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Comment Go for it (Score 1) 43

If anyone's knowledge of history and sense of proportion is so bad as to even put GWB on this list, then go full tilt boogie and say he's worse than the rest, combined.
I'm not here to accuse GWB of being some kind of saint--he was another brick in the wall of Progressive decline, in my opinion--but I've really lost interest in trying to communicate with the kind of idiots who would juxtapose GWB and Adolf. Or Barack and Adolf, for that matter. It's so stupid, I can't even

Comment Re:Comedy gold (Score 2) 445

4300 years ago...

I guess the Sixth Dynasty of Old Kingdom Egypt didn't notice they got washed away, and went on building their pyramids like nothing had happened.

And Sargon must have clung to the side of the ark - or snuck on disguised as a dinosaur - so he could get back to building his empire as soon as the ground dried out.

I reckon the author is better at manipulating reality than he is at manipulating search results.

Comment Re:They're bums, why keep them around (Score 1) 743

Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank, which you yourself point out is also effectively run by the German federal government.

I point out it's the other way around.

The other claim is backed up by every news article on the subject that you care to google.

I.e., they are lending money for purposes where any rational investor would say "Hell, no, too risky!" You know, like solar panels and the Greek government.

Crazy pills?

No, it's a "bank" in the sense that you would like all banks to be

You have an agenda here, and it is not to have an interesting discussion or provide useful information, therefore I'm wasting my time. Good bye.

Comment Re:They're bums, why keep them around (Score 1) 743

The point is that private investors would not have "gambled" with their money like this;

Which is why Lehman Brothers is still a successful private bank, yes?

is pretty much the economic program of 20th century German fascists.

Let's not build roads, because the Nazis did it, too. What a solid argument.

Comment Re:They're bums, why keep them around (Score 1) 743

It doesn't make a difference with regards to their motivations: they invested in Greece not because they are run by private, profit-hungry investors, they invested in Greece because politicians wanted them to.


My (german) magazines tell that they invested exactly because they were looking for profits. The mix of unexperienced bureaucrats looking for profits and too-good-to-be-true investment opportunities made the mess.

and if you give politicians more control over banking, they are going to do more of this, not less.

Nobody wants to give politicians control over banking. Some of us want regulations, which means courts can force banks to not play russian roulette with the economy.

Comment Re:They're bums, why keep them around (Score 1) 743

How misleading.

The "credit" from KfW was the german part of the bailout money. They didn't speculate in Greece, they were simple the vehicle through which the german government sent its share. Also, KfW is not a bank in the normal sense of the word. For example, you can't go there and open an account. It's a specialized government investment institute that is primarily used as a low-interest credit bank for government subsidized investment. For example, because the government wants to support renewable energy, you can get very cheap credits from KfW if you want to build solar panels on your roof.

Comment Re:They're bums, why keep them around (Score 1) 743

That's exactly the kind of program you like:

I usually exit these discussions when people begin to argue ad hominem. You have no idea what I like, because we haven't talked about it. Also, you're wrong.

As far as loans from Germany were concerned, the primary "bankster" was the German government.

As far as the partially government-owned banks are concerned, they're not owned by the German government, but by regional governments. The national government is too much in bed with the major banks (Deutsche Bank, etc.) to run their own.

Comment Re:They're bums, why keep them around (Score 1) 743

Because the "big banks" you're talking about are primarily state-owned. So the tax payer is going to pay for them no matter what.

Actually not. Some of them are partially government-owned. That's a difference. It is now that all the debt is transferred to state-owned banks.

The only way a private bank or investor is going to give money to the Greek government is if he is reasonably assured by EU and/or German politicians ahead of time that he will be bailed out if Greece defaults.

Which is basically what happened.

Comment Re:Well there's the problem... (Score 1) 201

If you want to fix the streets of New York City, implement better public transportation. New York could use a nice bus system.

New York is also probably the only place in the USA with both sufficient population and population density to justify alternative transportation schemes. How about some overhead transport? Lots of room up there.

Comment Re:Bats don't control mosquitoes (Score 1) 89

Considering one of the pieces of the Gates Foundation anti-malaria campaign is sterile mosquito introduction in an effort to eradicate the local population I think you're a bit off there.

Sterile mosquitoes are well-known to only retard the problem as long as you're doing it. It will require more severe measures to eradicate the mosquito.

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