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Comment Re:India is RL "Judge Dredd" (Score 4, Interesting) 219

Exactly, for American readers, it's like the Wild West. Courts are literally packed smoked filled rooms filled with defendants, police, lawyers and a judge all shouting and screaming and the defendant is basically unable to decipher what or when the judge is handling his case except his lawyer comes up periodically and tells him something .

Cases take years and decades to go tot trial and in the meantime, anything goes usually, dependant on the connections and wealth of the defendant. IF yo're poor, you're fucked. If it's high profile, you have a right to a speedy kangaroo court. If you're rich with connections , you skate.

I know people who legally own homes and property that other just random people have taken up residency in and there's really nothing they can do about it. They can take them to court but it will take years and years for the case to be heard and in the meantime, those random people are just go non living there.

It's like that.

Comment Same thing they did before such wall (Score 1) 132

If only there weren't that damned anonymity then these drug dealers couldn't hide !


Let me refer you to nation of Mexico, post-NAFTA pre internet. An all-but-failed-state where entire swaths of the cnoutry aren't even under the control of the central government but are in effect narco-states.

Nothing to do with anonymity, everyone knows who they are, and everything to do with the larger but more boring issue of a globally equitable distribution of opportunity, decent wages and working conditions- all things we now know NAFTA blew all to hell .

Economic justice is the foundational justice upon which all others are built. This is exactly what King John had to sign the Magna Carta- because the lords and thanes were sick of living with no hope for lasting economic justice- property rights, a right to accumulate to yourself a measure of economic security that can't be just confiscated by the King,.

Ditto FDRs four basic rights-
1 right to freedom of thought and speech,
2 right to freedom of religion,
3 right to freedom from fear
4. freedom from want- economic security.

Human physiology is what breeds drug addiction- that is demand from drugs. it's just a chink in the evolutionary armour which otherwise protects us against Stuff That Will Kill Us,

But economic injustice is what breeds narco states.

And encryption breeds neither of those things.

Comment Re:What is your solution? (Score 1) 510

" RICO Act, along with a long list of others"

I am not a legal expert so I'll accept correction but I can't think of a more flagrantly obvious application of the RICO crimes law than Google Apple Intel and about 50 ther SV and non-SV companies conspiring to create do not hire lists of their own employees.

Usually in white collar crime cases, (The Meltdown ) the govt. pleads things like "oh it would be so hard to prove that CEO Scumbag actually knew and condoned the decisions 'cause, golly, these corporations are so complicated it' s hard to prove anyone knew anything.." to excuse the non-prosecution of their political party's corporate donors.

But here we have Eric Schmidt and Serge Brin and the named head of HR and her henchmen and other named executives in all involved companies openly laughing about what they did.

There is zero doubt they conspired to limit, disable and otherwise ruin the careeer of anyone who attempted to bring market forces to the table to benefit themselves.

I remember reading about somewhere in Indiana I think where the govt RICOed a bunch of people who were attempting to fix the local price of concrete. That was nothing in scope or dollar amount compared to what Schmidt and Jobs and the rest of the CEOs did.

I hear people talk about the RICO Act as though it were a tool to fight corruption. Maybe it is. Too bad it can't fight the corruption of those charged with using the RICO Act to fight corruption. Then it might be good for something more than cement price-fixing .


Comment I can wipe the floor with Khan Academy (Score 0) 97

I make this claim. I can get virtually all of Khan Academy's students to abandom the platform for something far, far better, irrespective of whether Gates funds them inperpetuity and irrespective of whether 3rd parties require their students to use Khan (or any other platform like it) and even irrespective of how many contributors Khan recruits. I can do this with zero 'angel' funding and cannot be sued out of existence by lawyers nor trolled out of existence by paid agents of Gates or Khan or anyone else. I cannot stop copycats, but they cannot stop me, and what's more, the more they copy, the healthier I become. I know these are big claims. I never bring up unreleased work (aka vaporware) for all the obvious reasons but seeing this story got my goat. I promise you that this is true. This story doesn't effect any time tables for me but it does permanently remove any possibility I'd collaborate with Khan or even open an email from them. Take it for what it's worth, but Khan Academy is fucked.

Comment Re: First to File (Score 1) 97

That's like saying 'I have no beef with trialess, evidenceless conviction for crimes so long as all sentences are ultimately commuted.' It's a measure of your subjugation to what you know in your heart is nothing but mass, criminal-level intimidation. In this caseit's intimidation of everyone and anyone who might interfere with the business models of those currently in power.

Comment Re:Bono is a disingenuous prick.... (Score 1) 323

You're so completely full of shit. What does Bono DO with that money?

He invests it in socially responsible investments, 0promotes (spends money on) pro-social causes, gives it to charity . He does what any rational person who wants to achieve a goal in this world and has access to capital- he creates it, he invests some as principle, he uses the earnings to effect change. Rinse and repeat.

I just love conservatives who attack liberals for having *anything* to do with making money. It's a completely cynical attempt to get their opponents to divest themselves of any real power.

It's also a cynical attempt to demoralize people to whom Bono et. al. are role models- "See, they're just as greedy as the Koch brothers! People are just greed machines! Get used to it... "

Ditto the attacks on Gore and his "carbon foot print".\

The facts are, if everyone were and did as Bono and Gore do, we wouldn't have crushing poverty and war. Fact. And we wouldn't be facing extinction through environmental degradation. Fact.

So shut the fuck up you little asshole. Go read some more Ayn Rand , snort some more coke and cruise some more really vile S&M porn. Those are the points of your moral compass. That's what's *real* to your reptilian brain.

Comment But can I have a path name loner than 256? (Score 1) 545

All I care about is- can I finally create a path+filename+extension location longer than 256 and still have Windows Explorer work? Or is this bug still dictating the names I can give my libraries?

It's a simple question.

I am *quite* sure the answer is no, \so what do I care about Windows 9?

Answer- I don't.

Windows 7 is still humming along, thanks.

Comment How can I get it? (Score 1) 323

Huge U2 fan, but not an Apple one ... with all these people "throwing away" this album that they were given (and therefore are the rightful owners of), is there any way for someone like me to legally come into possession of this thing these other people are taking to the curb? Is there an digital trash can somewhere I can go pick it out of?


Comment Translation-"eh, can we talk this over...?" (Score 2) 243

"AT&T said, "Such an approach would preserve the ability of Internet service providers to engage in individualized negotiations with [content companies] for a host of services, while prohibiting the precise practice that has raised 'fast lane' concerns." It's not perfect, but it's probably the first earnest attempt at a compromise we've seen from either side, and it suggests the discussion can move forward without completely rejecting one group's wishes."

Nice try.

First, the ability to "enter into individual negotiations" for your IP packages to be treated one way (slow) or another way (fast) is ENORMOUSLY deceptive language for killing net neutrality.

To deconstruct this twaddle , the word "ability" is used so that rejecting this "offer" (snort) makes it seem like you';re turning down an ability in favor of what? a disability? Being forced to "negotiate" for your packet's speed is not an "ability" . It's the threat that, unless you pay or if you oppose us politically, we'll kneecap your packets.

Secondly, it is NOTHING but fast lane / slow lane practices repackaged into doublespeak. What are the
"individualized" (another gratuitously positive-sounding word) "negotiations" (if you call being strong armed by non- value producing, rent seeking monopolists "negotiations" ) except demands for payment for delivery of your packets at prices other than the price "negotiated" for the same delivery of other companies and individuals packets?

You know what this piece of corporate press release dressed up as a Slashdot article REALLY says? We're winning, and not by some small measure either. ATT is looking over the battle field and they see they're being completely routed. The writing is on the wall for them nad they're desperately trying to "negotiate" and "compromise" their way to a victory over a free as in freedom internet, because they're not going to carry the day using the normal mechanism of Congressional campaign bribes , er I mean support, and astroturfed "citizens movements"

Your letters to your Congressional representatives are totally and completely one sided, as was the public response to the FCC. Congress has NO WAY to give them what they want without shredding whatever credibility that institution has left as the People's House. The cost of defying the repeatedly expressed will of the American people on this issue would not just be toxic for generations to any party who gives in, it would also threaten the legitimacy of the institution itself. How much more can the American people take? No one wants to find out.

Takeaway from this piece of corporate PR trash?


So the fast lane slow lane has been broken out into "individual

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