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Comment Re:bloatware (Score 2) 164

Most languages can be written with English characters (ie. plain latin).

Name a language written with Latin characters (other than English) that does not use any special characters or diacritical marks whatsoever.

(Even English requires extensions to the Latin character set. which originally had no "U", "J", or "W". )

Comment Re:Stupid stupid stupid (Score 1) 190

Let's assume the customer thinks IMAX is awesome. Given that he's buying X because it was compared favourably with IMAX, this is reasonable. Let's say product X turns out to be crap. The customer's reaction is likely to be something like, "This is a piece of crap--the experience is in no way comparable to what IMAX does for films." This, too, is reasonable.

He is not going to decide of a sudden that IMAX has suddenly turned to crap, too, which is what you seem to think, even though this is not reasonable.


Ask Slashdot: What's the Harm In a Default Setting For Div By Zero? 1067

New submitter CodeInspired writes: After 20 years of programming, I've decided I'm tired of checking for div by zero. Would there be any serious harm in allowing a system wide setting that said div by zero simply equals zero? Maybe it exists already, not sure. But I run into it all the time in every language I've worked with. Does anyone want their div by zero errors to result in anything other than zero?

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