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Comment Re:Meh (Score 4, Interesting) 124

That's what the PHBs who order these kind of changes (often so they can look like they're doing something) never think about. When you've done something to break the trust of a community, no matter how on the decline said community may be, it's very hard to repair the damage to your reputation afterward. Slashdot Beta would have been a worse mistake if they hadn't had the "&nobeta=1" escape clause, but fortunately that meant they only went half way before the community pushed back. (And I still think the "text over images" design meme is stupid. Just look at this abomination of web design.)

How many of you out there are still avoiding the use of FTDI's USB serial chips? And how many of you instantly wrote them off and gave them the "unperson" treatment?

Submission + - Monsanto Develops First Genetically Modified Strain of Marijuana (

schwit1 writes: Monsanto has announced it has patented the first genetically modified strain of marijuana. Global AgInvesting reports that the news has been welcomed by scientists and leaders of the agriculture business alike as a move forward towards the industrial use of marijuana and hemp products could bring a major shift towards marijuana policies in the U.S.A. and ultimately, to the world.

Under present U.S. federal law, it is illegal to possess, use, buy, sell, or cultivate marijuana, since the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, although it has been decriminalized to some extent in certain states, Monsanto's interest in the field has been interpreted by experts as the precursor to "a major shift in marijuana policy in the U.S." as it is believed the company would not have invested so much time and energy if it had not had "previous knowledge" of the Federal government's "openness" towards the future legalization of marijuana.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 389

If you say this then you haven't been to a place that truly curates the music to improve the dining experience.

No, but I've been in more than a few places that truly crank up the music to improve not being able to hear the person across the table.

Submission + - Notepad++ Leaves SourceForge (

An anonymous reader writes: SourceForge was a good place; unfortunately, sometimes good places don't last.

Recently SF hijacked its hosted projects to distribute their wrapped crapware:

        SourceForge grabs GIMP for Windows' account, wraps installer in bundle-pushing adware
        Black “mirror”: SourceForge has now taken over Nmap audit tool project
        What happened to Sourceforge? The full story between VLC and Sourceforge

Obviously, the paid component per installation system is one of their important income generating scams. I would be fine with that, if they were the actual owners of the legitimate software. The real problem is, they are polluting these open source software installations for the purpose of filling their pockets by this scam, and worst of all, without even notifying the authors/creators of this software, while the creators are struggling against such parasitic software in order to keep their installers cleaner and safer.

Such a shameless policy should be condemned, and the Notepad++ project will move entirely out of SourceForge.

I humbly request that Notepad++ users not encourage such scams, and educate others not to download any software from SourceForge. I request as well that the project owners on SourceForge move out of SourceForge, in order to preserve the purpose of the Open Source Community and encourage the works of true authors/creators.

Comment Situation normal, all porked up (Score 1) 173

It's all about the pork, and protecting those Shuttle-era jobs. (Never mind that NASA is a relatively small budget item and there's no good reason they couldn't add to SLS while keeping Commercial Crew funded.)

Remember those Shuttle main engines that they removed (replaced with mock-ups) before sending them off to museums? Yeah, well the test stands are still at Stennis, and the 2010 legislation ordering SLS required NASA to use existing Shuttle technology where possible, so SLS will launch with SSMEs removed from Shuttle orbiters before they were sent to museums. Those SSMEs are being test-fired once again at Stennis. That's right, the actual same Shuttle engines that they had to refurbish after every flight.

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