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Comment Re:I don't think anyone working is anti-union anym (Score 1) 55

i had to wait 6 hours for a union goon to move a ladder 3 feet to the left once when i was working in theater. It was an abolute nightmare anytime i had to work in NYC or westchester
I learned quickly that sometimes you just gotte be "clumsy" oops, i tripped and knocked down that ladder, ill put it back (3 feet to the left)

Comment Re:I don't think anyone working is anti-union anym (Score 1) 55

having worked side by side with unions over multiple industries, I can tell you I am much happier not in the unions . I do believe unions were needed in the past, however today they (generally based on my interactions with them) are no more than a useless bureaucracy that enables bad employees to remain in their jobs while making it more difficult for the avg to good employees to get promoted. This may not be true in all industries, but in the auto industry, the stage and theater industry and the IT industry, unions are worse than useless, they are harmful.

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