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Comment Re:Refresh my memory... (Score 1) 157

Why again are we still supposed to use the ballot box instead of the bullet box?

Because if you can rally enough people to your cause to actually win a war, then you can rally enough people to win an election. The system is designed to have an easier method for regime change than bloodshed, and for good reason: after a typical revolution, the chances of ending up with something better are not high.

Comment Re:Why are the number of cabs [artificially] limit (Score 1) 92

It's rather the opposite. When people take a cab, they don't take a car, and won't spend time driving around looking for a parking space.
Having enough taxicabs also reduces the amount of drink driving, which is a serious problem here in the US.
And you free up parking lots and parking garages, which can be used for other infrastructure, which reduces the need to travel even more.

I've lived in cities with plenty of taxis, and I've lived in cities with next to none. The cities that had a surplus of taxis also had the least amount of traffic problems.
London has around twice as many taxicabs as New York City, for a comparable population size. Other European cities have an even higher ratio of taxis per citizens, with a 1:100 ratio not being uncommon. And those cities have the least amount of problems with automobile traffic too.

Comment Re:Why are the number of cabs [artificially] limit (Score 1) 92

maybe we should think about stupid regulation versus smart regulation

YES thankyou for saying this, you are amazing. Everytime I hear someone engaging in an argument saying, "regulation is bad!" "no, regulation is good!" I hang my head in wonder at the stupidity involved. Couldn't it possibly be that there are some good regulations, and some bad regulations, and that the wise choice is to both oppose and favor regulations at the same time?

Comment Re:my jimmies are clearly rustled. (Score 1) 1330

Says the guy commenting on the issue without knowing anything about the treatments objected to by other regions - objections just as "sincere" as those from the owners of Hobby Lobby.

Do you seriously think that the sincerity of the beliefs is the only thing the court takes into consideration?

Comment Re:Alternate use for this technology (Score 1) 188

And he's a clue for you.......if "Palestinian" Muslims don't want to be be treated like animals, maybe they ought to stop acting like animals.

And here's a clue for you. NO one over there wants peace at all, ever. They are two sides of the same coin. They hate each other, They always have hated each other, and their hatred of each other is their core value. and if there is ever the chance of peace erupting, one or the other will start the carnage again. This has been replayed over and over again. This is exactly what both sides want.

Read your religious texts. That's a crew that is really into killing each other.

Your silly rant about the Palestinian Muslims is just one more excuse for the bloodshed from the neverending list of excuses offered form both sides. And you'll just have another excuse that it's the Palestinians fault, and the Palestinians will have another excuse why it's the Jewish people's fault, and on and on and on. Back and forth, world without end amen.

Big fat hairy deal. They should just do as they will, and the world can watch them do it, and not interfere.

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