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Comment Re:ICANN sell to the highest bidder (Score 1) 67

We should expect more from people who post on slashdot ... sadly, its silly to have expectations.

TLDs have certain requirements associated with them, unless Amazon magically also has some super special secret deal that Google hasn't told the world about after losing ... then Amazon won't be able to monopolize or otherwise use the TLD to an unfair advantage.

They can set certain things related to how the TLD operates, but they don't get it all to themselves. They didn't buy a TLD for themselves, they bought the right to run a TLD under ICANNs guidelines.

Comment Re:FOSS names (Score 4, Insightful) 270

Good ones: Inkscape, Thunderbird, Blender, VirtualBox, Linux...

Crappy ones: GIMP, Tahoe-LAFS, Ubuntu, Kdenlive, XFCE...

I personally think that you hit the sweet spot when you have a name which sounds cool and professional, is easy to remember, and at least tries to vaguely describe the function of the program.

Submission + - Apple's 'Warrant Canary' Has Died

HughPickens.com writes: When Apple published its first Transparency Report on government activity in late 2013, the document contained an important footnote that stated: “Apple has never received an order under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act. We would expect to challenge such an order if served on us.” Now Jeff John Roberts writes at Gigaom that Apple’s warrant canary has disappeared. A review of the company’s last two Transparency Reports, covering the second half of 2013 and the first six months of 2014, shows that the “canary” language is no longer there suggesting that Apple is now part of FISA or PRISM proceedings.

Warrant canaries are a tool used by companies and publishers to signify to their users that, so far, they have not been subject to a given type of law enforcement request such as a secret subpoena. If the canary disappears, then it is likely the situation has changed — and the company has been subject to such request. This may also give some insight into Apple's recent decision to rework its latest encryption in a way that makes it almost impossible for the company to turn over data from most iPhones or iPads to police.

Comment Re:So then they get another warrant ... (Score 1, Troll) 504

It doesn't work that way. Judges don't make rules, they judge the application of existing ones. Apple can not be compelled to do something that isn't already codified into law, regardless of what the judge or enforcement want.

Like wise, the most the cops can do is enforce existing laws.

The federal congress or state congress would have to pass a law requiring back doors. And congress we control. They are elected not selected. What you need to worry about is making sure congress can't do this sort of change in a secret vote and that you will vote them out of office if they try!

Sadly, they know most people don't vote, and most of those that do just check the party checkbox they've been checking since mommy and daddy indoctrinated them into the sport of politics.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: How hard is it to pick-up astronomy and physics as an adult? 1

samalex01 writes: I'm 38, married, two young kids, and I have a nice job in the IT industry, but since I was a kid I've had this deep love and passion for astronomy and astrophysics. This love and passion though never evolved into any formal education or anything beyond just a distant fascination as I got out of high school, into college, and started going through life on more of an IT career path.

So my question, now that I'm 38 is there any hope that I could start learning more about astronomy or physics to make it more than just a hobby? I don't expect to be a Carl Sagan or Neil deGrasse Tyson, but I'd love to have enough knowledge in these subjects to research and experiment to the point where I could possibly start contributing back to the field. MIT Open Courseware has some online courses for free that cover these topics, but given I can only spend maybe 10 hours a week on this would it be a pointless venture? Not to mention my mind isn't as sharp now as it was 20 years ago when I graduated high school.

Thanks for any advice or suggestions.

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