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User Journal

Journal Journal: Cantor 4

I forgot it was silly season. Mind you, it is the off-year one, the Winter Olympics to Superbowl Tuesday's buffet of awesomeness, so one really cares, including me.

Still, though, props to Brat for achieving trivia question notoriety. It's almost a shame his votes (should he actually make it to Congress) will be in line with his party waaaaaaaaaaay more often than not.

And congrats to the Democrats as well. Always nice when the other team commits an unforced error.

User Journal

Journal Journal: So, which hardware for Android? 8

Thinking about jumping ship from my cheap but reliable 3GS into the android pool. I'm assuming it's all about the hardware, right? Apart from the Samsung offerings, which everybody raves about (yet I'm not a huge fan of the form factor), has anyone got any recommendations?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Once again - I was right. 19

Barack Obama is a fascist who is authorizing the use of the US Military against US Citizens ON US SOIL.

Link this story with the militarization of Federal Agencies (such as the Post Office, the DHS Hollowpoint ammo buy, and others, and you can see HOW he's doing this.

If you aren't concerned about this... you aren't paying attention. And if you're not paying attention, when the shit hits the fan, you'll deserve what you get.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Axl Rose listed as best rock vocalist? 4


Congrats to Axl Rose.

Apparently Michael Sweet, Bruce Dickinson, Rob Halford, Tarja Turunen, Geoff Tate, Rey Parra, James LaBrie, Ronnie Dio, Dave Mustaine, Ozzy Osbourne, Alice Cooper, James Hetfield, Trevor McNevan, Jon Sumrall, Mark Slaughter, Jani Lane, Joe Elliott, Brendan Small, Bon Scott, Steven Tyler, Jeff Scott Soto, Eric Bloom, Robert Plant, David Lee Roth, Sammy Hagar, Brad Delp, Robin Zander, Tom Keifer, Jack Blades, Tommy Shaw, Dennis DeYoung, Paul Stanley, Daniel McMaster, Jason McMaster, Ian Gillian, Ryan Clark, Amy Lee, Chris Jericho, Andi Deris, James Paul Luna, Jesse James, Jimi Hendrix, Steve Perry, Steve Augheri, Joan Jett, Lenny Kravitz, Lita Ford, Cristina Scabbia, Kevin Dubrow, Klaus Meine, Vince Neil, David Coverdale, Phil Anselmo, Ralf Scheepers, Bret Michaels, Freddy Mercury, Steven Pearcy, Rob Zombie, Tommy Christ, Sebastian Bach, Ted Nugent, Justin Hawkins, Ian Astbury, Jim Morrison, Roy Orbison, Maynard Keenan, Rik Emmet, Dee Snider, Peter Steele, Weird Al Yankovic and George Fischer were all unavailable for the "contest".
User Journal

Journal Journal: I know it's early, but... 6

20-9, 8 game winning streak, the best record in Baseball, and a 5 game lead in the AL Central.


And for the record, Brad Ausmus is a far superior manager to Jim Leyland.
User Journal

Journal Journal: just watched "terms and conditions may apply" on netflix.

but it is lacking. it makes a few points, but they are kinda empty on what people can do about or against surveillance. encryption gets 3 seconds worth of coverage. they don't even mention the fact that closed source software makes detection of spying almost impossible. no mention of how true open source gives the freedom to be free of government and corporate surveillance, as long as you don't release information on your own. i realize google uses open source software, but they neglect the facts that open source isn't by itself enough to prevent abuse because humans are humans and that is the flaw in google's model. ah well, it has a little republican slant, barely mentioning how republicans were involved in it while painting dems as having the most use of surveillance, which is a fluke because google yahoo and facebook have been doing this stuff for years now regardless of which party is in office. it just that 'freemium' games and popularity of social media has skyrocketed in the past 6 years. although i know a lot of people think we have a 0 party system that it's just the rich who gets their wheels greased...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mark Callahan for US Senate 3

Pretty good. I'd have handled this a little differently. Reminds me a little of Reagan's "I paid for this microphone" moment.

And for my buddy smitty -- it's just another example if liberals and their perpetual pre-pubescence.

"Global Warming, Fact or Myth"
"Myth" -- Correct answer, by the way

And note how the thin-skinned liberal asshole (but I repeat myself) then asks him what he thinks of the Easter Bunny... Callahan points out the asshole nature of the liberal reporter and ends up getting thrown out of the meeting.

My response would have been that there's more credible evidence to support the existence of the Easter Bunny than there is for Anthropogenic Global Warming.

User Journal

Journal Journal: color e-ink is here! now comics and color manga on e-readers! 1

i don't think this is news, but second generation color eink readers are now $500 and for sale online. first gen i have seen as cheap as $120 but second gen is so much better. now if only the screen came down in price. paints a dark picture... i don't know what the refresh rate is on the triton2 but it must not be good enough for high frame rate video. i have movie watching devices though, color eink just needs to work with digital delivered comic books/manga. and ebooks with 'color' pictures. it doesn't need to be a one device does everything it just needs a group of people willing to pay for eink in color and know what that means too slow for video. eink displays don't shatter, and kids get too much video anyways, so they should be encouraging kids to use a device that has a battery that has as much energy as a AA battery, but needs charging only periodically...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Technical Stupidity 3

Link to i-Programmer

Wow, talk about a trollbait article.

The author attempts to make a case for managed code because of the "saving graces" of the runtime, but what, pray tell, was the runtime written in?

If a bug similar to Heartbleed was found in .NET or the JVM, for example, it arguably would have had an even greater impact.

To be 100% clear Heartbleed happened not because a programmer screwed up, but because the language was too primitive to know better.

Wow, that's a money quote for trolling.

This statement is ludicrous. It was because a developer screwed up. When a person gets shot, do we blame the gun or the shooter? Exactly, we blame the shooter. The fault never lies with the tool, it lies with the user of the tool. If you don't know how to use the tool correctly, don't fucking use the tool.

For example: Let's say there's an idiot -- there's enough around here to pick from -- who improperly uses a table saw and slices off a finger. Do we blame the table saw or the sloppy idiot?

Blaming C/C++ for Heartbleed is just as stupid.

Quite frankly, I'm surprised i-programmer posted such a trolling, flamebait rant and called it an article. I'd expect that sort of lame-ass shit from Slashdot...
User Journal

Journal Journal: This should be one of those "I told you so" moments... 2

...but I won't say it, even though I'd be justified in doing so.

I was just looking through the beta for Slashdot (which I don't like, by the way) and saw a "Hall of Fame" page. I looked at it and this was one of the most popular stories of all time. It was posted when Obama was elected the first time.

It's kind of depressing, in that people were saying that Obama would not change all the things he promised he would, and the lemmings tried to shout them down. I said "depressing" because so many people, all of whom should really have known better, bought into the ideals that Obama sold to them. They honestly believed (and I daresay still believe, even now) that Obama would have the power to bring about all the changes he promised.

Well, it's been six years in. I think I am safe in stating that none of his promises have been kept-- none of them that were of any substance, anyway.

I can only hope that the process that we have in place will work as it should, and Obama will not see the end of the current term. He can't complain: he has his phone, he has a pen, and he knows how to use them.

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