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Comment Re:No Organizations (Score 1) 268

Pan handlers generally fall under the "don't donate" category.

Yeah, pan handlers may be good at looking sad, but its actually fairly lucrative. A common fallacy is that poor people "need" money more, and your buck would go further helping them. Unfortunately, many people are poor because they are bad with money. Many pan handlers will blow their take on drugs or alcohol, or splurge on a stay at a motel when they could easily afford to use that amount of money to make rent and groceries if they had the budgeting sense.

I wish it was easier to find ways to help people... I would look at supporting the social services workers, or supplies for teachers in schools. Even in fairly good neighborhoods there are usually always low income parents that need regular assistance with books and field trip payments and stuff like that.

I support public education; I married a teacher

Submission + - Linux To Receive More Assembly Code Rework

jones_supa writes: Couple of months ago Linux received an extensive x86 assembly refresh to make code easier to understand and maintain. According to some Linux developers, the assembly code of the kernel is still complicated and poorly maintained. Thus, Linux 4.1 will receive another cleanup, in which a lot of assembly code is rewritten in C. The first big batch of x86 asm-to-C conversion patches, as Andy Lutomirski details on LKML, will focus on the exit-to-userspace code. That particular code is currently copied in several places, is written in a nasty combination of asm and C, and is just hard to work with.

Submission + - General Mills to drop artificial ingredients in cereal (ap.org)

schwit1 writes: General Mills is dropping artificial colors and flavors from its cereals, the latest company to respond to a growing desire for food made with ingredients people see as natural.

The company said Monday that Trix and Reese's Puffs will be among the first cereals to undergo the changes. As a result, the reformulated Trix cereal later this year will be made with four colors instead of six, said Kate Gallager, cereal developer for General Mills.

Comment Re:In other news (Score 1) 255

Is there a good reddit area for slashdot refugees to have tech discussions?

The only other alternatives I see are http://arstechnica.com/ (though the discussion engine is pretty limited and somewhat heavily moderated), http://theregister.co.uk/ (doesn't seem to spawn many useful conversations somehow), and maybe http://fark.com/ (good discussions, but but pretty light on tech coverage in a pretty basic discussion engine)

Submission + - Turning neural networks upside down produces psychedelic visuals (blogspot.co.uk)

cjellibebi writes: Neural networks that were designed to recognise images, when run backwards, turn out of being capable of enhancing existing images to resemble the images they were meant to try and recognise. The results are pretty trippy. This blog-post explains the research in great detail. There are pictures, and even a video. The Guardian has a digested article for the less tech-savvy.

Submission + - IMAX Tries To Censor Arstechnica over SteamVR Comparison

Cutting_Crew writes: From the article:

"Last week, Ars published a story about the newest version of SteamVR, a virtual reality system made by Valve Software. The piece includes interviews with game designers praising the new system as well as writer Sam Machkovech's own experience using SteamVR at Valve's office in Bellevue, Washington. On June 16, Ars Technica was contacted by IMAX Corporation. The company said our story required a retraction because it included a brief reference to IMAX—included without IMAX's permission. "Any unauthorized use of our trademark is expressly forbidden"

If you look at the letter from the lawyer you will notice that it mentioned trademark and seems to think that merely using the name "IMAX" is somehow an infringement of that trademark. It sounds like someone is a little too scared of Valve. Apparently, they(IMAX) has never heard of or experienced the Streisand Effect. Here is a quick link to the PDF sent by the 'lawyer'.

Submission + - Assange's Stay In Embassy Has Cost British Taxpayers $17 Million

HughPickens.com writes: Harriet Alexander reports in The Telegraph that Julian Assange's three-year stay in the Ecuadorian embassy has cost British taxpayers more than $17 million for around the clock. police surveillance at the embassy. The Metropolitan Police refused to discuss how many policemen were deployed to the embassy, but they did confirm the cost. The Met said the figure included $10.3m of what they termed "opportunity costs" – police officer pay costs that would be incurred in normal duties – and $4.3m of additional costs such as police overtime. A further $1.7m was put down to "indirect costs" such as administration. Assange challenged his extradition order to Sweden through the courts, but when his appeals failed he absconded and sought refuge inside the embassy of Ecuador – a country whose president has spoken publicly of his support for the 43-year-old computer hacker. Ecuador granted him asylum in August 2012, but as soon as he sets foot outside the building Britain will deport him to Sweden. He has been indoors ever since.

The Swedish director of public prosecutions, Marianne Ny, has grown impatient. In March she said that she would consent, reluctantly, to interview Assange inside the embassy – because the statute of limitations for some of the alleged crimes runs out in August. "Now that time is of the essence, I have viewed it therefore necessary to accept such deficiencies to the investigation and likewise take the risk that the interview does not move the case forward, particularly as there are no other measures on offer without Assange being present in Sweden."

Comment Re:Give it some hints ... (Score 1) 424

Ha, well, I have a lot of trouble with Kibana since it uses Lucene. Specifically it does this silly thing where all wildcard searches get converted to lowercase, so can't do wildcard searches for anything with capital letters.

For work I end up debugging a lot of ruby and chef, so I'm always searching for help with cookbooks and recipes and gems. Somehow I manage to stay sane. I think.

Comment Re:Infinity (Score 1) 1067

Oh, yeah, I fucked up... Good catch! I failed at simplifying an example where lim x->1 (x^2 - 1) / (x - 1) = 2
from https://www.mathsisfun.com/cal...
which ends up being a pretty innocuous-looking line with a "hole" at x=1 , y=2

But yeah, that's exactly my point that all div by 0 operations might not be "approximated" as +/- infinity , but under certain not-uncommon circumstances, 1 or 2 or any number could be a possible "approximation" of something that would otherwise throw a div by 0 error. But it's much more trouble to code for those special cases than just bailing out. And that was the point I was trying to make to troll for some mod points :P

Comment Re:Infinity (Score 4, Informative) 1067

When you have 0/0, you hit two "obvious" but contradictory rules in basic algebra:

Rule one: anything multiplied by zero is zero
Rule two: anything divided by itself is one

Mathematicians don't know which rule has precedence for 0/0, so there's no way a dumb machine can figure it out, which is why most programing languages just throw an exception if zero is the denominator.

It's mathematically possible to do some form of 0/0 using limits and the calculus.

lim x->0 x/x = 1

Also lets you do some interesting other things, like:

lim x->0 x^2/x = 2
lim x->0 sin(x) / x = 1

Shouldn't be too hard to get a function that gives you the correct "approximate" value of the function near the indeterminate point, if there is one. It's just a bunch of special cases that you have to check for every time you do an operation that might possibly result in a div/0 error, right? Go ahead. DO IT! I'll wait.

Comment Re:Give it some hints ... (Score 1) 424

Yes, sheesh, I've never had any problems just throwing my search engine some extra terms for context. The irony in this Ask Slashdot cuts so deep it hurts.

Here's some obligatory XKCD:

What the poster will get if he he actually gets what he asks for: https://xkcd.com/979/
What the poster actually wants out of a search engine that "doesn't think for him": https://xkcd.com/1185/ (mouseover text)

Submission + - Video Games can Improve Terror Attack Preparedness, even if you don't play them

vrml writes: A study just published by the Computers in Human Behavior journal explores the potential of video games as terror attack preparedness materials for the general public. In the video game that participants tried (screenshots can be seen in the paper), players started a normal day going to a train station and performing actions such as purchasing a ticket and finding a train. Then, they suddenly found themselves in a bombing scenario that they had to survive. In addition to showing that playing the game greatly increased players’ knowledge about preparedness, the study also considered a second group of participants who did not play the game but watched instead a video of the game play. Results indicate that passively watching someone else play the game is as effective as actively playing the game in terms of learning preparedness knowledge. However, they also point out a significant difference concerning psychological effects on threat appraisal: general perception of personal vulnerability to terror attacks and their severity increased more in those who actively played the game rather than those who passively watched game play.

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