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Comment Re:What in the hell was he thinking? (Score 1) 388

Just a reminder, he did not steal anything, he copied it, you pigopolists never give up. To steal the content he would have to destroy the original and thus deny the 10 of thousands private for profit military defence contractors one of the tens of thousands of copies. Anyone real who wants a copy probably has a complete set by now, simply in exchange for something that can slide right through without question by the three letter agencies, preferential access to foreign government contracts. As for patriotism, your thinking of blind patriotism http://www.urbandictionary.com..., no, fuck that. Loyalty to one's fellow citizen often means not being blindly patriotic to ones country, often the wishes of the people and the actions of politicians can be at complete divergence and hence requires loyalty to ones's fellow citizens over the countries governing body.

Comment Re:This is bothersome (Score 1) 109

Now what do you think will happen to technology exports once laws pass that require the implementation of back doors in supposedly secure hardware and software. It will be no problem at all to force class action law suites in foreign countries to block the importation of these products where they infringe upon their constitutional rights.

Comment Re:They're leaves. (Score 2) 194

The solution is pretty simple. Basically a train is not just one set of wheels but many sets of wheels and basically not every wheel on the train needs to function in exactly the same manner. So the rear wheels can provide most of the breaking, middles sets support and the front sets specifically designed to displace materials on the track. They do not need to be under full load but only under partial sprung load, with there surface designed to break up materials and push them off to one side. There is a huge amount of difference between the hardness of the track and the hardness of the material on the track which gives you lots of space to work in between to eliminating the build up on the track. Diagonal serrations on the front two sets of wheels say under a load of only 200 kilograms.

Comment Re:Mostly done. Mostly. (Score 1) 102

Just a warning economic freedom does not mean personal freedom and in fact, the economic freedom to own and sell people is completely contradictory to personal freedom. Cconomic freedom is a complete and total lie based around denying people to freedom to access resources to survive and economically enslaving them under threat of starvation and killing or enslaving if the attempt to freely access those resources. Economic freedom is directly opposed to personal freedom. Truly believe in freedom, then do not attempt to deny people free access to the resources required to survive, the air the breathe, the water the drink, the fruit from the trees, the vegetables from the fields, the animals in the fields and, the fish in the waters, oh wait you need to be free to deny others their freedom because it is economically beneficial to do so.

Comment Re:"Working hours: Get a life" at economist.com (Score 5, Insightful) 545

Gees, troll much. What are the modders asleep. I have found those that work the hardest get paid the least. Just look at all the poor schlubs on minimum wage working two jobs, IT workers get it real easy compared to them. So a mandatory minimum wage that pays for the cost of living in conjunction with full overtime awards and to cap it off and get rid of often substandard health insurance and replace it with universal healthcare.

Comment Re:Standard M.O. (Score 1) 148

The NSA should not necessarily be defended but most logically broken into two distinct, separate and competing organisation. One for defence and once for offence. That does mean the defensive NSA does in fact target and seek to prosecute the offensive NSA and wins promotions, political advantage and funding by doing so. Basically publicly being the good guys and the bad NSA filling full of psychopaths waiting to be busted for breaking laws. That is the check and balance. Until it is split it will continue to spiral out of control to everyone's detriment, basically being a global enemy.

Comment Re:Damn Dirty Apes (Score 1) 341

They would likely respond with the simple expedient of biological culling. Space is the high ground that should never be challenged as they will likely not just be a little more advanced but so far advanced that the war would be over as soon as they considered us a possible long term threat. So as friendly and as accommodating as required to promote long term relations rather than a targeting culling by a local anthropological park administrator. Of course one thing to keep in mind, likely we will be treated based upon how we treat others, the most effective measure of the future threat of a developing society and whether it needs to be changed or culled.

Comment Re:Birthday paradox? (Score 1) 334

The catch with measuring lifespan of intelligent life or more accurately technological life (the measure of intelligence is rapidly changing at this time but the measure of use of technology remains pretty clear) is bound to two things, firstly what really drives the evolutionary advantage of technology bound life and the other, the lifespan of the technology bound life.

It would seem the biggest driver for technology bound life is repeated frequent and fairly rapid climate change driven by what ever mechanism that provides the advantage for the adaptability of social intelligence over more physical individual biological evolution, so for us repeated ice ages only over tens of thousands of years for a couple of millions years. So the mind can more readily adapt to climate change ie fire, clothing, dwellings than the body. Catch with that is while it will drive biological evolution of the mind it can cripple the development of civilisation by basically repeatedly crushing them with climatic change, floods, droughts, glaciers, storms.

Increasing life span will drive increasing social stability, no longer just say tens of years but thousands of years, just think of the political stability where not just your parents are socio politically active but your great, great ,great etc. grand parents are socio politically active. Think of how those people who lived through the great depression would govern today. Also consider how that kind of lifespan intersects with the vagaries of planets, storms, earthquakes even simple wear and tear of dwellings. Face it for very longed lived sentient technological life, the stability of space borne life is very compelling, so no need to attempt to populate the entire galaxy and the home world becomes more of an theme park for early social evolution.

So what would we see of them, absolutely nothing they did not specifically want us to. Now if they treat their own world like a theme park for early social evolution, how would they treat our world and our primitive society, keeping in mind how many people find something like Meerkat Manor http://www.meerkatmanor.co.uk/ appealing now think of it with cranky short haired crested rock throwing apes and how much more fun and interesting that would be, especially in the shift from throwing rocks at each other to throwing nuclear weapons at each other. That at the positively charming delusion that the whole galaxy is theirs and theirs alone and they will be able to own and control it all. All of it, will be theirs and only theirs and they will bend it too their will, well, at least the psychopathic ones but they currently tend to drag the rest along with them, most often by force.

Comment Re:Every 30 days. (Score 0) 247

If you are really stressed out about password security, really the best bet is to go whole hog with an airgap networks. Basically networks running in parallel and never ever touching except by human inputs. An internal secure network where password access it not that important because an individual requires direct personal access to the internal network and data access logs, machine and user, are sufficient to control access. Then you quick and dirty external network, where machines carry no real secure data and can be readily rebuilt at the drop of a hat, basically all about internet communications. Any secure communications with external sources are again kept completely separate ie if the majority of users don't need access than it should not even touch the network the majority of users are on.

Yes it takes more effort to maintain and data going from one network to another takes quite a bit of network security administrative effort, with that only ever occurring on network admins connections and manually copied, checked and transferred to the other network. Easy, fast and convenient will never be secure, specifically because it is just as easy, fast and convenient for those you don't want to have access, as for those who you want to have access. The best security road block is to force direct personal access to secured terminals via specific network gaps. Wireless is of course a do not touch for anything except external mobile comms that can be readily cleaned and rebuilt with only very limited data risk.

Comment Re:Snowden revenge? (Score 1) 130

It depends upon what Russia really wanted. Based upon US decelerations over the years and their desire to politically corrupt other countries social networks, likely what Russia was really after was not protesters but US espionage agents and proof of US espionage. So Russia now would be swapping for nothing. Right now Russia can gain huge global political advantage by acting as a refuge for people targeted by US political enforcement agencies (many claim absolutely zero requirement to obey other countries laws when operating in them) from all over the globe, not the terrorists that US unfortunately has a history of doing but simply political activists.

Comment Only Fifty (Score 2) 61

Gees, talking about lame, only fifty organisations in then years, that's pretty lame, the NSA does that in about ten minutes. So if the Iranians are meant to be considered evil for doing it what does that make the NSA. Of course the most important thing not mentioned in the story was how significant were the hacks, how quickly were they discovered and how difficult were they to remove. Hmm, also were they discovered by the NSA just because the NSA was hacking those systems themselves and just discovered those 'other people's' hacks as a result.

PS. Due to the nature of the internet and the predilection of black hat hackers to use other people's computers, that they have already hacked, in order to reduce risk when targeting high risk targets. You are meant to say, hacks sourced out of Iran but you can not claim Iranians did it with out significant proof, for all we know the NSA could have conducted those attacks remotely via computers they had already hacked in Iran. So would the NSA do this, from all indications, abso'fucking'lutely, especially based on anti-Iran Israeli government policy and their ability to control their foolishly bumbling attack dog, Uncle Sam.

Comment Re:The real question is . . . (Score 1) 525

The higher the speed, the far greater the risk, so thinking you are 'safe' is just a marketing delusion. At 85 mph a bird can kill, let alone larger ground bound animals. So is the real risk of death worth spending that additional money on fuel, all to save a small amount of time and as a bonus substantially increase the stress of driving as douche bags with high performance vehicles go nuts when they can not drive 10% beyond the maximum speed allowed. Then there are vehicle failures due to manufacturing defects, at high speeds safely bringing the vehicle back under control becomes more and more difficult and involving other people on the roads in the incident more and more likely. Then of course there is debris on the road, whether wind blown and untidy drivers, gravel, tools and, branches. So sure unlimited speed under race track conditions where there are no slow drivers and the track is continuously monitored. On public roads you are quite simply begging for more death and suffering by raising speeds.

Comment Re:There are issues to resolve... (Score 1) 262

Then of course the defence attorney will immediately point that out and use it to weaken the testimony of the accuser. Keep in mind the accuser is still under threat from the hundreds of millions of other smart phones out there and of course out of control law enforcement can no longer claim recording them is illegal and they are meant to be carrying an active recording device.

As with all the sci fi movies, live streams from police officers helps to protect them as their base knows exactly what is going on. So let's step it up, not just recording devices but actual supervised live streams when ever a police civilian interaction becomes confrontational or even just a legal interaction, so switching it off or failing to activate becomes immediately questionable. Perhaps even automatic activation upon communication with base and only base can turn it off, although the officer would emphatically know whether it is on or off but could never be certain whether or not it is being actively monitored, although active monitoring is really in the officers best interest, even from something as silly as simple slip and fall.

Comment Re:so why is ApplePay required (Score 1) 375

Anonymous debit cards are not anonymous for the receiver, so unlike cash it does not produce the extra effort from tradies along with the applicable discounts. Let's be honest cash for everything you can not tax deduct but that everyone you pay has to pay tax on it, in spite of the fact every rich and greedy person with fake corporations gets to tax deduct the exact same thing and that's after pushing their income on lower tax rates. Weird isn't it, the reality that the less you get paid, the greater the proportion of your income that goes on tax whilst the richest pay the lowest proportion of their income on tax, easy to tell who wrote the tax laws.

Comment Re:"Culture Fit" is an excuse for discrimination (Score 1) 139

You get rich by specifically not sharing. So rich white frat boys tend to hang together and use money to establish a business and hire disposable staff to do all the work, whilst the rich white frat boys take all of the credit and the bulk of the money, often leaving the people who do the actual work with unpaid salaries and a bankrupt company. So want to work for a company where you actually do the work, you need three things, the skill, the willingness to work cheap and the willingness to work for promises and if you won't then they'll bring in foreigners on work visas.

So ignore cool and focus upon whether owners and managers or fair or just greedy douche bags. Scope out their personal life styles if you can (clothes, jewellery, cars and housing), after all, you'll the one that will be paying for it regardless of any claims they make.

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