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Comment i agree! (Score 1) 279

haha no I totally see where you are coming from.

Looking at programming language design as a man/woman thing isn't useful.
Programming language complexity is partly an abstract problem. The problem is how to get things as simple as possible, but no simpler.

this is a good way to summarize it

also, you do a good job of explaining 'complexity' in regards to making a large computer program

As a general rule, women are better at communication than men, although it's a rule with all sorts of exceptions. Again as a general rule, men are better at understanding what is to be communicated here, again with all sorts of exceptions. For this purpose, it doesn't really matter whether these tendencies are biological, sociological, or produced by mind control lasers

see, I agree here too, but I'm not trying to fool you by agreeing with you

the 'general thrust' of my call for more women is programming is to create balance...this is a more abstract concept than what you are elucidating

i want to "deal them in" so to might even think of my comments coming from the perspective of a tech company owner...the person who sets hiring policy...than from one of the coder guys

thanks for the I said I'm not a full-time coder guy but i like to think i get the concepts...i have a 'systems science' background and a dbase mgmt coding started with FORTRAN type stuff on huge data sets & massive data transfers between systems

Comment FAKEbook indeed (Score 1) 130

this is junk science...not informed consent (buried in a EULA is not informed consent)

first and foremost, TFA description is wrong....TFA and the link research did NOT list what words make a post "positive" and "negative"

we cannot check their work by examining what factors they chose to represent the experimental variables

2nd, you're absolutely right that what people post to is often not an accurate reflection of their current mood or actions

my only caveat is that some facebook users really don't care and genuinely post....but still, we all have a selection bias to posting something that others will see

3rd we cannot correleate the act of reading "bad" posts with posting "bad" posts by external observation have to ask the person posting if **they think** what they are posting is "bad"

these researchers are idiots...really...

Comment b/c you suck at coding maybe? (Score 1) 279

ok fine...looks like you want an actual discussion

The reason it is there is not that men don't care, but that people really don't know what to do about it

"people really don't know" my're giving up without a fight

**bad design is fixable**

just all their shitty design elements can be changed and FIXED

again, anything that is designed is able to be improved

The reason it is there is not that men don't care, but that people really don't know what to do about it

again, you're trying to 'straw man' me...nowhere did i indicate that I thought any of these things

no evidence that men wouldn't want programming languages with less unnecessary complexity....If you can coherently explain why the number of women in programming affects this, please do.

damn whole post was started by me explaining how it's hard to give this kind of concrete evidence and that the conversation i quoted was a window into understanding a complex situation

also, men made all the shitty programming languages in existence right now....ALL MADE BY at least ***some*** men will at least tolerate shitty programing language design

the reason for women not being "in coding" right now is...complex...its not **one thing** and it spans millenia

you have to stop over simplifying without understanding the context

I've seen no evidence that women are inherently better at language design than men

there is plenty of evidence to suggest women are ****better communicators****

which is ***all coding is***

humans communicating instructions to machines

you need to remember that when you analyze this situation

i'm still pissed at you for being so abstract with your replies

find a way to state your objection clearly in one thesis statement

Comment google are tools (Score 1) 376

google sucks at the 'human' part of the human/machine system

it's true just look at their products from the start...'' had better results and no clutter....their success in visual design was to by default **not have any** because sites like '' are so full of visual's just the standards have always been so low in computing that a blank screen w/ search bar is the 'best'

look at how their executives talk about privacy

so, to the problem of 'women in coding' it's rational to expect they'd try to thread a needle with a forklift

for me, i lament two things:

1. quality control...who is teaching these poor women and what kind of "coding" are they teaching them? we all know you could spend a year learning a coding language and still be almost like a newbie in a job situation not using that code...they'd still lose the job to a self-taught adaptable man

2. alternate uses for $50 MILLION DOLLARS

it's good that women are learning 'code' despite my two laments...but still...aaarrrgghh!!!

Comment artificial scarcity (Score 1) 186

you know, just traditional ****HEALTH CARE**** could save 100K lives per year...

health care is being made artificially scarce to prop up at huge industry that has a bad business model...doesn't **need** a business model

I agree Page is out of touch, foolish, and amoral...but the greater problem is artificial scarcity

Comment scared & you dont understand (Score 1) 279

I don't see why more women in programming would change anything here.

so you just "dont get it"

no detail...just "i don't see it"

after 3 comments....if you were interested in discussion you'd have engaged with my points by now

you're just trolling now

also, new words to describe "do the best thing"...whether it be called "essential complexity" or "user-centered design" or whateverthefuck...those are just new words...same concept since humans first made fire...

it's about ******why its not happening*******

which is all addressed in my post...which you haven't discussed except to say

"i don't see it"

that's what i'm going to do to any more of your comments on this thread btw...

Comment you are scared of competition (Score 1) 279

you're pissed that i'm right...that all the stupid Dungeons/Dragons bullshit of the world of coding is both the cause of "failure of software builds" and "lack of women in coding"

it's two symptoms of the same problem

the fact that you think a solution means this:

The LAST thing we need is for our compilers to give up and say "well this code dereferences uninitialized pointers but hey, I'm sure you meant well and you have better things to do." Ship it!

proves you are just being obtuse for no reason

***OF COURSE*** i'm not advocating shipping inferior products or making a compiler that is not effective for its intended purpose

you're an idiot...solving these problems will only help you...

unless you're scared of the competition

Comment why women don't code also a solution (Score 4, Insightful) 279

I know this is "offtopic" but stay with me and I'll bring it around on-topic...

A big question that people are throwing Billions of dollars & millions of internet comments about is "How can we get more women into programming/coding?"

Ok...b/c our industry is by default very complex, it's not unreasonable that to really drill down to an answer to that question might be fairly complex...the answer can be summarized, sure, but to really get at the problem it involves learning a bit.

Here, in this thread, we find out why...and it affects us **all** not just woman coders, or affects how the whole company works and the perception of value...witness:

Why do you assume all warnings are useful?? Some of the compiler warnings are just pedantic and are "noise" such as "variable declared but not used", etc.

There is a balance between no warnings and pedantic warnings, namely the useful ones.

One of the things that's nice about the Eclipse IDE is that you can select the importance of selected messages, all the way from "ignore" to "fatal", depending on shop standards and personal paranoia.

However, the offline builders such as Maven and Ant cannot adopt those preferences, so it's not uncommon for a production build to spit out dozens or hundreds of warnings about things that don't actually matter.

Working with C/C++ I almost never had clean builds, since even....

Here we have a central thesis:

"There is a balance between no warnings and pedantic warnings, namely the useful ones."

Parent agrees, and describes how using a **proprietary software** (Eclipse) which adds an **extra abstraction layer** to an already ridiculous process...a process which we all know theoretically should be able to be done on a text editor

the fact that coding, the act of developing, software engineering, the 'real work' has such obtuse solutions, solutions to problems based on...

PEDANTIC choices...overkill...the lack of discretion...there are many reasons for this but that's another rant

it's alienating to new people regardless of gender...the only reason many people work jobs as coders is **for the money**

until we address these fundamental issues, the problems that arise only because some compiler programmer was overly pedantic due to lack of empathy skills will destroy any attempt to get non-traditional types into coding

right now, you basically have to be a bit autistic, or be able to think that way on command, in order to code...part of it is genetic, but part of it is have to train your mind to think in a "code" instruction manner...why would a woman do all this given other options?

the solution to pedantic, tone-deaf coding choices is, of course, a fresh perspective that can help get rid of problems from abstractions...

we need women in coding to help make coding more appealing to women

so, to make this on-topic, I think **more women in coding** is a long-term solution to problems in TFA

Comment yep 3 hours (Score 1) 163

same here

0-3 hours isnt enough to get outside my normal variation

3-6 hours is the worst

i lived in Korea for a year and they are 12hrs flipped...almost exact opposite of the US...that was ok at first but it always seemed like my body was primed to return to the USA schedule at the drop of a hat

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