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Comment Re:Vaccine is coming (Score 1) 409

Even if that's completely true, a vaccine typically isn't much use after you are already infected, so I don't know what that has to do with flying these two people into the US.

The point of a vaccine is to teach your immune system what the bad thing "looks" like before you get infected, so that it will be ready when the infection starts.

Comment Re:Engineer? (Score 1) 180

Once I got a call from a recruiter for a circuit board assembly job... because I had "assembly language" in my resume. (And another time I got a call for an IBM 370 Assembler position because of course that's the only assembly language that has ever been invented, but at least that was somewhat less off-target.)

Anyhow, most code monkeys out there are not "software engineers", regardless of what HR calls them. They don't engineer their code so much as poop it out and throw it at each other through the bars of the cage.

Submission + - HP gives OpenVMS new life and path to x86 port (computerworld.com)

dcblogs writes: Hewlett-Packard has changed its direction on OpenVMS. Instead of pushing its users off the system, it has licensed OpenVMS to a new firm that plans to develop ports to the latest Itanium chips and is promising eventual support for x86 processors. Last year, HP put OpenVMS on the path to extinction. It said it would not validate the operating system to its latest hardware or produce new versions of it. The move to license the OpenVMS source code to a new entity, VMS Software Inc. (VSI), amounts to a reversal of that earlier decision. VSI plans to validate the operating system on Intel's Itanium eight-core Poulson chips by early 2015, as well as support for HP hardware running the upcoming "Kittson" chip. It will also develop an x86 port, although it isn't specifying a timeframe. And it plans to develop new versions of OpenVMS

Comment How bad is your noise, really? (Score 1) 171

I had recently upgraded the CPU in my living-room MythTV PC to an i7, using the standard Intel fan cooler from the retail box CPU. (It originally had the lowest i3 Celeron I could get, because I wasn't sure I would finish it.) The PC itself was in an Antec quiet case which generated little noise.

Upon waking from a nap on the couch, I heard the sound of a fan and thought that it was coming from the PC. Once I had fully awakened, I realized that the noise was actually coming from the main air intake to the central air-conditioning.

Comment Teardown! (Score 1) 113

Look for the appropriate iFixit teardown page, then open it up! If the glass isn't obviously cracked, maybe something inside just came loose. You didn't say what model you have, but the first comment on the Asus Transformer Infinity TF700 teardown mentions an internal power switch next to the battery connector (step 15 picture 2), maybe that could have bumped itself off.

Submission + - Unique UK broadband deployment to change remote island life forever (v3.co.uk)

DW100 writes: A unique broadband rollout in the UK has taken place this week, with operator BT bringing a previously disused international undersea cable ashore in the tiny island community of the Isles of Scilly. This will bring speeds of 60-80Mbs to the islands, making it one of the best connected communities in the world.

Submission + - Laser Eye Surgery, Revisited 10 years Later (slashdot.org)

gunner_von_diamond writes: I was just reading a story on ./ from 10 years ago today, about Lasik Eye Surgery. Personally, I've had Lasik done and loved every single part of the surgery. I went from wearing contacts/glasses every day to having 20/15 vision! In the older post, everyone seemed to be cautious about it, waiting for technical advances to get the surgery done. In present day, the surgery is fairly inexpensive [even for a programmer :) ], takes about 10-15 minutes for the actual surgery, and I recovered from the surgery that same day. So my question is, what is holding everyone else back from being reliant on contacts and/or glasses?

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