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Apple Faces Large Penalties In EU Tax Probe 120

First time accepted submitter chasm22 writes EU Regulators are apparently set to accuse Apple and the Irish government of entering into several sweetheart deals that left Apple with lower taxes than what it legally owed. If the ruling is upheld, Apple could owe billions in back taxes. Interestingly, it seems that the Irish government would actually get the extra money and suffer little for its part in the scheme.

Device Allows Paralyzed Rats To Walk, Human Trials Scheduled Next Summer 85

An anonymous reader writes "A new technique pioneered by scientists working on project NEUWalk at the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology (EPFL) have figured out a way to reactivate the severed spinal cords of fully paralyzed rats, allowing them to walk again via remote control. Human trials are scheduled for next summer. "We have complete control of the rat's hind legs," EPFL neuroscientist Grégoire Courtine said. "The rat has no voluntary control of its limbs, but the severed spinal cord can be reactivated and stimulated to perform natural walking. We can control in real-time how the rat moves forward and how high it lifts its legs."

Comment Re:Android sells one and Half Billion every day (Score 1) 206

In 2010, a group of eighteen attempted suicide together with fourteen successes. Since then they've taken measures to contractually oblige employees to continue living and installed anti-suicide nets to catch (pun intended) those who aren't swayed by contractual terms.

These conditions make your quoted figures somewhat artificial.

Comment Re:Android sells one and Half Billion every day (Score 1) 206

Well then, Apple should be applauded. In the context of their extremely reasonable pricing (considering the cutting edge nature of their products compared to those of competitors and the significant costs incurred by manufacturing overseas), it's a testament to their fairness that their (indirect) staff are not driven past the point at which manufacturing rate would be negatively impacted by their staff's reluctance to continue living.

Submission + - Face it, Tesla's going to win in every state 1

cartechboy writes: Unless you've been in a coma for a while you're aware that many dealer associations have been causing headaches for Tesla in multiple states. The reason? They are scared. Tesla's new, different, and shaking up the ridiculously old way of doing things. But the thing is, Tesla keeps winning. Now Ward's commenter Jim Ziegler, president of Ziegler Supersystems in Atlanta, wrote an opinion piece that basically says Tesla's going to prevail in every state against dealer lawsuits. He says Tesla's basically busy defending what are nuisance suits. This leads to the question of whether there will be some sort of sweeping federal action in Tesla's favor.

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