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Comment Re:Gary Johnson! (Score 1) 282

So ignore the political parties in the mass media channel that is the US government, focus on the corporations actually running the show. In this case the oil companies and the valuation of the future value of their existing reserves, not just the profits they are generating now, but they value of the oil they are sitting on and yet to pump out and sell over the decades, this value is calculated into their share price and that is the real reason why the obstruction of clean air policies. Now on the flip side, for electric cars to become the norm, nuclear power must come into play, so there is the value of the uranium they are sitting on and yet to mine out over the centuries to come and it's value which could be much higher. Then there is the value in existing power stations versus the profits of building new nuclear power stations. Even car companies can get behind the idea, that the shift to electric means the replacement of the whole existing infernal combustion fleet.

So you now need to wrap your mind behind the idea of which corporations will be able to influence the greatest control over the mass media channel that is the US government (accept it, US politicians have been reduced to the status of news desk representatives for corporate propaganda), seemingly based upon who owns the most congressmen and senators, as well as who can extort the greatest control over any political individual at any particular time (versus the majority of the time).

So you are bound to see chopping and changing and flip flopping, as outside corporate forces exert opposing influences. It would seem nuclear power might be pushing harder against oil at this time and likely to do more so in the future. This is the way it will remain until such time a lazy and cowardly Americans start paying a lot more attention to the primaries.

Comment Re:It was not misspelled (Score 1) 275

Well contractor access to top secret data bases just smells to high heaven of plausible denial-ability. Basically under corporate direction the mass media channel that is the United States government was instructed to allow military industrial complex corporations full access to their top secret databases, as a ruse in plausible denial-ability this was provided upon the basis of lax security. The problem with that plausible denial-ability excuse is basically resulted in lax security that could be readily exploited by individuals as well as the corporate executives they represented. So it is all stinking of corruption attempting to masquerade as incompetence.

Comment Re:It was not misspelled (Score 1) 275

C'mon seriously that excuse is just total bullshit. It is the same as claiming they could not arrest John Smith because they could not identify him because there are too many John Smiths. This lame excuse is a red flag something decidedly worse going on. Reality check, it works like this, one entry in one data base and no one worries much about you and spelled right or wrong makes not much difference basically to claim such would also mean you didn't bother to add other details like appearance, location, associates etc. When they become concerned about individuals is when there a multiple entries in multiple data bases, hence spelling errors require repetition, which is unrealistic and of course question about the associates would bloody mean who the fuck is this Tsarnayev character living at the same address as Tsarnaev (which would tend to remedy the spelling error thing). It is bullshit to claim they just use your name to identify you, they use everything they can get, name, location(who else lives there and what is their association), appearance (stored images), finger prints (associated crimes), associates (if they lose you they can attempt to recover you via them). So what the fuck is really going on?

Comment Re:Do electric cars actually produce CO2? (Score 1) 330

You seem to have missed the point, that the sewerage has to be treated and it will produce methane, quite a lot of it, whether you use it to generate energy or not. So it is better than geo thermal, as your eliminating a problem and turning it into a solution. So technically it is better unless you have learnt how not to poop or urinate, outside of dying of course.

Comment Re:Wow, timing. (Score 1) 127

How about touch screen attached to the chest. Rotated out for user access and left down to signal others and report user state as well as making control adjustments. Seeing us the upper part of the suit is rigid, attachment of the hinged screen should not be problem even for quite a large screen, adjustable stylus points can be added index and middle fingers. Vacumn wont be a problem but temperature likely will be.

Comment Seems Really Strange. (Score 1) 220

Logically people who like to read are far more capable of controlling their behaviour and people who don't like to read are far less capable of controlling their behaviour (it comes with being willing to sit in one place and focusing concentration on a inactive pursuit). So this whole thing makes pretty much no sense at all. Seems much more like an attack on intellectual types to force cooperation not only upon them but on their associates outside of prison. So nothing to do with illegal activity within the prison but more to do with coming up with legal ways of making the prisoners suffer in order to extort cooperation from the prisoner and the prisoners friends and family. This all stinks of falling down the stairs, sexual abuse by other prisoners, extended arbitrary solitary confinement and other hide able tortures to force compliance and turncoat behaviour.

Comment Re:Do electric cars actually produce CO2? (Score 3, Interesting) 330

Well no, technically by far the best generator of electricity is sewerage digester methane plants. The sewerage must be broken and this produces a lot of methane (basically natural gas) in the process, this can break down naturally but in the interim it is a very bad green house gas. So by capturing that methane and burning it, it reduces the green house impact of it. Now if your digester is an anaerobic base you can pump the carbon dioxide back into the system, the heat will benefit growth and a proportion of the carbon dioxide will be captured. So you have eliminated a problem and as a bonus generated energy. All that is need now is very large scale sewerage digester, optimum bioengineering organisms to ensure maximum production of methane and all methane produced is captured and destroyed to produce energy. The waste produced should be high pressure steam sterilised (waste heat from plant) and sold as fertiliser. Waste water should be run through aerobic beds and any residual production of methane should be captured and used with residual water used in controlled irrigation, say an orchard with below ground piping. See, much, much better than nuclear. It is always better to think outside of the box and try to solve more than one problem at a time, especially you should avoid solutions than create other problems.

Comment Re:This seems like good news (Score 1) 273

Which is why the whole snark in property gains tax, it is just a massive tax cheat. Here is how it works at the top. Get paid in assets, say shares and don't pay any taxes on those shares as they are property (if you sell them you have to pay income tax and capital gains tax). The problem of course you have no money to live on, so you borrow money against the value of those shares, you now have tax free spending cash. Here is the kicker, as a bonus dividends from the shares pay the loan payments and the loan payments are tax deductible against those dividends. So you have been paid, paid zero taxes have loads of tax free spending money all hidden behind the illusion they created with capital gains tax. Of course the 99% pay the full cost of capital gains tax, the 1% pay next to nothing and laugh at the rest of us. Therein lies the true function of capital gains tax.

Comment Re:It' better than you think - Palmer on Reddit (Score 2) 535

Much more likely facebook management want to get into virtual reality social gaming, along the lines of "The Sims" and try to exclude other companies from joining. The big catch of virtual reality social gaming, is your going to have to be pretty much at the bottom end of the social scale to lock yourself in that world via a virtual reality headset and, facebook will charge you a pretty penny virtual elements (virtual social standing driven by peer pressure being the leverage) and if you can already afford them you a pretty much not going to be at the bottom end of the scale and the real world will be better. Extended wearing of the virtual headset will be uncomfortable and given sufficient time painful, hence limiting interaction, not to mention very isolating from those in your immediate vicinity as it actively blocks you from doing anything else at the same time. Virtual reality might seem really interesting but it wont really work, not like say altered reality glasses. The only way virtual reality can really work, a virtual reality full immersion gym or hotel (hotel implies you spend social time outside of the virtual environment), your whole body must be active in the virtual environment to provide that desirable engagement element, a full body harness with active and resistive joints, hand sockets and a headset, a game that will really make you work for a victory with of course a range of physical effort settings and pain settings (a real active sense of risk).

Comment Re:One thing's for sure... (Score 3, Insightful) 870

What you really mean to say is the higher the minimum wage the cheaper it will be to the chances (the psychopaths might lose and face the executioner) and go back to whips and overseers. The minimum wage in a sound democratic society will always be a properly survivable and rewarding wage, which provides for food, clothing, transport, accommodation and a reasonable level of entertainment.

So, automation, easy problem, should robots pay tax and should that tax per robot be exactly the same as the minimum wage and measured in human work units. If the robot does the work of ten people, it pays taxes to the tune of 10 times the minimum wage. We are after all a society if human beings not robots. A society for the majority normal people and not a society for the minority psychopaths, no matter that they are currently running our society as visible by all the purposefully created faults they promote in our society.

Comment Re:Everyone is a potential criminal in L.A. (Score 1) 405

It takes time because the ratio of psychopaths must rise to a critical mass in terms of the rest of the population, their prey. Basically their numbers must breed up sufficiently in conjunction with the elimination with sufficient reduction in the normal population, that they cause their society to collapse. The question is in this cycle, do the majority of the population have sufficient awareness and the will to nip the problem in the bud to eliminate the psychopaths before the psychopaths eliminate everyone (especially now as we are a global population).

Comment Re:This is all Bush's fault! (Score 0) 551

I gather what you really meant to say, was that Russia retaliated when Georgia attacked and murdered Russian peace keepers operating under the auspices of the United Nations in that region. Likely it would have all gone a lot more peaceful in the Crimea if Yulia Tymoshenko had not promised endless gorilla/terrorist warfare and the Ukraine had not mobilised their reserves to suppress any 'other' democratic actions in the Ukraine now that the western approved opposition is in power.

However a new meme is emerging, apparently we are all desperately in need more armies, navies and airforces to defend against the Russian threat because 'er' just because. After all the invaded Europe 'er' the Ukraine 'er' occupied the Crimea after an internationally monitored referendum with a secret ballot (hence threat of force is not real) but which the western military industrial complex is refusing to accept along with corporate owned western media. Mind bogglingly meaningless sanctions have been applied because it seems the US dollar is far, far to weak to take a major pounding. As for the Ukrainians desire to turn their breakdown in democracy into the worlds global thermonuclear war, what can anyone say but fuck off.

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