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Comment Re:Making a Safer World... (Score 1) 342

Severely deteriorated might be overstating it. On the other hand, in my family circle the two kids out of about 20 that had problems, (1 autistic, 1 with Crohn's) were both sired by men in their late 40's. The rest of us had kids when Dads were 25 to 35 and had no particular problems. (Small sample size, anecdote is not evidence yada yada.)

Comment Envy (Score 3, Insightful) 140

I see a lot of envy fueling the hate. I can't afford a $1500 pair of uber-nerd glasses so I will hate on the select few who can.

If (when) the tech catches on (it may or may not) then the price will inevitably drop, and a lot more people will have them. When "glass" type displays are as common as headphones, I hope people will at least be embarrassed about the rage they were spewing. The tech is at such an early stage that the possible applications haven't even begun to be explored. I see so many people walking heads down and texting, I can certainly see a way to walk and text and see what's in front of you at the same time catching on.

Comment Re:Charlatan (Score 1) 242

"Authentic" is my new trigger word. I see it everywhere now and it sends the bullshit meter clanging into the red end of the scale. Almost by definition anything advertised as authentic is not authentic. Your $200 blue jeans are authentic? Great, except, aren't they made in the same Bangladesh sweatshop factory where Walmart's $25 jeans are made?

Comment Re:Sweet revenge (Score 2) 109

"eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" - that comes from Hammurabi. Commonly misunderstood. It is a legal reform of the existing justice system at the time. It is a limit on punishment to make it not exceed the original crime (and thereby lead to a spiral of ever increasing retribution). "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" is harsh, but is a lot better than "head for an eye, hand for a tooth"

Comment Re:Remove fear labeling to start objective discuss (Score 1, Insightful) 704

Ok, lets be objective. Science, while not 100% settled on this topic, tell us that sexual orientation is determined before birth.

In other words people are born gay (or straight), If you want to provide evidence that this is not the case, feel free. That is an objective discussion of the facts.

Objective discussion doesn't allow for religious or moral arguments, since these are personal and subjective.

Assuming we accept the science, discriminating against people who are born with different sexual orientation ought to be no more acceptable than discriminating against people born with different skin color.

You are entitled to believe anything you like. (Isn't this a great country we live in!). However, if you believe that it is not "ok" to be black and say so out loud people will call you a racist. And, if you believe that it is not "ok" to be gay and say so out loud people will call you a homophobe (dumb word, I agree but it's all we have). Either way, you are a bigot.

Comment Re:Thieves (Score 1) 227

Textbook example is the car thief. I was told that around here thieves will steal a car and move it no more than 2 or 3 blocks and then park it. This avoids any problems with LoJacks or similar silent tracking systems. If the car is still parked a day later, a tow truck will haul it to its final destination (chop shop or loaded into a container.)

Comment Dead Babies (Score 1) 747

The only thing that gets through to people who run their lives based entirely on emotions is ....wait for it.... emotions.

Sadly, this will require the deaths of a few infants from vaccine preventable diseases. Once those hit the news parents will be more afraid of the disease than the vaccine.

An artificial vaccine shortage will help. If parents are afraid they might not be able to get vaccines before "the supply runs out" they will panic and stand in line for hours to get their kids immunized.

Mod this "Sad, but true"

Comment Different Words - same BS - Boiled Cane Syrup (Score 1) 794

My SO buys a box of instant oatmeal packages at Whole Foods "because it's healthier than the Safeway cereal". The nutrition label says 12 g sugar for the Safeway oatmeal, 12.5 g sugar for the Whole Foods (more or less the same), Under ingredients the Safeway box says "sugar", the Whole Foods box says "Boiled Cane Syrup". I guess some people must believe there is a difference between "Sugar" (made from boiled cane syrup) and "Boiled Cane Syrup" (which is sugar).

Comment Are Techies Bigger Jerks than Lawyers??? (Score 2) 333

A common assumption I read here is that the male dominated culture is keeping women out of engineering and programming.

Let us indulge in a little thought experiment about two male dominated fields.

50 years ago Law schools and Engineering schools had less than 5% women. Today, Law schools are 50+% women and Engineering schools are maybe 10% women. We can therefore conclude a) Techie men are much bigger jerks than lawyers, or b) something else is causing this.

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