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Comment Re:Why Non-commercial? (Score 5, Insightful) 65

The hardware design is open.

Not by any commonly accepted definition of the word "open". The OSS Foundation, the Open Source Hardware movement, the Open Design movement, OpenCores, and even the FSF, consider "no-commercial-use" restrictions to be disqualifying. What OpenPandora is doing, is trying to get the marketing buzz of calling themselves "open" while restricting use of their IP by anyone than would have a reason for using it.

Comment Re:Who gives a shit? (Score 0) 593

It's not that the women were being forced out by some misogynistic oppression field. They, quite simply, didn't give a shit about the material.

How do you know this? Did you interview them?

Some people did interview women dropping out of CS courses, as well as those deciding not to start them or to go into another field after graduating: http://studyofwork.com/files/2...

You can see a significant proportion left because of sexism. There are many specific reasons that come under that banner. I somehow doubt many of the guys dropping out cited sexism as the reason, but feel free to correct me if you have evidence to the contrary.

Comment Re:Who gives a shit? (Score 0) 593

The best person/robot should be given the job.

Studies show that women graduate with a CS degree but then go into another field more often than men. They cite attitudes and conditions as the reason in many cases. Therefore the best person is not always getting the job, because sometimes the best person is put off even applying.

Google is trying to attract more women so they can get these top quality candidates, and create an environment where they want to work for Google instead of going off into another field.

Comment Re:white males should (Score 1) 593

When Google says "Not Where We Want to Be" , what they are saying is that it is time to start discriminating against white males

Strange, to me it sounds like they are saying they want to discriminate less against under-represented groups and that currently white males enjoy a privileged position. The fact that women are put off computer science subjects at school and university level means that men don't have to compete with them.

Comment Re: white males should (Score 1) 593

Have you ever seen an upper level computer science class? The Google numbers aren't at all far off the potential employee pool and therefore it's unlikely that there is any bias on the part of Google.

What you are saying is that Google has realized that having more women and diversity is good for them, but computer science courses are not delivering the people they need. The logical thing is for Google to try and get more women onto those classes, which is what they are doing.

Make sense now?

Comment Re:Who gives a shit? (Score 1) 593

You are assuming that a hiring process based purely on technical merits will find the most technically able candidate. Hiring is as much of an art as a science. There is probably quite a bit of bias towards candidates in the hiring panel's "comfort zone" (looks like them, talks like them, acts like them). Even if you eliminate that there is still a fair element of randomness involved, due to flaws in the testing methodology and the fact that you can't control who applies for the job in the first place. Google isn't the only one trying to hire the best candidates.

Places like Google let people move around within the organization anyway. They understand that people are not machines, sometimes they can be better used elsewhere, and relying on every single one performing in the top 1% is a recipe for disaster.

Comment Re:All I'll say... (Score 1) 224

Why shouldn't his old convictions, now paid for, be forgotten? If he is convicted again he will have to pay again, and those crimes will remain public until the law says they are spent. If the law things that repeat offenders should be punished more harshly and that all previous convictions should be considered as well that's for the law to decide, not Google.

Does he have to declare past convictions to his employer, for example? If not, why should Google circumvent the law and allow an employer to discover this information through a search? What if someone else has the same name and is confused by an employer with him, where a criminal record check with the police would be able to separate the two individuals.

Of course, he might be found innocent. He is innocent until proven guilty under Finnish law, I assume.

Comment Re:All I'll say... (Score 1) 224

What makes you think it needs to be removed? If a newspaper published an article about your conviction for petty theft 30 years ago it still exists in an archive somewhere, probably with multiple copies. It's inaccessible and unfindable to most people though.

Since when was there a right to freely exchange information? Even individuals are required by law not to relate certain information to others, and businesses have much stricter controls on what information they can give to others.

Comment Re:All I'll say... (Score 1) 224

It's only libel if it isn't factually true, so a report about an arrest or prosecution for something wouldn't count. To be libellous it would have to say the person was convicted when they were not.

Generally speaking the police don't speak up too much before a conviction because in the UK at least it can harm the prosecution, and people do argue that things the police have said make it impossibly to get a fair trial.

Comment Re:this issue really hits a sore spot with me.. (Score 2) 224

there are all sorts of FREE sites that dish the public information that these people are trying to block Google from aggregating

Not in Europe. Credit agencies are strictly controlled (the original case was a guy who was bankrupt years ago). Criminal records are not public information. Employers can ask the police to confirm what you tell them about any criminal record, but if the conviction is spent you don't have to tell them about it and that's that.

More over commercial entities are not allowed to store data about an individual unless they have some genuine reason to, and only for a limited period of time. The individual has the right to request corrections, or to see what the information is.

Comment Re:Why Non-commercial? (Score 1) 65

Because these 2 kids building a console in their garage don't want, as per the previous story, Apple releasing a new product based on their ideas.

That is a reasonable concern, and locking down their IP with restrictions, as they have, is a good way to achieve it. But it is silly to call that "open".

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