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Comment Re:Works for me (Score 1) 316

For me self-checkout is just the new express lane. I like using it if I only have a few items but only if there is not a line at the self-check. One caveat is that when people are slow at self check, they are extremely slow. If a line has formed it is not worth it, just go to a regular checkout instead. The bagging area is also too small to handle more than an express-lane sized load as well, and the machines will freak out if you remove a loaded bag to make room for a new one.

Comment Re:Meme Stock (Score 2) 75

It depends what you see a stock as. If you think it is a distributed measure of the value a company can bring to an economy then meme investors are wrecking your engine of economic growth. However, if you think stocks are a way for people to make money without having to produce a product or service themselves, then this is just average joes butting in on a rich person game.

Comment Re:Don't (Score 5, Informative) 152

Breeder reactors are very expensive and nuclear fuel is cheap.

Nuclear waste is 100% a political problem, not a scientific one. The total amount of waste generated by all of the US Nuclear reactors ever fits in about 16 Olympic size swimming pools. Storing it safely effectively forever is not difficult technically, but is basically impossible politically. If you think about it these reactors have been running for several decades without a waste solution and somehow have not run out of space on-site to store it, the total volume can't be too large. It's not like the fly ash from coal that would completely bury the average plant after only a few years if it wasn't trucked away constantly.

As for why new plants aren't being built, that's mostly political too. It's a shame too because pushback on nuclear has ironically increased the amount of radiation in the atmosphere. Coal plants release more radioactive material in the air every year than was released in the Chernobyl disaster in addition to releasing planet destroying levels of greenhouse gasses.

Comment Re:Am I getting old? (Score 1) 569

Web browsers decided that every tab needs to be its own process for one.

I have one desktop that is an Raspberry Pi model B (the original) and it's pretty clear how performance will nosedive if you open more than 1 or maybe 2 browser tabs. It's actually kind of usable with just one tab though. Enough to do google searches and read forum replies to help solve problems in other areas. The other thing that kills the box is big compiles, especially for programs like Wireshark where some of the .c files were autogenerated from giant input files and end up being tens of thousands of lines long. A few programs, like Firefox, literally can't be natively compiled on a Raspberry Pi due to memory constraints.

Comment Re:Mother of all low-effort clickbaits? (Score 2) 114

Iceland uses Geothermal and has tons of it, which is why they are a major Aluminum exporter, so worries that they'll run out seem greatly premature at this point. Fatter internet pipes to Europe and the US are just a transatlantic cable away. The title seems alarmist but the actual situation seems pretty good.

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