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Comment Re:Cycle of life (Score 4, Insightful) 133

For companies is it not quite the same. Reliable older company treats it's staff and customers well. Along comes the psychopath vulture capitalist who works out they can buy the company for more than it is worth and the dress it up for sale by trading on trust while delivering cheap crap, getting rid of expensive stuff, wiping out after sales service and support and voila big profits for a few quarters until it all goes boom but then it has been sold by then.

Reality is companies pretty much keep going until the slick psychopaths take over all full of charm and bullshit and try to fill their own pockets for as long as possible until the company goes belly up as a result of their total incompetence beyond their skill and getting employed. They of course focus all their efforts on blaming everyone else for the problems created by the psychopaths.

Want to keep companies going longer, really easy answer, start testing for psychopathy before letting new executives in the door.

Comment Re:Whistle blower (Score 5, Informative) 608

Oh a comedian, US corporations are pretty malevolent, from pharmaceuticals lying and killing people to generate extra profits, to oil companies taking cheap ass short cuts and killing people to the US military industrial complex actively promoting war for it's own sake and killing people. These psychopaths run the US government and that pretty much makes the US government as malevolent as it gets.

What the US government press really wanted to say in the press release "We were breaking laws all over the world in collusion with US corporations and mostly getting away with it, so fuck Snowden and as a warning to others who believe in honesty and justice, we will kill him and any other traitors to Psychopaths Incorporated 'er' the US Government". This is not about justice, this is about promoting the take over of the whole world by US corporations and enslavement of the worlds population. Of course psychopaths being psychopaths, it really is all about promoting global chaos because psychopaths thrive in chaos, it is quite simply who they are.

Comment Re: Now I won't feel guilty about using Adblock (Score 4, Insightful) 394

Choosing whose ads you allow to run and whose you block is the reason why I use https://noscript.net/ in preference to adblock, a bit more work but it lets me choose who ads to run and whose to block. So blocks for intrusive ads (Content first then ad), blocks for just hinting at blocking volume control (seriously how big an asshat are you), blocks for auto running videos (my choice not yours whether or not to watch the video), blocks for shitty product advertisements (be selective in whose products and services you will promote) and, blocks for supporting nasty web sites (don't support bad web sites with advertising revenue). Some of this stuff should be regulated and bad ads and ad agencies should be prosecuted.

Comment Re:Swift (Score 3, Interesting) 365

A lot of the complexity is driven by programming languages themselves. The conflict between compact code bulky self explanatory code, not having to rewrite functions creating large algorithm libraries, coding conventions as they differ from normal language and maths use, language logic being simply the arbitrary decisions of the people who coded the coding language amongst other issues. What to know how bad coding languages really are, give code without any documentation at all and get another coder to figure out what is going one and how to fix problems. Why is this inherently bad, it is like handing a text book to someone, and they requiring a second one in order to be able to read the first one, even when they know the language used in the first one.

So what is this really all about, cheap greedy psychopath business types who have no idea at all about how to code but who want cheaper and cheaper and cheaper programmers (minimum wage cheap). So they want to flood the market with coders, whether by internal training as long as those coders pay for it themselves or by bringing in cheap temporary immigrant coders.

Comment Re:Didn't some Japanese researchers find this out? (Score -1) 90

That and of course the funny claim that a neuro stimulant is a flavour. Unami the only known flavour that has exactly ONE molecule as it's sole cause. All the other flavours of course have a whole range of molecules that trigger activity. Hmm, one molecule can not be described as a flavour, sounds more like a PR scam to me, you suckers will believe anything.

Comment Re:I find it intersting this article exist: (Score 1) 405

Dude I have a machine so old I had to install a DVD decoder card along with the new to the market DVD drive that I bought. x86, so old I cant remember which ?86 (I am too lazy to get up and crank it up and check) but it had no problem decoding video or browsing the web, as well as a still running inspiron 8100, it also had no problems. Perhaps the hardware isn't the problem and the operating system is and basically the newer is no better. So for getting the most out of older hardware Windows any version sucks balls (either insecure or is a hardware hog) and you are much better off installing something else.

Comment Re:Legislate 50% less consumption? Good fucking lu (Score 5, Insightful) 484

There are also things like design efficiency in the rest of the unit as well as in the electric motor itself. How much energy the product uses versus how much of that energy actual is expressed in it's useful function. Placing limits on energy consumption forces better design to make better use of that energy limit, why, because FUCKING GREED. Lazy greedy fuckers will just up the engine energy consumption to make up for poor design but hey its FUCKING CHEAPER that way. Also up the warranty requirements to substantially reduce energy used to produce goods that fail shortly after the 90 fucking day warranty. How about mandated 10 YEAR warranties, a decade of product reliability, it will certainly cost more but the energy used to replace a product 40 fucking times versus one product that lasts a decade will be substantially reduced. Why does it have to be legislated because of psychopathic corporate greed.

So how much energy would be saved with mandated decade long warranties on all applicable products. Boy could you imagine the complaints from psychopathic corporations who would demand the right to produce crap products that would be replaced 40 fucking times in that decade long time period. You want a real look at psychopathic planet destroying greed, look no further than a 90 fucking day warranty.

Comment Re:Correction: (Score 1) 217

The real value for any human being is their community and how well it supports itself as well as the individual members of that community. Now that ain't monopoly, and it can not be bought, sure you can rent it for a time but as a renter you never really are a part of that community and you will be rejected by it unless you personally contribute to it.

Comment Re:Seriously... (Score 1) 245

Health insurance executives in secret conference "our secret plan to get rid of troublesome expensive patients is working as planned, mwa ha har.". People knew exactly what the outcome would be and that was the intention, more patients rejected, less insurance claims. Even if those patients do get accepted they will get the worst doctors and die quickly before more long term care bills can pile up.

Comment Re:Windows 10 has Secret Screen Recording Tool (Score 1) 203

1) They can not hide the code because they have to supply the source code to many countries who are diametrically opposed to the goals of a corrupt NSA, so the code must be out in the open.
2)Not all GPU have that capability, in fact it would be gaming grade only GPU that end up with it and gamers tend to game not conspire world domination, well, not outside of games.
3)How often do you think they need for a snap shot and how detailed does it need to be and with regard to compression techniques where you just store changes in image, those changes are pretty minor, hence storage or transmission required much smaller than you would expect.
4) The professionally paranoid will inevitably seek all the information they can get, not just what they need, they want it all. This is well beyond the needs of security and drifts right into the area of the psychologically disturbed, it feeds their ego, they gain a sense of power over those they monitor with distinct sexual overtones. So yeah, common sense is not the appropriate measure of their activity, especially when their motives are politically corrupt and their actions reflect their personal political biases, basically right wing control freaks.

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