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Comment Re: China's internet will become a smaller intran (Score 1) 128

Firstly, China isn't blocking everything in the world. They are blocking undesirable content into their own country that a majority of the Chinese public agrees should be blocked because their government tells them it should be, and they don't get to hear any opposing views on the matter.


Comment Re:Except for Mozilla and Colts (Score 1) 128

Do you think I just fell off a yùtóu wagon?

I've been to China numerous times, have many friends from and in China, am married to a Chinese, and you are so full of it I'm looking for my waders.

This is *all* about maintaining order, under control of the CCP, by blocking (or at least slowing down) the ingress of as many "disruptive" ideas as possible.

Meanwhile, within China, it's common knowledge that many of the country's current social ills stem from the Cultural Revolution and its attempts at erasing this 5000 years of history of which you speak as though it were really a presence. It's common knowledge within the CCP as well--I know this because I've discussed it with Party members.

So please spare us the "preservation of our culture" spiel--it doesn't wash.

Comment Small? Specialize and get billing, taxes, ... (Score 1) 176

Small? Specialize and get billing, taxes, legal and ERP covered. Legal and taxes are other people, billing an ERP can be done with online tools like FreshBooks or small to midsized softwarepackages like Lexware.

What practices you need is up to you - especially if you code alone.
It also depends on the code you write. If it's just custom ABAP scripting for a handful of clients at a time, point and click testing and a few manually checked testpositions ought to be enough.
If you want to deliver software to a wide range of customers, perhaps even online, with demo-versions and stuff you *have* to have your pipeline standing, even and especially if you are alone. You want to be able to compile and deploy a hotfix wih a mouseclick.

Ask yourself: if the worst possible szenario happens with my software, will I be able to fix it inmediatel? If the answer is yes, with a few night-shifts and my leet Google searching skill I ought to manage somehow - that's OK. If the answer is no, compiling for XYZ takes days of time each time around - then you're doing it wrong and need to automate your process (more).

As for the business itself: Specialize in a field and a subset of that. There is no other way you can keep up with the big boys as a small shop. ERP, Web, Embedded, DB, etc. They all have their ups and downs and each have countless subcategories you can specialize in. Do it! Do not look left or right, unless you don't have any customers in the current field.

Good luck!

Comment Re:Rotated (Score 1) 330

You're probably not old enough, but there used to be something called the 80 column mind. This was something that affected programmers who had learned how to use computers back in the days when the punched card was king, and were still writing programs that expected all input and output to fit into that medium's 80 character restrictions. I worked for JPL for a few years in the mid-80's, and even then many of their newer programs used what were called "cardimages:" computer records that were designed to mimic a punched card either because they received input from a program that was a legacy from the old punched card days or who's output would be fed to one. And, of course, sometimes both were that way. I'm sure that they've moved past that by now, for the most part, but I know that their main space probe navigation system was written with cardimages in mind and I doubt that they've ever gone to the expense of having something that works so well re-written.

Comment Re: So low carb vindicated again (Score 1) 252

hey, it reduces end-of-life welfare costs by killing off the population more quickly. The "food pyramid" is good policy if you're a sociopathic bankrupt program.

I got a full blood panel before and after doing a ketosis diet for four months. All my numbers were much better, but to be succinct my total relative risk metric for coronary heart disease (1.0 is average) fell from 0.8 to 0.3. I was using a half gallon of heavy cream and several cups of coconut oil every week. Some bacon and steaks too. Plenty of nuts and cheese.

Most people see similar results. None of these blood tests are new science. All of these studies could have been done in 1980. I wonder if they were.

Comment Re:Nice... (Score 1) 147

The 68030 has an MMU providing you don't have the cut down 68EC030 model...
Motorola made an external MMU for the 68020, known as the 68851 i believe.
Some 68000 based machines also used an external MMU, but typically not a Motorola design, eg the early sun workstations.

Comment Mod parent up. (Score 2) 176

Isn't the most common scenario for these enterprises where the programmer's customers grow beyond his ability to support just by himself?

So he starts adding people to handle the portions that he cannot, efficiently, handle himself.

If you're going into this wondering what the "ratio of senior programmers to intermediate and junior programmers" should be then I think you've skipped too many steps.

The same with "different tools and/or languages". The 2nd programmer uses exactly what the 1st programmer uses. The idea is to provide support for the founder so he can focus on what he is good at.

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