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Comment Re:Microsoft have been abusing their position (Score 0) 113

They are always attacking the problem from the wrong end. They must. Once upon a time they did the right thing and tried to migrate to trusted repositories, but then they lost their nerve at the last moment and saved legacy app compatibility. Not that we trust them to fairly run the trusted repository either. They have not solved the problem because to them it is an intractable problem. The only effective solutions lead to Microsoft's demise.

US Tech Firms Recruiting High Schoolers (And Younger) 253

ShaunC writes: Is there a glut of qualified American tech workers, or isn't there? Some companies like Facebook and Airbnb are now actively courting and recruiting high school students as young as 13 with promises of huge stipends and salaries. As one student put it, "It's kind of insane that you can make more than the U.S. average income in a summer." Another who attended a Facebook-sponsored trip said he'd "forego college for a full-time job" if it were offered. Is Silicon Valley taking advantage of naive young workers?

Comment Re:real vs pretend (Score 1) 353

The government scares me less because they don't want to maximize the money they get from me.

I take it you have never been audited by the IRS. Worst thing I have ever had to endure, and that was as a college student filing a 1040 EZ and only having one job and a checking account. It was similar to one of those somewhat creepy police interrogation scenes in movies meets the stereotypical DMV waiting room.

Comment Re:OMG, not my tooth brushing!!! (Score 1) 150

Already being done for car insurance if you allow a monitoring device to plug into your car's computer port.

When I got my project car insured a couple of months ago they asked if I wanted to do this even though I am getting limited use collector insurance on it. I wanted to see how far along I could go before they figured out that such a device won't work on a 68 MG Midget. Sadly the agent didn't catch on and at the very end I told her that it wouldn't work because the only electronics in the car are the lights and wipers and it doesn't have a computer let alone a diagnostic port.

Comment Re:It's here already? (Score 1) 162

Realistically you are already subject to an endless litany of laws as a citizen of the United States circa 2014. So many rules, in fact, that you don't even know what most of them are. Society is necessarily built on "re-education" from our theoretical natural state, because these rules are not all inherent to our behavior.

The idea in the story was that an efficient enforcement mechanism can minimize the number of necessary rules and maximize their fairness. While you may prefer our current system to the one in the story, it's not hard to imagine that the current system of rules is non-optimal.

The inability to act out many "bad" behavior in the Australia Project was negated by the disconnect between brain and body in the plugged-in citizens. You were free to do what you wanted in your own personal Matrix where there were no ill effects to either you or others.

Americans are individuality obsessed, perhaps moreso than any other human culture throughout history. The story is written specifically to force us to think about this subject.

Comment Re:Incoming international flights (Score 1) 702

You're not thinking big enough, why pull out a bomb when the whole over-sized fucking carry on bag is a bomb filled with explosives and nails, its not like your final destination requires a clean set of cloths. Also this would work best when done in the middle of a security line, on the busiest travel day which would also be a good time to have a "winter" coat on for some extra punch.

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