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Comment Re:The Hard Way (Score 1) 342

Yet, you managed quite foolishly ignore risk, right in the face of the self evident consequence of it. It goes wrong, it goes boom and you have nothing. Besides staged rockets logically become a thing of the past, when you want to establish a permanent moon base (they become parts for the base and for vehicles that will go further out into space).

Comment Re:A first: We should follow Germany's lead (Score 1) 700

However Scientology's blatant and public attack on psychology and psychiatry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S..., purely done because both profession target the preferred victim of the non-believing professional scientologists and deny them potential victims by curing them, before they can be ruthlessly exploited, to the extent of stripping them of assets and psychological (sometimes even physically) enslaving them. So far from being a region, unless you want to try to count the psychopathic insanity at the top of Scientology to be a religion. We are talking some seriously sick stuff going on here and it has nothing at all to do with those who choose to believe in Scientology but those who exploit them.

By the way guys and gals, filling the thread with lame off topic posting, pretty silly but it does reflect your inherent authoritarian and autocratic nature, no dissenting opinions allowed and all 'suppresive people' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S... must be silenced one way or another. As for this shite http://www.scientology.org/faq..., "There are certain characteristics and mental attitudes that cause a percentage of the population to violently oppose any betterment activity or group. This small percentage of society (roughly 2 percent) cannot tolerate that Scientology is successfully improving conditions around the world. This same 2 percent is opposed to any effective self-betterment activity. The reason they so rabidly oppose Scientology is because it is doing so much to help society. Those who are upset that people are improving are few in number compared to the millions who have embraced Scientology and applaud its effort to build a better world.". Now that is hate speech fellows (GFY) and slander as it claims you are a terrorist if you oppose Scientology, as well as being so stupidly contradictory ie 'This small percentage of society (roughly 2 percent)', 'are few in number compared to the millions' (erm, yeah, right). You know like 2% of 7 billion, is like a whole lot of people 140 million. Now who looks 'rabid' that 2% of society or the asthmatic dwarf ;D.

Comment Re:"Designed For" (Score 2) 58

Designed for security needs to follow the KISS principle, keep it simple stupid. Only allow it to do what you need it to do, zero flexibility. Keep the device as simple as possible, not one feature beyond what is absolutely necessary to it's designed function. This is the most important rule in designing for security. Your lock should only open able one way, the way you choose. The whole idea of bios/os/application is the first thing that has to go, great for general computing but for secure computing to many ways of doing things you didn't intend for it to do.

Break down the overall function into their broad elements and separate and secure each element and provide fixed encrypted communications pathways between each element. At least with completely separate hardware and operating applications between each element, parallel processing will be far more efficient and far less processing capability will be required.

The more complex, the harder to secure, the simpler the easy it is to secure.

Comment Re:Is it really better to withhold internet? (Score 1) 75

Yes because it would be a return to the old corrupt propaganda main stream media model. Pricing would not be what they claim but selective pricing would be the model. The insiders would get one price and the outsiders would get a price that they purposefully could not afford. Basically they want to keep the main stream media propaganda lies going and to do that, they need to silence the truth.

Basically the psychopaths are trying one bullshit propaganda method after another to get the lock in on pay to speak and that price being will beyond what the majority can afford. Open communications are a function of democracy and where necessary be fully funded by government to ensure equal access.

Comment The Hard Way (Score 1) 342

Why do it the hardest and most fuel inefficient way imaginable. Split seam the fuel tank, then swing out and rotate the elements and create a massive autogyro. Sure you have to be careful with the seal of the seams in the tank and wind could be a problem requiring on the fly change of landing zone but overall a whole lot less additional fuel required and even a bad landing will still be soft by comparison.

Comment Re:That's great news! (Score 1) 517

Technically, you don't want the best person, you want the person most suited to the role. The whole bullshit mobile disposable workforce is a fallacy, driven by amoral attitudes and greed. You do want loyalty, someone that will stay, you do want team players and, you do want someone psychologically (that includes physiological cerebral differences) suited to the role. You don't want to hire someone who will just leave at first better offer, someone whilst very good but who mainly focus their skills on socio politically manipulating everything for personal advantage and, someone highly knowledgeable but totally bored with the role and always attempting to avoid it. You definitely do not want people competing for roles as you will just get people who are better at competing for the role than actually carrying out the role. Good enough is often far more productive than the best. So sometimes making a some what arbitrary choice filling other guidelines can achieve more. Men and women, are factually different and achieving a balanced staff does make sense with regard to that balance being expressed in student numbers.

Some things need to be disposed of like actively competing for a job, disposable work force, the idea of the best, negotiated wages and conditions, these all create an unhealthy work environment, that inevitably leads to failed companies as the stuff are not interested in what they can achieve together, they are only interested in how much they can get out of the employers as fact as possible and that is where their focus ends up being during the work day.

Comment Re:Will probably be used for VR applications. (Score 1) 152

Physiology will limit oculus rift and all others. Sure they'll get a grab early on but main stream response to the impact of using one over any extended period will hugely limit acceptance, especially as yet another device. With phones, lighter weight, longer life batteries, durability and more voice features are going to be the new goals. Marketing at exclusivity will inevitably fail, as common sense always eventually prevails over fads.

Comment Apartheid Education (Score 3, Insightful) 148

Seriously sounds like they are drifting towards an apartheid education system. That students tend to do better in the US with teachers of the same race (what ever the fuck that is meant to really mean, like human teachers or dog teachers or bird teachers or dolphin teachers), is a solid indication or problems of racism in the society at large and how it is brought into the education system. Race - biological http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Rac... was only extended into arbitrary human http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Rac... classification purely as a result of rampant prejudice and a specific desire to exclude people from competitive access in capitalist societies. Those statistics are not a measure of better teaching that are a measure of a fractured and failing society, as people within that society seek to avoid failure and drowning in poverty by pushing others down via what ever distinctions they can craft based upon, appearance, language, religion and culture. Those results should be a real wakeup moment of a serious problem.

Comment Re:Too early for criticism. (Score 1) 238

What you wrote, is that business will only want to pay taxes if all the tax money is only spent on them "if it is invested in things that make business more successful", so according to you, taxes spent on citizens, FUCK THAT. That is pretty much the evil ideology of the sick and greedy. That is the reality, corporations have a total disregard for the societies they parasite off, only interested in what they can get out of them and what those societies will they will be able to exploit our of those societies, they are morally defunct and thus have no place in a modern society.

Comment Re:Tradeoffs (Score 4, Interesting) 187

Yep, because feeling good via any other means than mass consumption is bad. Although the principles mass consumption are very bad psychologically and do drive a need for feel better drugs. Mass consumption is also very bad for the environment, so what exactly are we doing by favouring it of simpler less environmentally taxing feel good methods, especially when the need for the feel good methods is driven by the feel bad nature of mass consumption ie you are not consuming enough so the engines of mass consumption purposefully sets out to make you feel bad in you failure to consume, which you can only alleviate via consuming more and more and more. The feedback cycle on mass consumption seems to be far worse all around, individually and environmentally.

Comment Re:This, if true, will utterly destroy (Score 1) 279

Currently there are two accepted forms of troll identification. Those that post purely to annoy others and have no interest in the topic or even the opinion they are espousing or even worse, paid trolls. Paid trolls are of a different order, they are paid to post the opinion of others for money in as many forums as possible and to narrowly defend that opinion. Which is often nothing more that greed driven false ideology that those who pay for it to be posted, perceive will fiscally benefit them. The post to annoy ones are easy to filter out, their behaviour repeats, the paid trolls are far more difficult, as just like the microbes they are, their message mutates to get past the filters, the problem they create is one germ attempts to become hundreds of points of infection in the same thread and thus appear like the majority normal cell, rather than a diseased infection of Public Relations agencies (these engines of deceit should be subject to massive class action law suits where their behaviour is uncovered for the cost burdens they place on people and companies attempting to run genuine forums).

Comment Re:No mention of getting data out (Score 1) 71

That is not technically correct, as a proper air gapped network should not have any means to digitally add data other than via secured, monitored and filtered access points. So failures in air gap system design are obvious, still live wireless hardware, unconditioned power feeds and local terminals with poor input control methods. The untoward access to a properly designed air gapped network should be via corruption of personal and that data should only be copied and removed in hard copy form or be added manually, except at the specific control point for the digital addition or removal of data. That power supply can be a real problem for bringing bad data into an air gapped network but it requires that the hardware in the network has already been compromised. Of course with so much stuff sourced from China in the blind US rush for greed, that is likely to have occurred. Now with lots of government three letter agency attacks hidden behind false flag terrorism, yep, sure a bunch of goat herders in a cave brought down a commercial broadcast network (lies work best when you can silence the truth, even just temporarily, until the bulk of the killing is over). So bad people in positions of trust will always be the greatest problem and of course for the spy agencies psychopaths make the best agents, that shameless lying works well for them, or does it?!?.

Comment Re:Too early for criticism. (Score 1) 238

It should be pretty obvious by now that most business are unwilling to pay any taxes at all, whilst demanding money out of the tax coffers as subsidies and this not to invest in their business but to invest in the ego of the executive team with mansions, private jets and mega yachts. Most corporate executives seem quite content to see the bulk of the population suffer and die as long as this quarters profits and their bonuses are up. Tax havens exist as a means by which to steal social services in order to pay for ever greater egoistic indulgences, people die in poverty to pay for the hugely wasteful excesses of a psychopathic minority. PS it is called offshoring, where a business is locally based but just imports all product which it pretends to produce and hides the bulk of revenue in the shift from the point of manufacture, to a tax haven holding company, to the point of import, so they it can be bought very cheaply and still be sold at a hugely inflated price but for tax purposes at a loss, whilst the executives scream, 'die fucker die' (they also fund lobbyists to bring that death about as quickly as possible by distorting legislation to favour it), to at all the people living in poverty who can not afford to buy those products.

The tech industry is rife with those who public face of moral equability hides the avaricious sneer of letting a populace they profit from suffer social welfare losses up to and including early death, Google, M$, IBM, Dell, all of them just as factually evil as each other in their chosen fiscal practices, their greed is killing people.

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