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Comment The admission is a no-brainer` (Score 2) 194

Really, people - the admission that stingray "might" interfere with other user's telephone service is a no-brainer. Radio waves are generally transmitted in a spherical - or, more accurately, a donut shaped - direction. There ARE beam antenna, but who is going to attach a honking huge beam to a pocket sized transmitter? So - wherever this thing is turned on, it is GUARANTEED to interfere with normal usage, in all directions, out to the maximum range of the transmitter. In effect, they're hoping to shoot one fish in a barrel, but they're actually dragging a mile's long net through the ocean. Idiots.

Comment Re:AT&T (Score 1) 194

You gotta understand that I met this crazy woman in Manhattan one night. She needed me to "help" her. It was the Jews. They played loud music when she tried to sleep. She heard demon voices on the telephone. Her stuff was stolen all the time. I gotta tell you, I listened, fascinated, for half an hour, as she described all the evil that the Jews committed against her. Utterly crazy.

So - demonic sounding voices on your telephone? IT'S THE JEWS!!! ROFLMAO, IT'S THE JEWS!!!!

Disclaimer: I've not worked with a lot of Jews, but I've liked all but one of those with whom I've worked.

Comment Re:Default Government Stance (Score 4, Insightful) 194

Better? How, exactly?

When do we, the peasants, begin to understand that we serve two masters. One master offers us a shit sandwich, so we turn to the other in hopes of a better shit sandwich. At the end of the day, the smartest among the peasants figure out that both masters are shoveling shit from the same damned pile.

Tell me more about this republican misrule. Perhaps you refer to DHS, and TSA? Or, do you refer to totally meaningless immigration policies that no one enforces? Maybe you're concerned with NSA and it's siblings from the Five Eyes spying on everyone? Maybe you're upset about the totally screwed up tax structure? Go ahead - tell us exactly WHAT the republicans were doing wrong.

Once you've done that - tell me how we are one iota better off today with the democrat in the White House.

Only chumps and fools defend either party. Republicans and Democrats are an inbred family, sleeping together for the past three generations.

"infinitely better", huh? Go ahead, and tell us HOW it is better.

Comment Re:Perhaps it wouldn’t pass today’s .. (Score 1) 286

The Greenpeace and FoE speakers who I know would be justly ashamed to make such inaccurate claims. Plus they know that if I'm anywhere about, I'll tear them to shreds for such inaccuracy, Which rather destroys the effect they're trying to achieve.

Then again, they're something approaching scientists of one form or another. They have more attachment to truth than to politics.

Comment Re:Hardly anyone says, "I don't use Google+" (Score 4, Interesting) 146

G+ had so much promise. They screwed up twice. When they linked virtually all services together, then again when they tried to insist that you use your real name on your accounts.

Hey, Picasso was a pretty cool thing, but I had little use for it. Gmail is pretty cool, and I use it a lot. Google Talk is really cool - I don't need it often, but when I do need it, it is pretty much indispensible.

WTF do I want all of that linked together? One little code screwup somewhere could expose all of my email to people in hangouts, or expose the mail of THOSE people to ME. G+ should have no connection to email. In order to tie any accounts together, the user should be required to explicitly do so.

Today, I can't believe that I anxiously waited for an invite to G+ when it started up.

Comment Re:I don't think Obama is really paying attention (Score 3, Insightful) 533

That's like saying the KKK, Westboro Baptist Church, Jehovah's Witnesses, (insert dangerous cult here) aren't "real" Christians. They still believe they are, it doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks about them, as long as they believe they are doing the right thing.

The problem with Islam is that unlike Christianity they are loosely unified in their belief systems. They in large lines won't call each other out for the hypocrisy or violence. Most Islamists, even the 'moderates' will, if nothing else, quietly avert their eyes when it comes to their interpretation of the Prophet and the Koran. There are some pockets of progressive Islamists that will call out against the violence but they won't go as far as to say that the Koran is incorrect.

Christians have progressed far enough where the progressive Christians will say that the Bible is on occasion incorrect, moderates will say it's allegorical while all but the staunchest of conservatives will say that it's up to God or government to do the punishing. Doesn't mean that the Christian faith is any 'better', it's just slightly better adjusted so as not to upset the majority of people although they still want to take over the world as much as ISIS does (look at how much they have been pushing creationism and anti-science in the last decade)

Comment Re:Doable (Score 1) 324

And how would you do that? You can fill it with junk, but then an attacker can just hide among the junk. Or you could put very bad, lengthy versions of your program in there but then that would make your program slow and cumbersome to use, debug and troubleshoot. You'd actually possibly create more attack vectors trying to fill in blank space.

Comment Re:Dedup and pointers (Score 1) 183

That was the underlying theme of a story I read by IIRC Greg Benford a year or so ago. I recall being moderately disappointed, to the extent of not being bothered to go to the library to get the second or third volume of the trilogy.

Hmmm, maybe not Benford. Nothing in his bibliography strikes a resonant tone. I'll have to fish it off the shelf (I remember feeling somewhat conflicted between the writer's reputation and my lack of engagement with the characters, scenario and underlying re-building of the laws of physics. So I don't think I've sent it off to the second-hand-bookshop in the street.)

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