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Submission + - Slashdot Beta SUCKS (

DroolTwist writes: My scoop? Slashdot beta sucks. I'm definitely joining slashcott. Thanks for the years of entertaining and knowledgeable discussion, slashdotters. While I mainly lurked, I learned so much from discussions.

Submission + - slashdot drives away people with beta 2

An anonymous reader writes: For many months now, people have been quietly redirected to slashdot's beta site ( Any negative feedback of the beta is ignored and/or disavowed. The majority of viewers do not like the beta — resulting in major loss of viewership.

Will slashdot alienate existing users of the site and keep pushing the beta OR will it keep the users and boot the beta?

Submission + - beta is shit 2

An anonymous reader writes: beta is shit

Submission + - User Backlash at Slashdot Beta Site ( 3

hduff writes: Look at almost any current Slashdot story and see loyal, long-time members rail against the new site design, willing to burn precious karma points to post off-topic rants against the new design and it being forced on users by the Dice Overlords. Discussion has begun to create an alternate site.

Comment Re:Classic Slashdot (Score 1) 463

ahem. You have to kill him first.

Maybe Taco was told about the forced changed coming and bolted before he would suffer karma/reputation damage.

It seems Dice want to repeat history:
  The demise of DIGG and immediate exodus to Reddit.

Reddit is the closest thing to /. if you can tolerate the twerps.

Comment I have feedback: I can't reply to this post direct (Score 1) 237

I have feedback: I can't reply to this post directly.
I have to reply to another post to write anything.

I hope someone is making money on this forced change.
Money of the golden parachute variety.

Why not have a poll on this change?
Why is it needed?
Does it save bandwidth?
Does it enable changes that users have been clamouring for? (What changes?)

Or does it just give the CEO's son some job experience?

Comment Re:The US pokes itself in the eye with a stick (Score 3, Interesting) 315

Putin might be a thug but in America thug in government are a plenty.

Until a critical mass of corrupt politicians and their conspirators die off or a revolution occurs, there will be no whistleblower laws.

Government corruption is best measured on how bad whistleblower laws are in that country.

Comment Re:I'd Just Like To Say (Score -1, Offtopic) 263 is /. way to go Internet v2.0 to look "hip" is almost as useless as Digg is currently.

IT DOES SUCK! I think is a scarecrow for new users.
Just create an account and then you can change the look to "Classic".

If Reddit would "Digg" itself, it would die, too.

Reddit's layout sucks for newbies until they understand why it's like that.
You get used to it within 2 days.

I go to Slashdot for the comments. People are smarter and more experienced.
People go to Reddit for the contents but the users are way less mature so you will see penises everywhere in the comments.

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