why because it worked, NO, because it failed. Some vaccines are good and some are shite mRNA vaccines are shite, least effective in those most at risk, simply too fussy, the slighest change in the targeted protein and instant fail, across the board, requiring a NEW vaccine, a new patented vaccine and rinse and repeat.

I mean the sheer levels of willful stupidity and ignore, vaccine succeeding NO FUCKING BOOSTER SHOT, vaccine failing BOOSTER SHOT. They are talking repeated boosters because the vaccine is failing, new mutations that are causing the vaccine to fail, the protein changed and the immunity provided is shit.

Antibodies do you know which work best, those with only one type of connection point or those with more than one connection point (more molecular points on the antibody to stick to the molecular points on the targeted infectious agent, means, it fucking adapts to minor mutations).

For fucks sake, why the fuck talk about booster shots already not one fucking year in, if the vaccine was working as claimed. Clearly blatantly it is failing and booster shots are required and with the Lambda variant they are already talking complete failure and a new mRNA needs to be created and patented and you all need two shots of that and boosters because it will fail again.

The wilful blind ignorance on display, WOW. So fuckheads at twitter will you ban all talk of booster shots for covid 19 vaccine because that only happens as a result of the vaccine failing, you fucking rotten disgusting politically biased filth. So glad I never was a twitter twit. BOOSTER SHOTS, why?!? mRNA makes for shite vaccines to susceptible to failure as a result of a minor mutation of the targeted molecule. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... great vaccine not only protects from the targeted infection Turburculosis but also provided protection against other infections including an earlier response to covid 19. Some vaccines good and some are shite, clearly, provably mRNA vaccines are shite. They are the least effective in those most at risk and very susceptible to failure as a result of targeted protein mutation.

Comment Re:Killing a complete generation (Score 5, Insightful) 337

The rare example is a solution to nothing. The rare example is completely and utterly pointless, in the majority of instance, those people are totally and utterly screwed.

No problem, little writing and math test at future employment and they are done, gone and forgotten. Attempt higher education with bullshit grades and now have to read, write or do math, and shock horror, they are part of university car park syndrome. Chock a block fall for the first half the of year and well only about half full in the second half of the years, every year, year in and year out. Well it Oregon I guess car parks will be overflowing with the clueless only to be near empty in the second half of the year.

Basically they are just dumping the problem up the line to tech schools and universities, the mass loss of students mid year and having to do special remedial classes for the uneducated.

The real criminal act, the younger you are the easier it is to learn, not bothering to teach and dumping them in late teens on the street and well, tough luck. They will change it back, what they really want to hide is how extremely badly online learning performed (basically all children in Oregon lost a year and would fail this year if the administration did not cheat).

Of course you can not have different grading systems for different people, it is extremely racist and prejudiced. Want to fix the problem, well, you fucking bloody idiots, promote education over sport and not the other fucking way around, promote brains over brawn, make learning a socially preferred goal. Else continue to strive to fail, job well done, clearly already succeeding.

Comment Re:Twitter is racist (Score 0) 45

The bias occurred prior to machine learning. That bias from early in the last century when comics first came out for children. Hand drawn, the fewer lines the more cells and thus plain faced people became the good guys and good guys are pretty and people with extra lines become the bad guys and bad guys are ugly (they draw the good guys by far the most and so it is far more profitable to make them plain). So from early last century, people with more character in their faces, more lines to draw became ugly and the plain faced became pretty, your mind distorted to accept that as a child, reading comics. We are just foolishly carrying on that. When I was quite young I can recollect pasty faced poms (English who like their features had been etched in a blob of white paste) and that became beautiful (i can always recollect 'your mom has legs like a spider' advertising attack on women who did not shave their legs taught to their children on purpose).

The morally and politically correct change required now, not, showing the bad guys always looking one way and the good guys always looking another way, pretty or ugly as defined by the minimum numbers of lines on a page to show someone's appearance. It is really quite prejudicial and does destroy people's lives and artificially promotes the useless and shallow of people.

Yeah, you ain't ugly or pretty, you are just more or less lines on a page and an association with good or bad as a result. Drawing bad people as ugly should be banned, it is extremely immoral, hey, I am old my extra lines came from being lucky enough to survive that long.

Comment Re:Hot air (Score 1) 247

You know exactly when things will happen, when the waterfront homes of the rich and greedy start going underwater. Then they will want to hang the political decision makers they paid for crime against humanity. So when we hit 0.5m the panic hits and we start but we hit 1.5m before any impact and that 1.5m mainly due to a massive growth in cloud cover a very humid planet. They live for the carnage and chaos feeds their tiny brains and equally tiny genitals.

Now their insane spin, climate change so what, it's natural. So what if water levels go up 1.5m all the smart arsholes sold their at risk properties.

Comment Re:Paywall? Details? (Score 1) 43

You do both at the same time. A flying wing, that you inflate with helium, solar panels on top. Engines don't need to do much work to get it airborne and it actual can carry a substantive cargo. Far stronger and more rigid design, good try, really bad layout. The better layout, inflatable flying wing, quite large, quite the payload. If you inflate it with hydrogen instead, you can do interesting things, burn hydrogen, crack water, make plane warm and cosy, no ice and go higher. There are many advanatages for hydrogen over helium and only one disadvantage. It will perform better as a hot air, hydrogen inflated, flying wing. Not as thick as you are imagine in cross section. Probably squeeze maximum around 120kmh, cruise around 80kmh, all down to the engines, how hot the plane runs, how fast can you crack water, very hot water, some electric motors, a hydrogen jet motor for electricity and hot water. You could cool it double layer outer wall, circulate it back through. Wing needs to be quite warm. Inflate with pressurised hydrogen provides a reserve and the atmosphere provides additional water if need. Lots of surface area for solar panels. Hydrogen supports more batteries for night flight. Ice not a problem.

Comment Re:Please stop saying that. (Score 0) 323

You are confused between climate and weather. Climate is not that hard to model. You have heat inputs, planet surface details, geography, water, plants. Climate is averages, what the average climate will be for specific planet and solar conditions. Not that hard.

Weather on the other hard far more complex and the likely weather extremes quite severe, Flooding is already guaranteed, probably up around 1.5m. There are workable solutions like irrigating coastal deserts with offshore desalniation and wind farm platforms, will fix it, zero interest.

We have psychopaths running around all over the place, in the environmental movement, they want the catastrophe it feeds the ego and perversions. They want to kill hundreds of millions of people, not to save the planet to feed their insane egos. They believe in any solution is attempted it will only make it worse, that belief feed by their ego, they must survive in luxury whilst the worthless die, the insane are running the asylum.

Come on idiots, two decades of this and no attempts at solutions, they want it, they want to kill people, they are psychopaths. There are solutions they are ignored, they want chaos and death, it proves their superiority that they can get you morons to do it to yourselves.

Comment Re:Uber access to card details (Score 1) 60

Why is Uber pushing it, they want to monitor passenger and driver at all times. Cameras and microphones in vehicles every trip uploaded and data mined. Sick as can be, they know where you went and who you went with, they are known to be quite the corrupt organisation, now what can that do with that information, targeted extortion, perhaps.

This should hit some real alarm bells in Homeland security, Uber, trying to take over Homeland security role and control it via government. So smells of mass extortion in order to empower their lobbyists so no decisions ever go against them again.

Not even kidding. Their track record, it should be obvious to odious intent.

Comment Re:Company about to go under (Score 1) 134

Straight up, life or death decision, who is responsible for a lethal hack of the car. The remote update link, hacked and the car driven into a train, kills all the occupants, who is liable. The dealer, the manufacturer, the coders who failed to secure the system, the idiot who got into the car, the hacker. All of the above, only two, the hacker and the idiot who got into a car the coders takes zero liability for, when they fail to secure it properly.

They regularly hack hundreds of thousands of computers, one hack leads to hundreds of thousands of hacked devices. Are you seriously prepared for that, 10,000 vehicles, one hacked all hacked and instead of avoiding pedestrians running them down until the cars are stopped, refusing instruction from the driver of course, one hundred thousand dead in hours.

Go on roll the dice, so what :/!

Comment Re:Not everyone wants to be an employee (Score 1) 136

No, silly. They were already employees, they were however missing out on all the rights and conditions of labour of employees by being falsely classified as contractors. So no changes in work, just getting more rights, like getting properly paid.

Good try at spin though, ;).

Comment Re:Unions seeking relevance (Score 1) 44

Frankly, if you don't like working for minimum wage, then die in prison. Isn't that more the reality behind your words.

Frankly we don't like greedy psychopathic arseholes and want to target and break up those corrupt organisations and have their executives arrested and prosecuted for crimes against humanity for all the deaths attributable to their decisions. Also universal health care and a living wage are good (living wage, afford to buy home, furnish it, eat sleep comfortably, clothing, have some fun ie be really alive).

It is the job of Labour Unions and Trade Organisation to fight for better conditions for their members and for all workers. Always better, never worse, every single day, never a backward step, always forward. Also to destroy all corrupt corporations that destroy their staff and or their customers who in the majority are also workers. To consider the executives of corrupt corporations, the enemy, criminals who should be prosecuted and pay for the lives they have taken with their psychopathic decisions.

Don't like Amazon, fight for legislation to DESTROY THEM. That sounds a whole lot smarter to me ;D.

Comment Re:The usual "Microsoft feature" question (Score 5, Informative) 241

HEY, wake up, you missed the bit where they are actively spying on your activities, like they OWN YOU. What is wrong with you, hey dog, roll over, go fetch boy, are you a good boy, 'pats head'. They are using the software to actively spy on your activities and do what ever they hell they care to with it.

Wake up, by that activity, they own you, it is abhorrent, the invasion of your private digital space, which according to M$ you are not entitled to, they own you boy, good dog you, your in their kennel now, go fetch boy, go on, and take your wallet with you, good boy, "pats head".

Seriously what does it take to point out what should have been obvious. How bad this truly is from a product you paid for, that you are meant to own and control not that is meant to own and control you. The gross arrogant invasion of the private space, does not offend you, the spying and monitoring, they are actively monitoring all your internet activity, WAKE UP.

Comment Re:You must be kidding (Score 1) 44

How about this buffon, makes the story look totally and utterly ridiculous. 1,411,778,724 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... population of China. 1% are good at english https://www.chinahighlights.co.... Message goes out on Chinese social media, join this website, voice your pro china op union. wowie zowie 1,444,778 users all pro china, Chinese who can read and write english readily, earning social media points.

350, BBC ass clowns. China people, they can do millions with real users, why would they fake, why, why, why, stupid bloody poms. When bullshitting hire better people who will do a better job, not just some idiot spawn of an insider.

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