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Comment Re:I think the point of certificates and ... (Score 1) 101

Agreed. They never worked in a NIST environment or had to ensure that certain documents never leave the network. Wait until they learn we also disable USB ports!

At least in the US, that is the company's machine and network and they will damn well do what they want with it. There is no freedom by design.

Comment Re:No, I'm a Lemming you insenstivive clod! (Score 1) 122

Exactly! Same reason I buy stuff at Costco. Not always the best dollar deal but I know that I'll have an acceptable product for a fair price that I can return if I wish. Come to think of it I've never had to return anything to Costco in 20 years... same with Amazon.

Like you mention, it's the standard of quality that maters. Maybe not the best but it's good enough and will work as intended.

Now some of the stuff from Banggood...

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