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Comment Re:Saddam (Score 1) 71

This is the shit that Saddam Hussein was stamping down.

The Middle East has never been at peace and never will. I wish we'd stop meddling and let them solve their own problems their own way and if we don't like it, well tough shit.

The problem is there is such a history of animosity (and long memories) in the Middle East that the only way a group can maintain peace in a state is by brutally clamping down on other religious/ethnic groups. So, when the ruling group is removed from power (by force/election/death of monarch or dictator/etc) and another group gains power, they are thinking "hell yeah, it's our turn, time to get even!". Unfortunately this cycle won't stop until they get sick of the bloodshed and try to work together. But "peace" bought through oppression like Saddam or Assad or Gaddhafi is only a temporary stopgap pushing the problems down the road, and the peace of a dictator is worse than open conflict because it just increases the pressure even more, so when things blow up they blow up bigger.

The middle eastern cultures elevate revenge to a core principle. Its one of the most important things to those people, no slight can be left unavenged, any insult or offence must be punished as harshly as possible. Tit-for-tat can't be allowed to stop or their cultures would just implode.

Comment Re:Saddam (Score 1) 71

I might speculate that many Christians feel a sense of kinship to Jews

This is actually a rather recent phenomenon. There was a time when you would see "No Dogs or Jews" signs in businesses in every part of the US. And I'll bet you the people who put those signs in the window believed they were good, faithful Christians.

Even the notion of a "Judeo-Christian" culture is relatively recent, and was first used in the 1950s.

And the first official ally of the United States was a Muslim country. Morocco was our first ally and remains our closest, most faithful ally in the Middle East. Unlike Israelis, you don't hear about Moroccans spying on the US and selling US intelligence secrets.

A lot of fundamentalist Christians see themselves as a Jewish sect. This is despite the fact that, according to orthodox Judaism, Jesus is being boiled in excrement for his crimes against Judaism whereas Jesus is revered in Islam.

Comment Re:Easy grammar (Score 0) 626

There are tons of natural languages, ie not Esperanto, which could easily replace English in terms of easy grammar and pronunciation. Theres no need to invent another one.

The problem is that English, a true bastard of a language in every sense of the word, has become the 'Lingua Franca' of the modern age. Its really sad because English is so very very fucked up.

Dont be a dick. English is the most beautiful language, and it keeps getting better. It needs no fixing and iIts not going anywhere. So get used to it [if you haven't already].

Yes, English is a special snowflake of a language.

I'm glad I'm a native speaker because learning it as a second language would surely give anyone a headache.

Comment Re:Easy grammar (Score 0) 626

There are tons of natural languages, ie not Esperanto, which could easily replace English in terms of easy grammar and pronunciation. Theres no need to invent another one.

The problem is that English, a true bastard of a language in every sense of the word, has become the 'Lingua Franca' of the modern age. Its really sad because English is so very very fucked up.

Comment Re:Domestic Terrorism? (Score 1) 246

And if anyone is injured or killed, then accessory to attempted murder or murder.

If any property is damaged, full liability right up to taking your pension, property and garnishing of wages.

I'm not sure it would count for accessory to murder. That would require that if a cop killed someone then that would be murder and the 'swatter' would then be an accessory to this crime. However, at least in the USA, if a cop kills someone thats not even a crime...

Comment Re:Not the same. (Score 1) 106

Agree. A race track up Pike's Peak, once paved, is exactly the same as the 1,000 other race track's up Mountain's like Pike's Peak. The track up Mount Kilimanjaro is impressive. So is the one up Mount Everest. Hopefully, they won't pave those tracks or they'll be as dumbed down and easy as the Pike's Peak hill climb. *sigh* I'm gonna go watch some NASCAR and pine for the gool ol' days.

In his autohagiography, 'The Confessions of Aleister Crowley' he writes that when Europeans first started trying to climb in the Himalayas they basically had to actually learn to mountain-climb for the first time; all the mountains in the Alps were well marked, almost paved footpaths up the mountains with no challenge at all. No-one knew how to climb the mountains in the Himalayas, it was entirely new. (Yes, Aleister Crowley was a pioneering mountaineer).

How about a race up an arbitrary mountain, picked at random from a hat a few days before the event, with no limitations on entrants except that they be powered by wheels in contact with the ground.

Comment Re:Determinism is overrated (Score 1) 172

The halting probability is much more interesting; a number within the set of real numbers which can never be found by any algorithm or computation. Its proof that the set of real numbers is larger than the set of natural numbers. All natural numbers can be found by computation.

aleph null does not equal aleph one.

Comment Re:Don't worry actors (Score 1) 360

To my mind, the difference is clear. It's Lucas.

I agree. I felt so sorry for Natalie Portman in Episode III. "Oh Ani! YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART!" Seriously. I cringe. That is no one but the director.

Watch Natalie Portman in Black Swan. She is utterly brilliant.

Not that I hate Star Wars. Far from it. The broad story arcs echo many ancient myths and stories. George Lucas has said that he read Joseph Campbell's "Hero with a Thousand Faces" which surveys many ancient myths for commonality. The idea of a young boy escaping his mundane life to find his "hero's journey" is primal, as is the story of a son of facing the sins of his father. In my mind these things elevate Star Wars into the pantheon of cinema, in spite of the horrific dialog.


Comment Re: Does this law protect puppies? (Score 1) 1168

You are ignoring that homosexuality is between consenting adults (the type that is legal anyway - homosexual rape isn't legal for example). Whereas bestiality and pedophilia are not. Which is a pretty significant difference making your "only difference" claim absurd.

I'm not so sure.

There could be an argument that many homosexuals are suffering from a form of sexual addiction and therefore they cannot appropriately consent to sex (because of diminished responsibility due to their addiction).

Also theres plenty of evidence that interspecies sexual relations can occur with consent and it certainly occurs quite a lot in nature (there are LOTS of hybrids out there, in the wild).

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