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Comment ontology types (Score 1) 302

So, Wirth's definition, and your changes can define 'programming' and it won't disagree with my definition.

Wirth is trying to provide an *academic* definition that is *all-inclusive* in it's language

My definition is the reverse...it seeks to simplify what's happening to the most essential.

I'm right. All programming involves controlling machines using symbols.

It's the best definition, and it doesn't disagree with Wirth's definition

Comment Re:HTML = programming (Score 1) 302

you are taking it too far

the difference is characters (aka symbols) stored in memory...not the act of 'print'ing a character on screen

it fully makes logical sense...you write code, store it in memory, computer executes it...the symbols you use are the 'langauge'

there are many people who claim to be 'coders' or 'programmers' who are not, but we can't let that determine how we talk/define this stuff

this really is the best way to understand programming

Comment HTML = programming (Score 1) 302

look...it depends on how you define 'programming'

I'm using a definition that is consistent and logical, but isn't as exclusive as the pedantic definitions many use.

programming is using symbols to control the behavior of a computer...

maybe this will help...it can be 'programming' even if the symbols you use aren't a full 'programming language' in the proper sense

Comment HTML = programming (Score 1) 302

It depends on how you define 'programming'

I'm using a definition that is consistent and logical, but isn't as exclusive as the pedantic definitions many use.

programming is using symbols to control the behavior of a computer...

maybe this will help...it can be 'programming' even if the symbols you use aren't a full 'programming language' in the proper sense

Comment HTML = programming (Score -1, Troll) 302

He's making sites from scratch without programming because HTML isn't programming

this is just not true

any time you use code to write computer instructions it is "programming"

he uses CMSMS, which means he only codes part of the site "by hand"

internet coding is not complex compared to coding a first-person-shooter, but the demands of the individual coder are different

i've seen many coders spend 10 minutes writing some executable code then spend an hour figuring out how to get it to go where they want in the HTML page on a website to look right

Comment 1984 (Score -1, Redundant) 329

great work, Airstrip One...

seriously...compare France and England...England is practically Saudi Arabia...a really high culture progressive Saudi Arabia.

France did the sensible thing and rejected their monarchs & organized religion long ago.

Yet I cannot deny some things about UK culture are priceless...I really just don't understand why England doesn't ditch their monarchs completely.

Comment is still programed by humans (Score 1) 455

"a computer that can program itself"

is a computer that has been programmed by a human with parameters and a system specifically made by humans for it to take defined variables and combine them in pre-programmed parameters

all pounded out by a dumb monkey

'teh singularity' is a tautology

you can't make a new thing by calling the same thing a different name

Comment teh singularity (Score 1) 455

we haven't managed to make machines until now that are smart at all. Artificial intelligence isn't synthetic intelligence: It's pseudo-intelligence. This really ought to be obvious. Clocks may keep time, but they don't know what time it is.

so glad to see published articles where they say this plainly

'teh singluarity' needs to go to the dustbin of history b/c it's wasting *billions* of research dollars

Comment **bad idea** not "big idea" (Score 1) 92

we have to blame the business people here

the problem is that the people with money don't know the difference between a *good* tech innovation and *bullshit* marketing gussied up as tech innovation

the problem is ignorance of the decision makers, not our ideas

there are plenty of good ideas to be had floating in the ether...

Comment punishing Dice with griefer bots? (Score 4, Interesting) 165

these extreme trolls are complex enough that they might mean something

i wonder what organization (and their PR wing) would be pissed that Slashdot published this story

it could be that if they can't keep it from being published then they systematically subvert it by putting racist/homophobic stuff as first post to make it obnoixious

in other words, sockpuppet griefers

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